MTL - The Distinguished Cute Master-Chapter 1241 Tenhikoban, Ninety-six

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Chapter 1241 Tian Yan Fan, 96

As a result, he just spoke up and an alarm sounded outside. Li Mu heard the sound and got up from the bed.

Yun Qi silently held the screaming little scorpion, and the little scorpion was unhappy!

"I went to see!"

After Li Tian finished, he turned his head and went out. He stayed alone and stood alone, his expression was very exciting!

He confessed to his mouth, can you stop at halfway?

After Li Tian ran out, he saw that most people on the street were unclear, so Li Tian asked the super computer.

"what happened?"

"This issue requires an intruder base protection program to answer your questions and invade."


A string of data flashed from the sea of ​​Li Tianzhi, and soon the computer gave an answer.

“The large mutant creature that the Institute has been studying has escaped, but two weeks ago, the creature was captured again.”

Li Tian frowned. "Is it big? Does the institute house mutations in the most central position, will it endanger the safety of the base?"

The computer replied, "The creature is 10,73 meters long, lizard-like creatures, teeth bulging, strong bite, high aggression, and the threat to the base is three percent."

Li Tian frowned, but he now has no right to ask the base how to do it. He can only secretly remember this matter in his heart.

He asked the computer, "Is there any other threat in the base?"

"Yes, the defense coefficient of the border defense door in Area E is weak. There are video captures in the vicinity of Area E. There have been large snake mutants. Considering the risk of hidden danger in Area E is 6 to 7 percent."

"anything else?"

"Yes, Su Wei, Dean of the Base Center Hospital, this person recorded some things that have not happened. The direction of the paper is very extreme. The proposition of the research is also very dangerous. Considering this, the risk level of this person is fifteen percent. ""

Li Tian was shocked and did not speak. The subtitles in front of me jumped.

"Su Wei, dean of the Base Center Hospital, the threat level has risen to 20 percent."

“Why is it rising?”

"He has just taken over the work of mutating lizards for daily use."

Li Tian’s expression was dignified. He didn’t expect the seemingly gentle man to be so threatening to the base!

Immediately afterwards, the base began broadcasting, requiring everyone to return to work, and asking everyone in the institute to stop taking vacation and return to work immediately.

Li Tian and so on is this, he is not a little white that he did not understand before, it is time for him to show his talents!

Gu Yan chased it at this time, he prepared to say clearly in a breath, he was ready after the consequences of the horse, or the vest can not be more terrible!

So after he chased it out, he found Li Tian, ​​just about to speak, and Li Tian said.

"The Academy called, I am going to pass, and the family will hand it over to you!"

Now he is also a drag-and-drop person. There are two people who are small and should be taken care of properly.

Gu Yan grabbed him, "What are you worried about? Have you just finished talking?"

Li Tian remembered what he had asked Gu Yan before.

"That ah..." He looked at Gu Yan seriously. The look of Gu Yan in front of him was a childish and cold boy. At least at this time, he couldn’t take him and a red and black suit. The strange brothers who are like ink and look indifferent and gloomy are connected, so he swings his hand.

"That I am asking, I don't mean anything else, don't think too much."

"What?" Gu Yan was shocked by his fickle attitude and his eyes were rounded!

Li Tian felt that his complex face was a little cute, and couldn't help but reach out and patted him on the shoulder.

"It’s still a sentence, you are so cute, not like him!"

Gu Yan, "..." Is it still time to destroy the world? Where is he cute?

Li Tian rushed to the institute by car, but before he got to the warehouse, he was caught by a staff member!

"Li Tian?" The other party took a look at Li Ming's work nameplate and confirmed the question.

Li Tian nodded. "I am, are you?"

"Take me a go, there are tasks to explain!"

The middle-aged uncle finished talking, and his face was impatient and led the way. Li Tian didn't know the situation, only followed.

Then he looked at each other and grabbed a few more strong men. They were all powerful. They were inexplicably brought together, and they were a bit embarrassed. The middle-aged men looked at the number of people and took them to the center of the institute.

Li Tian is a little excited, seeing that the protection around him is getting more and more strict, his heart is beating!

Want to get in touch with the core of the institute? I really want to sleep, someone will send a pillow!

The institute is also divided into three floors. The innermost one is definitely the landmark building in the shape of a minaret, then four high-rise buildings, and then other facilities.

Li Tian originally saw that the machines were all awesome, but fortunately, he now has a super computer, almost where he sees, where the super computer talks, and also comes with internal machine analysis, working principle and many more.

Fortunately, Li Tian’s brain is different from ordinary people. Otherwise, there is so much information that most people may want to burst!

"Come on." The middle-aged man stopped and said to Li Tian and other seven people, "The next step is to adjust your position! Just here, work hard, your welfare materials will double!"

But remember to obey the arrangement, don't run around, the things here are broken, and you can't afford to sell them! Ok, then I am looking for someone to take you. ”

As he said, he just saw a woman in a white coat, and quickly stopped her, her expression became flattering by indifference.

"Sister Zhou, these people, one by one, strong and strong, guaranteed to make it!"

The called "Zhou Jie" actually looks like twenty-five or six years old. She obviously has a lot of things to do, so after being called, the expression is very impatient!

Especially when she saw a white chicken in Li Tian, ​​a group of men full of scorpion meat, the feeling of impatientness is even stronger!

"I want to be young and young! What are you looking for?"

The middle-aged man also knew that she was talking about Li Tian. She wanted to explain that Zhou Jie was impatient with her hand. "Okay, let me go, don't run around and touch things!"

She said, she used the chin to indicate the soldiers who stood guard, threatened, "If you are not obedient, we have the right to shoot on the spot!"

This is a bit scary, Li Tian could not help but ask, "What do we need to do?"

Others obviously want to ask this, but they didn't dare to ask. At this time, they all looked at Zhou Jie.

Sister Zhou took a look at Li Tian, ​​then took them forward and said as they walked.

"Reassure, as long as you obey the arrangement, you can't die!"

Read The Duke's Passion