MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2063 Then find a man in your own home呗

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"Serra... your body is almost reaching its limit?"

Although I didn't see the specific picture, the voice of the lovely Lisie Phil was introduced into Li Yalin's ear. It was this sentence that made Li Yalin's brow wrinkled tightly.

The body reaches the limit?

what's the situation?

"I don't care, my wife, I think it will not be a problem for a few more years."

After the sound of Alice Phil, the voice of Serra also sounded, different from the voice of Serra in the past, this time the feeling of Serra's voice is actually very indifferent.

Listening to this voice, it is as if the master of this voice has been obsessed with life and death, and this makes Li Yalin even more surprised.

You must know that in his cognition, whether it is Serra or Li Jie Li Te, they should be ordinary talents. After all, this is not a formal world of the moon, and everything has changed.

Even the fate of Elia has changed, let alone Serra.

So now, what does the dialogue between Alice Phil and Serra mean?

Li Yalin couldn't understand it completely, so he planned to continue listening.

"For a few years? Don't make fun of Serra. If you continue to hold on, you won't be able to use it for a year, and your body will collapse."

Alice Phil’s sigh came, and Li Yalin couldn’t help but worry, because it was obvious from her words that Serra’s body was on the verge of the so-called extreme edge and could not hold for a year. Definitely a very serious problem!

Although Alice Phil seems to be unreliable on weekdays, it is also a matter of doing whatever she wants, but at a critical moment, she will not make any jokes.

Since she said that Serra couldn’t hold it, there must be a reason.

"Well... suddenly I can find a man or something... I can't accept it!"

Lying in a slot!

Originally listening to the dialogue between Alice Phil and Serra, Li Yalin determined that Serra’s body must have been a major problem, otherwise the content of this topic could not be so serious.

But who thought, then there was a turning point in God. When Serra could no longer remain indifferent and suddenly said this in a very shameful tone, Li Yalin only felt that the three views had collapsed.

Looking for a man?

Serra... looking for a man?

The core content of what they say is actually to find a man?

Suddenly Li Yalin felt that it was better to give up listening to eavesdropping. If you continue to listen, you may have to hear some more exciting news and content.

But... human curiosity is really strong, and it is simply impossible to give up on what to listen to.

Sure enough, I still have to listen to it!

"Serra... Your age is not small. In fact, it is good to find a man to get married normally. You don't have to have any psychological burden for this."

Continue to eavesdrop on the dialogue between Alice Phil and Serra. At this time, I heard Alice Phil suddenly sighed, and there was pity and helplessness in the speech.

"Mrs, you don't have to say that, as a person at the home of Einz Belen, I want to dedicate this life to the home of Eindz Belem, and in my current situation, it is not suitable for a man to marry."

I can hear it, Alice Phil is deploring Serra, can listen to Serra, but she does not feel that she has any wrongs.

At least she didn't feel that she should find a man to marry, as Alice Phil said.

"Serra, you should know that I trust you, and I am not afraid that you will reveal the secrets of the Einz Belem family."

Why did Serra refuse to get married, and she could hear it from Alice Phil's words. Apparently, Serra had a deep understanding of the home of Einz Belem, and she was not as simple as it was on the surface.

At least, she knows a lot about the secrets of the home of Einz Belem.

"I am grateful to the lady for his trust, but this does not justify my departure from the home of Eindz Belem."

Alice Phil can understand Serra, can listen to Serra, she insisted on her own beliefs.

Seriously, this is definitely what Li Yalin did not think of.

Look at this, since Serra's identity is not as simple as it seems on the surface, then Li Jieli is naturally no exception, perhaps... they all know the secrets of Ilia and Xiaohei, maybe. Just kept pretending to be ignorant.

I always feel that this turning point is too fast, and it is simply unresponsive.

"You are still so stubborn, Serra."

After listening to it, Serra’s insistence made Alice Phil somewhat helpless. She heard the sigh of her nominal mother, and Li Yalin thought she would give up.

Unexpectedly, at the end of the story, Alice Phil actually came to a reversal.

"If you still insist on this idea, I have no opinion, but if there is a best of both worlds, will you be willing to accept Serra?"

"The best of both worlds?"

