MTL - The Distinguished Cute Master-Chapter 1220 Tenhikoban, 75

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Chapter 1220 Tian Yan Fan, seventy-five

The fingertips flashed together, and a group of zombies around the front were cut off by Li Tian. He jumped and jumped onto the billboard above the corpse. In a screaming roar, he found that he was divided. The man of the corpse was not Gu Yan, and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Strange, where is Gu Yan?

Gu Yanzhen is having a good time.

He looked at Li Shuiyue and the man found another car, and then drove to the city center. Although she didn't know what she was going to do, Gu Yan knew that she must be calculating the idiot again.

He smiled coldly, then jumped down the platform and silently landed on the road.

On both sides of Tongcheng Avenue is a neat high-rise building with many zombies and few vehicles. It is basically unimpeded.

Seeing that the zombies couldn’t stop Li Shuiyue, Gu Yan turned and jumped into the underground construction hole, and the fingertips faintly flashed.

Li Shuiyue stepped on the accelerator and directly smashed the oncoming zombies.

Once they stop, they may be surrounded by zombies. There are really few vehicles on this road, but there are so many zombies that you can’t care!

But her mouth is rising, because she feels that she has to make meritorious deeds.

Before she had never thought that she would have the opportunity to go to the city center, she naturally did not get through the super computer.

Now, as long as this road can really reach a ring, then she is very close to the super computer!

That is to say, after the people of Suwei come, she can not leave first, wait for Li Tian to come to open the road, if Li Tian they live here, they will definitely go to get the super computer, and then return.

But they tossed all the way, absolutely tired and sleepy, when she took people to take the shots, grabbed their trucks, killed them, and then left by plane, killing two birds with one stone, why not?

Just when she thought so, behind them, suddenly there was a rumbling voice!

The sound came from the ground, so the first reaction of Li Shuiyue was an earthquake, and the expression changed dramatically!

"What happened?!" The man around her shouted like a frightened bird.

Li Shuiyue's face is gloomy, "Shut up! It seems that it is not an earthquake..."

She looked back through the rearview mirror and her tone was very tense. "It’s not like an earthquake, it’s like... gas pipe explosion?"

When her voice just fell, she heard a "bang" and the street behind them suddenly exploded, raising smoke!

At the same time, the ground is getting hotter and hotter, and Li Shuiyue can hear the tires being overwhelmed with heavy loads, and the vibration is more obvious!

Is it really a gas tube explosion? It shouldn't be! This has not happened in the first time of the last generation! Isn’t it only the E city that has exploded? Why is the first meeting also...

But now I don't think so much, her mood is like a roller coaster, from the calculations, luck, to nervous fear!

If it is a gas tube explosion, it will be bad! Can she run out? Also, she and Su Wei are good, let the plane wait for her in the trade building of the city! What if the trade building collapsed because of a gas explosion? So how is she going back? !

Just as she was thinking about it, while fighting against time, there was another explosion in the street behind me!

The thick smoke rolled, this time after the explosion seems to trigger a chain reaction, the ground swayed violently, as if there is any monster to break ground!

The man around Li Shuiyue was scared and shouted!

"Quickly open! The road is going to collapse! Quickly open!!"

His nervous and chattering voice made Li Shuiyue irritated! But she didn't have time to take care of him. On the one hand, the pipe burst, and on the other hand, there were countless zombies. They couldn't hide because of the explosion, and they kept hitting the car!

"砰砰砰" hit the sound of the body, some zombies were hit, some were directly pressed under the tires, the front of the car has been deformed, completely rampage!

In the end, I only heard a tearing bang, which was just a small explosion and finally broke out!

I saw a series of explosions on both sides of the road, and Li Shuiyue was really panicked!

It’s over, it’s really a gas tube explosion!

Her car was almost overwhelmed by the heat wave of the explosion, and Li Shuiyue took control of the steering wheel quickly, once again pushing the throttle to the end!

The roar of the rumble was accompanied by the explosion, and the zombies who did not know how to live were roaring! Li Shuiyue panicked his hands and feet, and his forehead was full of cold sweat!

So many times she escaped, so that she was always more calm than others when she was in danger, but this time she couldn’t calm down... When she thought of a large-scale explosion of the pipeline, she could not escape the city, she would take the risk. Cold sweat!

Faster, faster! She must not die here!

"Hey!" The explosion in the ear is getting denser and denser, and the street is on fire, like a stove to bake the earth!

Li Shuiyue desperately wants to escape from all this, but how she escapes, the explosions are getting closer and closer.

This scene is the same as when they fled the city of E, but changed their reincarnation.

Gu Yan looked coldly and smiled faintly.

He felt that only if Li Shuiyue experienced the same panic, it was revenge. How did she harm them at the beginning, and now she should eat her own fruit.

He will have this arrangement. When he was in the task, he saw that he had completed the mission. One of the tasks was to close the main valve of the natural gas pipeline on Tongcheng Avenue. He deliberately learned about it.

In general, it is impossible for the task to send someone to shut down a gas pipeline in a street, unless the street itself has problems.

So he made a special trip to find the squad that completed the task, asked them the specific situation of the mission, and then they knew that because the pipeline of Tongcheng Avenue was being renovated at the end of the day, some of the pipelines were exposed, and the military and government were afraid of accidents. Task.

After knowing this kind of message, Gu Yan’s first thought was to treat his own person with his own way.

He guessed that Li Shuiyue would definitely do his hands and feet on their car, so when he was in the car, he was not exposed at all. His original goal was Tongcheng Avenue, but he lured Li Shuiyue step by step.

She was as obedient as he expected.

At this time, Li Shuiyue’s car was suddenly blown up! Gu Yan saw the car rolling on the ground and stopped.

The explosion not only blown up the car, but also overthrew the zombies. In the residual limbs, Lishui was struggling to climb out from under the car. As for the other man, he was already mad...

She climbed halfway and couldn't climb, the lower body was crushed by the car, and she had no strength to break free.

Li Shuiyue was desperate, and in the distorted heat wave, she could not see anyone who could save her except the zombies who came from the shackles.

Is she going to die? Did not die in the hands of parents, did not die in the hands of Li Tian, ​​but died in an accident that should not happen?