MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2077 Isn’t it a big bully?

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Seeing that Li Yalin suddenly became serious, the zero-food suddenly stunned, but soon, she pondered over and understood what her father meant.

For this reason, the snacks quickly showed an innocent appearance, indicating that their opponents were too weak and they had no way.

Perhaps in her opinion, this will be very interesting.

However, she was very interesting. Li Yalin’s side was slightly frowned, because he knew that the snacks were indeed somewhat inflated. Looking down on the swords and witches of the Lion King’s organs?

Little girl, don't forget your mom and Yoshiya mother, but they all came out of the lion king's office!

Look at this, don't give you a little color to look at, this little guy is really ready to go to heaven.

"Oh? Then what you mean is that with your strength, the swordsman and the dancing Weiyuan of the Lion King are not your opponents?" The corner of the eye flashed a light, and Li Yalin thought about how to teach his own expansion. Daughter.

"That is of course! I am the daughter of the Lord of the True Devil Empire! Of course, it will become the strongest true witch in the future!"

At this time, the dish was completely unable to see the light that flashed in the eyes of Li Yalin. At this moment, she was still in an extreme expansion, and it was completely difficult to extricate herself.

Of course, her subconscious, a little flattering, shot Li Yalin is very comfortable, after all, my daughter's flattering, when Dad's will definitely like to listen.

It’s a pity that even if you try your best, there is no use. Today, your lesson is to be fixed!

"The strongest true witch in the future? The ambition of our family is so big, it’s really good, but it’s a coincidence. Your father, I don’t quite believe that my daughter is so strong, it’s better to take advantage of today’s weather. Yes, let your dad open my eyes?"

"Dad, do you want to see my strength? Of course no problem!"

"That's great! I will let you arrange a sparring!"

I didn't think that my favorite father was so concerned about myself, and she realized that today is the best chance to show her strength to her father.

Like this kind of opportunity, how can the zero dish be missed, of course, the joyful promise of busyness.

She did not know at all that this was the set that Li Yalin gave her.

"Do you really want to do this..."

Just as the food was ready for pre-war preparations, the two girls standing in front of Li Yalin showed a distressed look. They were the protagonists that Li Yalin was preparing to send.

"That little guy has been inflated, don't give her some lessons, she certainly doesn't know how tall it is."

"Although I don't really want to see the little guy swell, but now the Lion King is under the age of 20, there is really no one who can compare her, so there is no way, only two of you can be shot."

Some helplessly shrugged their shoulders toward the two girls. Li Yalin chose them as a last resort. The expansion of the snacks was inflated, but the growth of strength was very horrible. With her qualifications, even if she faced her, she was ten years old. The opponents are also not falling.

Her strength, that is actually real, this point he has already learned in the past, but not to mention he can see through the real power of zero dishes.

After all, it is the continuation of his blood, only this point, it is doomed to stand in the world at the top of the world.

However, her growth also takes time is right.

"But if we go... isn't it a big bully?"

Li Yalin gave an explanation here, but the two girls opposite him still hesitate. It is no wonder that they don’t look very young, they are almost seventeen or eight years old, but in fact, their age has exceeded Thirty years old.

As for why they can maintain such youth when they are over 30 years old, then ask Li Yalin to see what good things he has done.

Of course, Li Yalin is right that he will not admit it. Please rest assured.

"It's just a small lesson. Let the snacks be long-term and memorable. It's not a big bully. What's more, the dishes are not known to you. It is not good for her to know the truth."

For the concerns of the two sisters, Li Yalin directly waved his hand, and did not care about his face. What he wanted was only the result of the present. As for bullying and not bullying, it was all he had the final say.

Bullying your own daughter, can you call bullying?

That is the father's hobby for his daughter!

"You are really... forget it, what are you talking about?"

Seeing Li Yalin’s indifferent expression, one of the girls with short black hair pressed the temples very helplessly, and it seemed to be a headache.

"In this case, let's go see a snack and let her know the true power of the sword and the dance."

The companions around me agreed, and the girl with another chestnut shoulders can only compromise. Although she still feels wrong, since Li Yalin said, they must not refuse.

"Then please, you, Wei Li, Zhixu!"

Seeing that both sisters agreed, Li Yalin’s mouth suddenly raised a smile and nodded to the two sisters. He believed that his daughter might have been guilty.