Alice Phil said this, not to mention Serra, even Li Yalin’s curiosity was adjusted.

There are two best ways? What does this mean?

"Yes! It's the best of both worlds! To put it bluntly, Serra, you were born with an alchemy accident, resulting in a succulent physique. If you don't absorb the male essence, your body will gradually collapse, and you are not willing to abandon Einz Bay." Lun, don't want to give yourself to other men."

"It's not difficult to solve this problem. If you don't want to find another man, then you can find your own man. Anyway, we don't have men at home."

Alice Phil's confident voice was full, not only did Serra listen to a dumb voice, but even Li Yalin, who was eavesdropping, almost spewed out.

From the first half of the paragraph, he has heard the problem, the alchemy accident, the so-called succulent physique, perhaps the root cause of Serra's body collapse, which can also understand why she needs a man.

What really cares for him is the second half of Alice Phil!

Man's own? Isn't that just yourself?

Self and Serra?

Lying in the trough! It’s true that my nominally righteous mother can think of it!

"Fr... Madam, are you saying... Ya... Yalin?"

It’s been awkward for a while, and Serra’s trembling voice finally sounded. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too excited. Anyway, she said this sentence for a while, and finally told it completely.

"Yes! It's Xiao Yalin! He is the most suitable candidate, and he is handsome and gentle, and the girls like it. If it is him, you will not refuse Serra?"

I don't know if Alice Phil had already had this idea. Anyway, she now persuaded Serra to be a set, even allowing Serra to refute.

After all, this is indeed true.

The question is, can things really count?

" can this be! I am with Yalin...we are not suitable!"

From a rational point of view, Li Yalin can indeed be regarded as the most suitable candidate. From the ethical point of view, Serra feels that she can't accept it.

After all, she is the mother of Seliya of Elia, and Li Yalin is the brother of Ilia. If I think about it, the relationship will not be messed up!

So thinking about it, Serra felt that this was not appropriate, not to mention that she is now shy to the rhythm of not being able to do so, even the words are not clear.

"What is wrong with this, you and Xiao Yalin male unmarried women are not married, even if they come together, there is nothing wrong with it, anyway, you are not ready to leave the home of Einz Belen, even if not with Xiaoya I’m married, just for the body, it’s acceptable, isn’t it?”

Serra didn't think so, Alice Phil thought it was the best choice, not even one!

Perhaps in this way, everyone will become a more intimate family, why not do it?


"As soon as you say it, Serra is not too young, and sometimes you need to vent it. Isn't it? It's not good for the body for too long. Actually, I can understand you best."

Originally, Serra still wanted to say something more, and the result was good. Alice Phil followed up with another words and directly blocked Serra's mouth.

With regard to catharsis, not only do men need, but women also need it, especially for women like Alice Phil and Serra, who need to vent.

Every night when the crowd is quiet, the feeling of being so sleepy is actually quite uncomfortable. It is because of this feeling that Serra is even more unable to refute.

"Serra, you should know that I have never been able to get married in my life, so sometimes I am thinking, do you want Xiao Yalin to help? With the conditions of Xiao Yalin, I am sure that I can satisfy." ”

"Madam, you..."

"Or else, Serra, you should help me try Xiao Yalin first. If he is really good, I will consider letting Xiao Yalin help me solve my personal problems. You should help me. No?"

"I... can I really?"

"Of course! Since this is what I said, then it is definitely no problem!"

"But I won't..."

"No? It doesn't matter! I teach you!"

Lying in the trough!

Lying in a slot!

The more eavesdropping, the more cold sweat that Li Yalin has on his forehead. It is no wonder that the dialogue between Alice Phil and Serra is getting more and more explosive. When it comes to the back, it is simply the rhythm that makes him unable to look directly.

The two women, even in what position and what posture began to discuss, which makes Li Yalin deeply feel that he should decisively give up eavesdropping.

Yes, if you listen to it, you can't hold it!

Regaining his spirit, Li Yalin, who stood in the kitchen, took a few deep breaths and was able to stabilize his mind.

Auntie and Serra...

I always feel that I can't afford it, but what is the expectation of this uninitiated? I am not so unconcerned, bastard!

Read The Duke's Passion