MTL - The Distinguished Cute Master-Chapter 1238 Tenhikoban, Kujuzo

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Chapter 1238 Tian Yan Fan, Ninety-three

The East is too close, and Li Tianxia uses his only active hand to stop him. After his unremitting efforts, it is estimated that it will take a long time for him to move both hands, and then he will be safe!

Strange, this oriental monk does not mean to hurt him. Why does he feel subconsciously dangerous?

However, at this time, Li Tian did not have time to think too much, only staring at the East and said seriously.

"In those years, I was taken care of, but your brother was provoked by Li Shuiyue. It also hurt me several times. I thought about your feelings for me in the past, and I don’t care about him. How?"

The Oriental sneer sneered, "Is the East Yuyang dead and living with me? Why should I use the old feelings to change his ending?"

Li Tian frowned at him. It seems that Yuyang of the East gave him a green hat. He still avenged, otherwise the younger brother would not be like a stranger.

Seeing that Dongfang Dai did not accept such compensation, he was anxious to end the cause and effect of Li Tian, ​​and racked his brains and said, "That way, you will be in danger in the future. Without violating the principle, I can save your life. How?" ”

Dongfang shook his head and approached again. "It seems that you really want to draw a line with me..."

Li Tian saw it, and tried very hard to move to the side, but the legs were still wood. He could only push the upper body to the side and try to pull the distance.

It’s just that the space inside the car is so big, he retreats, and the East is going to enter. Anyway, he knows that Li Tian can’t move at this time.

He squinted. "I don't want you to compensate. I only ask you a sentence. For so many years, have you never thought that one day, I am not your brother-in-law, but someone else?"

He recalled all the previous things. The more he thought, the more he felt that Li Tian might have been interested in him, but he did not find it.

So when he asked this sentence, he had a little expectation in his eyes.

Li Tian listens, the other hand can move immediately! I saw him push the Oriental cockroach away, and said very seriously, "Speak and talk, don't be so close!"

After he finished, he paused and said, "I never thought about other relationships with you. Your family is getting more and more prosperous. When my father was young, my family fell. So I have always been grateful for your care, but I didn’t want to climb!"

He said everything in his heart, at least the memory left to him was told to him.

However, his answer did not satisfy the Orientals. His face sank and whispered.

"You are the closest to me!"

Li Tian shouted, "I used to be closest to Li Shuiyue!"

The original body did not know that Li Shuiyue was born again, and he did not know that Li Shuiyue wanted to harm him. Therefore, the original body has been very close to this sister, and he loves the house and Wu, and he will be close to his brother-in-law.

As he said, the expression of Dongfang’s cockroaches was completely gloomy.

"Then I will say it."

He thought for so long, and finally decided today, "Li Tian, ​​I like you, I want to fall in love with you or even get married! Maybe this is a bit sudden for you, but I am serious, from this time you come back, this Thoughts can't be stopped!"

His words are as good as Li Tian, ​​as much as the thunder! He couldn't help but touch his chest... The body with his soul is a man is right! Then why is he so homosexual? Is this normal? !

However, Gu Yan was shocked before, once again being confessed, Li Tian just stunned, and calmed down.

"I am joking when you say this. I can't like men, and it's even more impossible to be with men. It's just a mess!"

When he sank his face, there was a bit of dignity, but Dongfang was not afraid, because he is bound to get it this evening!

"Impossible? Why? Li Shuiyue is right. This is the end of the world. Who cares about this? Even if it is my parents, they can't manage me now. I want to be with whom, why do you want to? concern?"

Li Tian listened only to feel uncomfortable, these men are not too strong, although I do not know that this kind of strength is not good for girls, but for him, how really he heard how awkward!

"I think you neglected a little. I am also a man. I also want to marry my wife and have children. There is no intention of being a man. If you still care about the past, don’t say this topic. In addition, take me. Put it down from the street, I want to go home!"

"Go home? Can't you move?" The East squinted and looked thoughtful.

Li Tian earned earned, and he still couldn't move. He couldn't help but swear Gu Yan a hundred times!

"Then you... then you let the driver send me to my house!"

This time, Dongfang’s performance was extremely strong.

"From now on, there is only one in your home. Where I am, is your home."

Li Tian’s heart slammed. “What do you mean? You want to kidnap me?”

Dongfang shook his head. "No, I just want you to understand your heart!"

"My regards?"

"Yes." Dongfang seems to have made up his mind and said vowed.

"Tonight, I will let you know that men and men can, and the boundaries are not so strong, and not so broken!"

I feel a very bad feeling in my heart! What does Dongfang mean to reverse his concept and break his boundaries with men?

A very horrible sense of urgency filled his heart. Can he still leave all night tonight?


The car drove into the villa in Zone B in the night, and Li Tian was helped by the East. This will make his legs move slightly, but he must move faster, then drag on, he can't do it. !

Seeing that Li Tian walked very reluctantly, so basically the Oriental squat dragged him away. After entering the villa, Li Tian discovered that there were still more than a dozen people in the villa so late, after seeing the East. They greeted them quickly.

"Go all down, tonight, without my order, one is not allowed to come in... no matter what sound you hear!"

His strange command made Li Tian Han Mao stand up. He couldn't help but stutter and said, "What the **** are you doing? I said that I didn't mean that, you really didn't!"

Dongfang is very stubborn and said, "I don't like men before I meet you. Why can I do it now, can't you? And I became like this because you, shouldn't you be responsible?"

Li Tian has nothing to say, see other people walking away from the smoke, the entire villa is only two of them left, Li Tian swallowed, more quickly running aura.

Then Dong Fangzhen dragged him directly to his room.

At that moment, Li Tian felt that the whole body's cold hair would be blown up!

Read The Duke's Passion