Yubo Weili and Feichuan Zhixu, they can now be regarded as one of the strongest under the Three Saints in the lion king's organs, among which Yubo Weili is a sword witch, and Fiji Zhizhi is a dance. Yuan, speaking, their two combinations are quite like the snowy vegetables and the yarns of the year.

In fact, the two of them are indeed very good partners, and they have been together for more than a decade.

However, more than a decade ago, they were not as powerful as they are now. To be qualified, they should be considered ordinary in the Lion King. It is impossible to compare with Xuecai and Yoshiya.

As for why, ten years later, they have become the leading figures of the Lion King. Li Yalin said that it is still a secret that is not enough for outsiders.

He will definitely not explain it.

Never explain!

All in all, with Wei Li and Zhixu, even if the opponent of the zero-food is picking up, then the next thing that will start is naturally the battle of zero-food VS Wei Li + Zhixu.

It is reasonable to say that regardless of who is the two sisters, Wei Li and Zhi Xu, as long as they pick one out, they can hang up the snacks. After all, the gap between the grades is there. Even if the dishes are genius, it is absolutely impossible for them. opponent.

But unfortunately, Li Yalin did not intend to explain this to the zero-food, and the innocent food also thought that he was facing the ordinary swords and witches who could easily be defeated on weekdays. A battle full of misunderstandings was in the battle. Li Yalin’s intention began, and the result was naturally written early.

"You take it!"

Dancing with the snowy wolf in her hand, the expression on the face of the dish is very light. She has her own pride. Since she inherited the weapon from her mother, she never took the initiative.

The same is true for today's competition. The zero-food is not intended to take the initiative. She likes the feeling of winning after the counterattack, which will make her want to stop.

"Do we shoot?"

When the word of the dish is out, Wei Li and Zhi Xu immediately face each other. The food does not know how strong they are, but they can easily feel the strength of the food. They are not blowing. If they really shoot, the battle will be ended.

That's... really good?

"Yes! You shot it! It doesn't matter if you shoot together!"

Seeing the strange expression on the opposite side of Wei Li and Zhi Xu, the snacks thought they were not clearly heard, and repeated it again, but this time, she emphasized the problem of the two shots.

"Do you have a shot together? That's still a problem. If we take it together, the battle is really over, so it's better to change your shot."

Although the dishes are repeatedly emphasized, no matter whether it is Yubo Weili or Fiji, they are embarrassed to take the initiative to a junior, knowing that they are not willing to bully their own children.

So in the end, Feichuan Zhixun shook his head with helplessness and said nothing to take the initiative.

The idea of ​​Wei Li and Zhi Xu is to take care of the dishes. The problem is that the dishes do not know the details, and they do not know their kindness. In her opinion, this is the mockery of her!

For this reason, the mood of the snacks suddenly became uncomfortable.

"Well, if that's the case, then don't blame me first!"

A swaying wolf in the hands of a swaying wolf, a lot of dishes, but unfortunately, her proactive ending is completely different from her imagination.


Five minutes later, Xuexia Wolf dropped her hand on the ground, and she couldn’t believe the scene in front of her. She couldn’t imagine that she would lose one day and look like she was not older than herself. Sword witch.

Yes, when the zero-cab shot, only Yubo Weili made a counterattack, and her counterattack was very simple.

It’s just that it’s ruined, and the lost food is defeated, and the defeat is a mess.

"excuse me."

It was easy to beat the zero-food, and Wei Li’s face did not show any joy. After all, for her, this was just to win a junior, and there was nothing to be proud of.

It's better to say that she is a little blushing now. After all, bullying a child is not like what a mature adult should do.

"Little guy, this kid knows that there is still a mountain high in the mountains?"

Wei Li and Zhi Xu felt that the bullying of the child was a bit shameful. Li Yalin jumped out at this time. He smiled very proudly at his daughter. He knew that his purpose had been achieved.

At least through this defeat, it is impossible to have any inflated thoughts for the time being, and not to mention any pride.

However, when the snacks know all the truth, what kind of expression will be revealed, and what kind of ‘retaliation’ will be his father’s performance, that is, the little story belonging to the father and the daughter.

As for now, Li Yalin, who has finally grasped the opportunity, must of course teach her daughter.

This is my own good intentions!

Read The Duke's Passion