MTL - The Distinguished Cute Master-Chapter 1230 Tenhikoban, eighty-five

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Chapter 1230 Tian Yan Fan, Eighty-five

Gu will be silent, and at this time, another man came over after receiving the call and said in his ear.

"Go to the generals, the instructions have been given above, and when the zombies are highly concentrated, they will blow up the city center in all directions."

Gu Shang will listen, can't help but ask, "Tian Yan team has not returned yet?"

The man replied, "Not yet, it is estimated that the zombies are trapped in the city center..."

Gu will listen, frowning, "...who will finally order the bombing?"

"I heard that it is the eldest son of the Jiang family, Jiang Hao. Recently he has made a lot of merits. He values ​​him very much."

Gu Yandao, "I know, I went to see him, can you delay the time, you continue to pay close attention to satellite imagery and help the base station, see if there is a distress signal from the Tianyan team, and tell me immediately if there is any situation."

"Yes! Gu Shangjiang!"


At this time, Gu Yan did not know his move and would let the Plenary Base make such a decision.

He was affected by evil spirits, his pupils gradually became red, and the zombies outside were getting more and more dense, and they were brewing into disaster!

Suddenly, a truck rushed in! Very strangely, it was so big and moving that the zombies didn't even look at it. After being knocked open, they climbed up and continued to move forward, just like being controlled.

In this way, Li Mu rushed to the center of the city very smoothly and trembled!

The dense corpse is terrible than any corpse that they have seen before! What is even more frightening is, who can have such a strong appeal, actually gathered the zombies of the entire first meeting together?

In addition, Li Tian's signal source finally responded!

It starts to blink, which is a sign of the wearer's temperature drop. Once the body temperature drops to a certain scale, the signal source will disappear.

And the disappearance of the signal source often means that the wearer is dead!

They saw it, Gu Yan also saw it.

When Li Tian’s signal source suddenly disappeared, Gu Yan’s support fell apart! He held the watch firmly in his hand and his eyes flicked out! But even so, the signal source is still missing, and only one of his solitary red dots is left on the watch.

Li Tian, ​​dead?

Gu Yan's face is pale like paper, and the thin lips are tightly tied together! The scarlet eyes are tightened into a little bit, and the black gas spreads like a real thing in all directions!

Li Tian is dead, is there still a need in this world? Ruined! All are destroyed!

The building where he stood was suddenly struck by lightning, and then the crack started from the top of the building, like a spider down!

Standing in the crumbling building, surrounded by a black atmosphere, the zombies outside are like any stimulation, all roaring! That wonder, see Li Mu, their scalp numb!

"How do I feel that they are out of control?" Xiao Jiu looked at the image from the drone and his face was pale.

Li Mu slowly slammed the gun and said, "It’s not so much that the zombies are out of control. It’s better to say that the things that control them are out of control! Go ahead! Before they break out!"

The truck slammed into the glass and rushed straight into the crumbling Super Research Center, where all the zombies fell to the ground and drained by a black scent.

"What is this……"

"No matter, go to the place where the Litian signal finally disappears. If Li Tian is dead, Gu Yan should still be alive, he must be there!"

On the other side, Gu Yan opened the broken stone in front of him, and the broken stone smashed into the wall and pulled out a bigger crack!

He is accumulating, he wants to drain all the zombies and destroy the world!

Li Mu and others heard the movement, regardless of the building that was collapsed, went deep into the ground, and then saw the mad Gu Yan at a glance!

Before seeing Gu Yan, they all regarded Gu Yan as a person who needed to be saved. But after seeing Gu Yan, he saw that he had a real black evil spirit. This strange scene made everyone in the team stunned. Almost at the same time, it turned out that Gu Yan contributed to all this!

The original broken address book was interrupted by current at this moment and suddenly turned on! Not waiting for Xiao Jiu to report the situation here with the first meeting, there was a voice that was eager to see him.

"You are still in the first meeting? Leave the city center soon! The military and political decision to blow up the city center second ring, you still have half an hour."

When everyone heard him, the words were all over, and the military and government wanted to blow up the city center? why? It’s hard to think that they have monsters in the city center, so they have to blow it up?

Xiaojiu saw it, looked at Gu Yan from a distance, and then lowered the voice on the communication instrument. "It’s not a monster that attracts zombies, but..."

When he hadn't finished talking, the communicator was robbed by Li Mu. Li Mu pinched the communication device and paused. During this period, there was a constant voice coming from Gu Shang, and then Li Mu said to Gu.

"Go to the general! We have the situation to report! Not a monster is attracting zombies, but a special instrument!"

Gu will be heard, doubts, "instrument?"

After he asked, there were a lot of noisy voices over there, and then someone changed to come and ask questions.

"What kind of instrument? Is there a drone on your side? Can you take a picture of it?"

Li Mu stuttered and said, "We are in a very urgent situation! There is no way to shoot for the time being. Please give us some time for the first time! We still have a lot of people here!"

The other person hesitated for a moment, Shen Sheng, "No! This is the military and political resolution..."

His words have not been finished, the communicator will be taken over by Gu, and Gu will seriously say, "I have just called, there can be a maximum of one hour, one hour later, the first city center It will be blown up! Unless you have a way to provide a strong proof that it is not a monster that attracts zombies... you only have one hour..."

After he finished speaking, the communication was broken, and Li Mu threw the communication device to Xiao Jiu, and bite his teeth toward Gu Yan!

Others did not dare to approach, only Li Mu, who walked through the fragmented underground hall and strode to Gu Yan.

Surrounded by terrible black fog, as an atheist encountered this situation for the first time, Li Mu was shocked and scared!

The closer he was, the more intense the black mist, when he came to a critical point, just preparing to scream, Gu Yan suddenly turned back, his eyes staring at him scarlet!

Li Mu was shocked and all the words were stuck in the throat!

There were countless gravels falling on the zenith, and the ears were full of rumbling sounds. Li Mu quickly returned to God and shouted, "Come with me! The first meeting will blow up here! We only have one hour! Fast! ”

Gu Yan listened, squinting and approaching step by step, then his hand turned, a knife inserted in the ruins was actually sucked in his hand by the air!

Read The Duke's Passion