MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-~ 3, impersonation as county magistrate

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"Yeah." The little girl nodded: "Mother kissed me and sent it." Said, pointing to the side.

There is a young couple next to it.

The man is in his early thirties, his body is burly, his face is Hu Guozi's face, his posture is firm and rough, he is carrying a three-strand hunting fork, and carrying a number of newly peeled mountain skins, a pair of hunters dress up, and The woman's age is smaller, the age of 23 or 4 years old, the skin is fair and beautiful, and she has a small baby who is still weaned in her arms. Although this woman is dressed in a poor dress, she is difficult to conceal her elegance. At first glance, it gives people a sense of stun, not like a poor household, but it seems to be everyone's show.

There are two bamboo baskets at her feet.

The bamboo basket contains golden apricots that emit clear and fruity aroma. It should be the wild fruit picked from the mountains. It should be taken to the city to sell and exchange money.

Seeing Li Mu’s gaze, the couple’s faces showed a kind of kind smile.

"Thank you." Li Mumo antique man arched his hand, and then took the apricot in the hands of the little girl, touched her head, smiled and said: "Thank you little sister, what is your name?"

"My family is jealous."

The little girl smiled happily and ran back to her parents.

The people of different planets are really friendly and simple.

Li Mu’s eyes sighed with tears.

The grace of two apricots makes Li Mu feel good about alien planets.

These two golden mountain apricots are big and sweet, and they can barely fill their hunger. Li Mu himself ate one, and the two little book children were divided into two.

The team entering the city advances in order.

Soon the young couple and the monk arrived at the gate of the city.

The inspection of the Guardian looked at the veteran oil, the armor is loose, the greedy face, the blatantly eat the card, but anyone who enters the city must be deducted and stripped of something, it can be said that the geese have plucked hair.

The couple's two skins and half-framed apricots were taken away, and they dared to speak out with their children.

Finally arrived at the Li Mu three.

The little book boy Qingfeng just went up and wanted to show his identity. The head of the head was heading, licking his nose, and a large number of three people looked up and down. "Mom, where are the three cockroaches, dirty and smelly, really suffocating, rolling... Don't commit crimes in the city, or interrupt your dog's legs..." Then I ordered the three people to rush into the city.

Li Mu entered the city, stepping back and looking at the gate, laughing and laughing.

Although it entered the county town smoothly, the feeling of being despised is really very uncomfortable.

Moreover, a glimpse of the whole leopard can be seen, it can be seen that the rule of the Western Qin Empire does not look so good.

Taibai County is a mountain city.

Only when you enter it, you can feel the charm of this ancient city.

A few main roads, the bluestone of the Taibai Mountain specialty, are smooth and flat, comparable to the asphalt roads on the earth, while most of the other roads contain steps or bends, which are twisted and twisted between the mountains and rivers, as if they were landscape gardens. A few rivers surround the ancient city, flowing down from the high to the bottom, forming several waterfalls in the city, but the water is not big, crystal clear.

The ancient trees in the city are entrenched, and the crowns are like the canopies, which are hundreds of years old.

The scenery is beautiful, and it is easy to get lost.

About two hours later.

Li Mu took two book children and asked for a road while climbing the mountain. It took half a day before he came to the county gate at the highest point in the county.

Yes, after a stimulating ideological struggle, Li Mu decided to push the boat and temporarily pretend to be the county magistrate of Taibai County.

There are three reasons.

One is because of the offense, what bloodmoon gang will definitely be chased, now he has no self-protection power, and the second is through the exchange with the book boy Qingfeng, in the Western Qin Empire, the black household without household registration will be the government The third reason is even more simple. Li Mu is just a junior high school graduate on the earth. He has no survival skills. If he is wandering around, he will be starved to death in a few days.

Of course, it’s also beautiful when you cross the county to be a county magistrate.

At the gate of the county, there are two teams guarding the garrison.

When the three people just came to the door, they came to the shackles: "The three smells of rice, the land of the county, the idlers retreat, and they don't want to die." The look is very fierce.

"You don't have long-sighted things, dare to marry my young master, believe it or not, my young master beats you with a punch..." Violence forced the female book boy's hands to akimbo, and the moon slammed back without a weak indication: "The dog's eyes are low." The things that my young master is the new magistrate of Taibai County, you don’t know what to do, don’t hurry to meet the county magistrate!”


After half an hour.

"See the magistrate."

County Hall.

After verifying the appointment letter and the official seal, a group of large and small literary and military officers looked different and bowed their heads to see Xinzhi County.

Li Mu sat on the official chair and looked expressionless.

Although he is only a rookie, he can see that the members of these counties have little respect and fear for their new county magistrate. However, the previous servants who were speechless were somewhat scared. At this time, you shivered at the outermost corner.

