MTL - The Distinguished Cute Master-Chapter 1281 Tenhikoban, 136

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Chapter 1281 Tian Yan Fan, one hundred and thirty-six

What is it that can drink a million zombies? Is Gu Yan a zombie king?

After Gu Yan retired all the zombies, the blood leaking from the body had already wet the clothes, but his expression was frivolous! What if it is scrapped? Even if the strength is low, what? With his Gu Yan, this world can only follow him, and even if he reverses, he will certainly be able to turn back!


When Su Wei continued to vomit blood, Gu Yan’s voice was as far away as the sky.

Su Wei didn't want to admit defeat. He kept licking his mouth and blood, but his blood was getting more and more, and his eyes were getting blurred.

At this time, Gu Yan fell from the volcanic volcano, and the protective glass between them was just shattered.

Su Wei looked up and laboriously went to see Gu Yan. The blue light and the red venom moved with Gu Yan’s body. He looked like a smashed look, but Gu Yan won...

At this time, Gu Yan has been able to completely control the battlefield inside the body. The next thing he has to do is to drain the venom and meteorite energy. This is only a matter of time.

Who knows that Su Wei smiled, he looked at Gu Yan, one word at a time, said intermittently.

"You are... very strong... but you still lose... because you care about you are afraid of death, and I, I am not afraid!"

Gu Yan listened, and my eyes suddenly stood up! Is it...!

Just heard a loud noise coming from the bottom of the Super Research Center, and then the sound of the shattered sound!

It turns out that Su Wei is really not afraid of death. He has installed a bomb at the bottom of the building. The start button is connected to the heart. That is to say, once his heart stops beating, the explosion will start!

Li Tian was very slow because of spiritual overdraft. Finally, when he arrived, he could only watch the super research center collapse! When the minaret was broken by the waist, he subconsciously shouted a name.

"Gu Yan!!"

"Boom!" A piece of huge stone smashed, inspiring countless dust, everyone looked at it, not knowing what happened.

"Gu Yan, Gu Yan!"

Li Tian originally wanted to rush in, but the super computer stopped him.

"Don't go, dangerous!" The explosion continued, and there was a muffled sound from time to time. Now the past is too dangerous, and it will be buried together.

Even if the super computer tried to control it, Li Tian’s body was slowly moving forward, and it was stiff and unswervingly moving forward!

At that moment, Li Tian’s eyes were endlessly collapsed, and the flashes in his mind were other fragments...

Gu Yan deliberately showed weakness in front of him, saying that he killed the look of fear.

Gu Yan accompanied him to play the game, deliberately letting him water and snickering.

Gu Yan was afraid that the little nephew had noisy to practice him, and he looked reluctantly to look like a little sister-in-law.

And every time he refused him, when he gave up his words, Gu Yan was so mad that he couldn’t help but look like him...

Gu Yan is powerful, so he does not need to hesitate every time he refuses. Anyway, for such a powerful person, feelings are frustrated is only a small matter.

I don't know that he is a strong individual. He is the first person who is like him. He falls into a different world, and his strength is meager. He will be sick and dead!

Gu Yan is also going to die!

Supercomputer sees Litian or is moving forward, almost unable to control him, it quickly shouted, "Don't go! Really dangerous! Litian! Do you want to die?"

Li Tian did not speak, but at this time, the last loud noise shook the world, the sound of the explosion finally disappeared, and Li Tian’s eyes were left with only a pile of high ruins, all under the rubble. , including meteorites.

The only thing that can be fortunate is that the rain stopped...

Everyone saw it and quickly joined the rescue because the Super Research Center has a lot of precious materials, there are meteorites, and there are many ordinary researchers who have not escaped.

Although they are very clear, what must have happened at the top of the research center before the explosion, but now it is not a matter of rebellion, it is important to save people!

And those traitors who have seen the general trend have gone, this will have already fled by plane. As for those who have been caught by them, this will all be released to maintain order, and everything will be finished.

Li Tian also rushed over to help them dig together. His strength was exhausted, and his hands were shaking when he moved the stone.

When the super computer saw him insist, he could not help but sigh.

At this point, the super computer of the super research center has been destroyed, and it can smoothly enter the base system through the wireless network.

It first closed the base gate to ensure the safety of the base, and then removed the steel plate of the fourth building so that people could go in and save people.

Those mutant beasts are in a coma, so it is easy to recapture, just a little effort.

As for those who were injured, they were sent to the first treatment.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner, and a catastrophe seems to have just begun. For this result, everyone has no luck but to be thankful.

The only difference is that Gu Yan is gone...

Li Tian and other rescuers first dig by hand, and the tools and machines came behind, and they were matched with the machine.

Soon, they found one survivor in the ruins, but the survivors were only a few, and more were still dead bodies.

Every time Li Tian sees a survivor, he will look at it and then come back with disappointment.

But every time I dig up the body, Li Tian didn't go to see it, because it must not be Gu Yan.

He was very calm on the face, and he was very careful and diligent.

He had the scars left by the friction when he moved the big stones in his hands, and his face was black and gray. He and his usual clean appearance were like two people.

Supercomputer knows that Li Tian’s hand has been shaking.

At first it thought that Li Tian was out of force, and later it found out that he was just afraid.

Because he never dared to look at the bodies.

"Come on! Find the old man!"

Xu Zhengfeng was the general manager of the base. Before Su Wei caught him, all the insiders did not expect him to come back alive, but perhaps it was a miracle. He looked awkward but his life was not bad.

Li Tian’s eyes suddenly brightened!

He said to the supercomputer, "Xu Zhengfeng is the person in charge of the base, and only he knows the password of the meteorite protection. So, he must have been with Gu Yan before, he can survive, and Gu Yan must have saved him!"

After all, falling from such a high place, without obstruction, he is still an old man, why can he survive? Must be Gu Yan, only Gu Yan can explain!

The super computer was silent for a moment and hesitated. "Before... when you saved people, I took over the base control system. From the last screen of the monitoring, it was Gu Yan who saved the old man... but he At that time... it was crushed by the boulder, and the whole body was blood."