MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 6 Unfamiliar and familiar SAO world

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For the work of Sword Art Online, Li Yalin doesn't know much about it. He just watched the anime. I know that the general story is that a group of gamers are trapped in the game world, and only the final BOSS can save themselves.

So now, you should be in a virtual online game world. Unlike the players in this world, you are not physically sneaking, thinking into the game world, but your own body, together with flesh and blood came to the world!

Just after Li Yalin’s stunned himself, the feeling of pain made him realize instantly that he would be bleed and injured in this world. If he died here, he would face real death!

When the SAO is beta, even if the player dies, it will actually die in reality, but at least one point, the players will not feel pain after the injury, nor will they bleed and weaken, and will always maintain the maximum combat power until the bloodline Empty.

But Li Yalin is different. If he is injured, he will be weak. If he is bleeding, he will die if he does not heal. As soon as he thinks of it, Li Yalin has a sense of fear instinctively.

Now the world is not virtual for Li Yalin, but the real reality! He wants to survive in this dangerous real world and accomplish all the tasks!

To be honest, Li Yalin is afraid, but he also knows that he has no retreat! In order to find the way home, in order to survive in the duel, Li Yalin must turn all these fears into motivation, not to hurt and bleed, it is better than death.

With such motivation, Li Yalin began to check his body's changes. The pain before crossing the world made him still shudder, but it was because of this pain that Li Yalin would be more curious about his changes.

Standing straight and jumping, running back and forth, Li Yalin was surprised to find that his physical strength turned out to be very good. The original ran for a hundred meters would make him tired and breathe, but this is back and forth. I ran a few hundred meters, but he still didn't change his color and didn't jump, just a little bit of asthma.

In addition to physical enhancement, Li Yalin found that his strength has also been greatly improved, but there is no suitable experimental material around him, he just gave up.

Although it is a bit painful, this reinforcement is indeed very powerful.

What makes Li Yalin more depressed is that his body is not data-oriented. The original blood strips and experience values ​​have not appeared, let alone data such as strength and physical strength.

Without experience, what about the experience of earning wool? The power of the upgrade is gone, this task is amusing to tease me?

Fortunately, when Li Yalin rummaged through the system interface, he found two new options, the skill bar and the item bar.

Needless to say, the skill bar, after opening, is a set of skill trees that the system rewards to yourself, except that the top two skills are gray, you can see the skill name, along the skill tree, all of them are Black, don't say the name, even how many skills can be learned can not see.

Trying to point out the two gray skills, just as Li Yalin’s finger touched the virtual interface, the skill was lighted up.

Instant and fighting proficiency, the two most initial skills, is also an important guarantee for Li Yalin's survival in this world.

Although he was very eager to try, Li Yalin still had a good mood and continued to check his props.

This is the so-called space package of the system reward. Like the anime, the small icon of the category is the name of the item. You can choose to view, materialize or discard the name of the item.

The reason why I understand so clearly is mainly in this prop bar, Li Yalin saw the existence of a prop.

One-handed straight sword, only one name, the rest of the simple introduction can not see, not to mention the value of such sharpness, durability, and so on, although you can get a free weapon that makes Li Yalin very Happy, but in this case, he did not feel the atmosphere of online games.

This is really a real world.

Forget it, it is purely asking for trouble.

Putting a one-handed sword in his hand and holding it for a few times, Li Yalin found that it was still easy, and the enhancement of power allowed him to better wield weapons. Then, the world was explored!

Li Yalin is not ready to go to the monster upgrade so soon. After all, just coming to the world, there are still many things to explore. At least, you need to get it first.

Li Yalin did not go far, and came to the legendary starting town, the so-called SAO novice village.

Although it is a town, in the view of Li Yalin, this is more like a huge city. Whether it is a street or a house, it reveals the rich medieval European architectural style, which is similar to the Blood League City.

Here, Li Yalin did not encounter the imaginary gamers, nor did he have a so-called NPC. In fact, after Li Yalin had contacted the local residents, he found that all the people living here were flesh-and-blood humans, not the kind of cold intelligence. program.

Of course, if the technology really reaches all the NPCs equipped with high-level artificial intelligence, then Li Yalin has nothing to say, but at least he can't treat these people as NPCs.

After investigating some information, Li Yalin had an important discovery, that is money!

Want to survive in this world, in addition to facing the ferocious beast monster, more important is to make money!

Without money, Li Yalin couldn't eat and couldn't live in the store, and there was no way to change equipment to buy supplies. Although it came to another world, the words of money and omnipotence are still eternal truths.

No way, in this case, Li Yalin has no choice but to make money, and he has enough to take care of himself. The rest of Li Yalin has not asked for it.

What if I play online games and want to make money?

It's very simple. It's the same in the world. If Li Yalin wants to make money, he has to go to the wild to blame the explosives and explode the equipment. Otherwise, he can only stay in the town to do odd jobs.

The salary that can be earned by odd jobs is really pitiful. Li Yalin does not want to live on the poor, and naturally will not consider this job.

After finishing the equipment on the body, in fact, after the one-handed sword sent by the system, Li Yalin stepped out of the starting town and began the first hunting trip.

Starting to blame, in addition to weapons, it is the most important skills sent by the two systems. After some research, Li Yalin has fully understood the usage of these two skills.

Instantly, it is an escape skill. If you start the skill, you can get the effect of moving quickly. But after you start the instant step, you will consume more energy. If you start it continuously, the consumption will become bigger, so you can’t As a last resort, it is better not to use this trick.

As for another skill fighting proficiency, it is more mysterious. The explanation of skills is passively increasing combat effectiveness, but Li Yalin does not understand what this means.

It wasn't until he really started fighting that he realized that the ability to play the sword is all that is the benefit of this combat mastery skill. Although it is a passive skill, it is really easy to use.

After studying the skills, Li Yalin finally knew the usefulness of the experience value. The experience value mentioned in the original task was used to improve the skill level, which is very different from the proficiency in the original.

However, now that Li Yalin has not regarded the world as the original SAO, this is a world that is unfamiliar and familiar, and there is more information waiting for one to explore.

Read The Duke's Passion