MTL - The Distinguished Cute Master-Chapter 3 Let’s shake hands and talk.

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If he still has a little strength, he will not sit still, but now... He suddenly relaxed, opened his eyes and looked straight into the dark clouds, and smiled.

"If you want to kill, kill it."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the apex of the heart trembled, and his eyes were shaken by his smile... How deep is the hatred and painful experience, so that a 10-year-old child can show such a smile?

She hesitated for a moment, and finally fell to her heart!

"That's not right!"

After the completion of the language, a snow-covered sword of the whole body, breaking the wind from the dark clouds, flew straight to the neck of the night Shen Yuan! Night Shen Yuan was not afraid at all, and his eyes looked calmly at the handle with a murderous sword.

The rain fell from the side of his face, and under the thunderstorm of the dark clouds, he stood in the corpse of the broken courtyard, like a ridiculous artifact. Even if he was trampled into the mud, he would not break him. A little bit proud.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it was clear that the night Shen Yuan was already the end of the strong, that is to say, as long as she is now squatting, this man who will shock the world will die in this rainy day.

Jianfeng took the force of breaking the army and aimed at the deadly place of the night Shen Yuan. When the tip of the sword was only half a centimeter from his neck, the sword suddenly stopped.

Sword gas pierced the epidermis, a trace of blood flowed down the boy's neck, he did not care about these, but looked at the sky with amazement, do not understand how the other party suddenly stopped.

The extraordinary of Dzi Beads is very clear. Don't talk about Yuan Ying. Even the Mahayana monks can hardly resist the temptation. If the other party knows the existence of Dzi Beads, it is impossible to let him go.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the heart was fiercely fighting!

She didn't know why she paused. She saw the little boy with a pair of ink eyes and looked at her direction deeply. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth again!

Killing him and grabbing the Dzi Bead is not what she always wanted to do?

The ice sword and the murderous temper finally pierced the boy's neck, and the blood rushed out instantly, but the sword front stopped again at this stall!

Night Shen Yuan snorted, more blood flowed down his neck... As long as he stabbed in again, he would die!

The heartbeat involuntarily speeds up, and the death veneer afflicts his nerves, so that he can't help but breathe.

He can feel the hesitation of the sword-bearing person! What is she hesitating? Why should he hesitate if he is a man who has no resilience but is in a treasure?

The air is tightened by killing. For a long time, it may be just a moment. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the sword was controlled. It was impossible to stab it several times. It seemed that there was any barrier blocking her, so that she could not kill the killer!

In the next second, the volley of the sword suddenly withdrew and flew for dozens of meters, and finally inserted into the wall! Just listening to the bang, the wall collapsed as if someone was venting depression!

Night Shen Yuan licked his neck, barely stood, blood hole in his neck, and proved that everything he had just experienced was not an illusion. He was a little bit worse, and he would die in Yuan Ying, who had never seen this face!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she told herself that she was absolutely, right, and not soft! After all, she is most proud of her willpower.

She just thought, just remembered... Although she knew where all the adventures of the night Shen Yuan were, some adventures must be that he can open.

After thinking of killing him, many adventures will be missed with her, and she will feel bad!

Moreover, if she killed the night Shen Yuan, the result was another Li Shenyuan, Zhang Shenyuan came to her and how to do it? In this case, she is not as good at the beginning as she changed her mind...

For example, working with a male owner? Win-win?

After a tense and complicated mood ups and downs, she finally said in a very weak, frustrating tone.

"...Hey... or else, let's shake hands and talk!"

Night Shen Yuan frowned, do not understand what the sage wants to do, she does not intend to kill him to win the treasure?

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he saw that he did not speak, raised his cheeks, and said that he was unwilling to say it.

"...the ones before, we have all been revealed! Hey! I have a large number of adults, I decided to let you go! I will ask you, do you want to be my apprentice?"

Recruiting? !

Night Shen Yuan did not think that there is a Yuan Yingzun who is willing to accept him as a disciple!

But why is this person not killing him before? He was alert and asked awkwardly on his neck. "Why?"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he took back his sword and said indignantly.

"Isn't it okay to be convinced by your king's tyrants?! Tell me if you want to, if you like, you will kneel down and worship! You cover me before you are arrogant. After you are arrogant, you cover me and find that Treasures three or seven points... If you don't agree... I will kill you! I am serious!"

Night Shen Yuan suddenly relaxed all over, and inexplicably want to laugh, he is now destroyed in Dantian, the future is extremely difficult, and the other party is already the Yuan Yingzun, how could he have a day to cover her, even if there is, then She is afraid that she does not need him anymore.

So...he is this another old urchin? I don't know why, obviously the other side wants to kill him, but also knows his biggest secret, but he is not afraid of her at all, but... there is a strange sense of intimacy.

But he refused.

"...I respect the respected person." He said with a hard throat, "But I am already a waste, afraid... can't be your apprentice."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I remembered that the male master was totally lost. In this way, even the door of Lingshan could not enter, let alone be her apprentice.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the brow wrinkled for a moment and quickly released!

What are you afraid of? Night Shen Yuan is a man! Even if his Dantian was destroyed a hundred times, is there a way to remedy it?

So she did not fear, asked directly.

"Isn't that a little Dantian? You tell me what you need, no matter what, I can find it for you!"

To know that the male master is knowledgeable, ask him to be right!

Night Shen Yuan shook his head and smiled. "The medicine needed to repair Dan Tian... is a rare treasure of heaven..."

"It's a heavenly treasure, it's simple!" At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he interrupted him and patted his chest to ensure that "I know a lot of places full of heaven and earth! You say, do you want to apprentice!"

Night Shen Yuan heard the words, my heart was shocked! He is not an ordinary child. He has read a lot of books from a young age. Throughout the world, he knows how valuable it is to say that it is a heavenly treasure. Even if the other party is a Yuan Ying, there may not be many, but she is Do you have a conspiracy?

For a moment, the night Shen Yuan thought a lot, but in the end, it was a bitter smile.

It was his magic barrier. Now he is a waste person. The other party knows that the artifact is on him. He has not killed him to win the treasure. What else can he think about?

"Apprentice, see Master!"

Read The Duke's Passion