"Without a lot of fun, let's go back..."

He does not want to care about the attitudes of these people.

Because of guilty conscience.

After all, Li Mu’s imposter is a Wen Jinshi who passed the Imperial Examination. He is definitely a knowledgeable master. He is familiar with the official order of the Western Qin Empire. Li Mu, who is a traverser, is the common sense of most of the world. Nothing to know.


A group of literary servants are a bit embarrassed.

what's the situation?

Does this make it fall?

If the new magistrate of the magistrate takes office, don’t you know the current situation of the county magistrate?

"Adults, since a year ago, the former county magistrate Lu Daren resigned and asked for help. Taibai County has not had a county magistrate for one year. The counts of the county magistrates that have not been reviewed are as good as mountains..." The middle-aged man like a foreigner, smiled and said: "The lower officials have already prepared the various events, documents, official documents, and cases that have occurred in the county in the past year. You can now prepare for adults. Go through the review..."

Li Mu waved his hand and interrupted his words. "You are?"

"The lower official Zhou Wu is the county magistrate of the county." The slightly fat middle-aged man smiled.

Oh, county magistrate, that is the deputy magistrate.

But listen to him, the former county magistrate actually resigned and asked for it? What is this ghost?

Li Mu nodded quietly and said: "This official is a long-distance fatigue, very tired, and what do you want to say about the government affairs? You must step back."

Anyway, he made up his mind, that is, he can't pull too much with this group of guys.

Otherwise, more words will be lost.

A large number of bureaucrats heard the words and looked up at Li Mu. Their expressions were different. Some people were disappointed, some were happy, some were despised, some were silent, and they once again bowed and walked in order.

"Hey, wait a minute, what the week..." Li Mu suddenly raised his finger and pointed to Zhou Wu.

The latter trembled in his heart, and his look changed suddenly. He turned to look at Li Mu.

"That, I... The official is a little hungry, and people are ready to order it and send it to the back." Li Mu tried to make his performance as natural as possible: "There is wine and meat."

"Oh." County Zhou Wu’s face faded, and a faintly disdainful color flashed from the depths of his eyes. His face showed a strange smile: "Good."

Then a group of bureaucrats walked out of the county hall.

Then there was a burst of laughter coming out.

On the one hand, the little book boy breezy and stunned his face.

Obviously, the performance of the young master sitting in the official chair has become a joke of the same people. It will soon spread in the upper circles of Taibai County. This is really the new official’s three fires have not yet burned up. I lost an ugly first.

Li Mu tilted Erlang's leg on the official chair, and his face didn't matter, and even smiled awkwardly.

When the county magistrate was only for survival, he did not care about the so-called rights.

After all, he is an alien.

He came to the planet to temper the martial arts. Everything that happened before proves that the old gods are all true. Congenital and real martial arts are very likely to have the power of immortals, and it is possible to be on this planet. Can be practiced.

As long as the two great powers can be practiced - no, even if it is only a slight introduction, its power can sweep this low-level martial art planet, even the emperors of the three empires and the nine gods of the gods, must be at the foot of Li Mu Trembling, what is a small county magistrate, by that time, the money beauty high official Hou Lu is not at your fingertips?

"Ah hahahaha..."

Li Mu, who is imagining a bright future, couldn’t help but sit in the official chair and laughed.

The breeze on the side of the moon is full of speechless words.

The young master is too unsatisfactory, and he is so happy.


About half an hour later, Zhou County sent people to send a table of food, it really has wine and meat, Shanzhen River fresh everything.

Li Mu and the two little book children can't control themselves, they just eat in the lobby of the county. The wounded cloud usually eats a bit of happiness, and the stomach almost bursts, like a starving ghost, and next to it. Several servants looked at the stunned.

After the meal, the county governor, Ma Junwu, came to seek advice, saying that he would like to ask for the defense arrangement of the county.

The division of labor at the county-level administrative units of the Western Qin Empire is extremely simple and extremely clear. Under the magistrate, there are three deputy county-level bureaucrats, which are the county magistrates in charge of the county government, the main book governing the taxation of money and grain, and the code governing the military. Make.

The sergeant is equivalent to the chief of public security on the earth.

Under the slogan, there are three major capitals, namely, the defending heads responsible for the county defense, the military guards who are responsible for arresting the murderers, and the heads of the civic guards who control the militia, corresponding to the division of labor on the earth. The Armed Police Interior, the Interpol and the Militia.

Defend the head of Ma Junwu, responsible for the county defense defense layout, as usual, you must ask the county honor.

"not see."

Li Mu did not hesitate to refuse to ask for help, let the little book boy go to the breeze to cope.

He himself, the first time to hide in the back.


Second, wow, the collection and the data are crazy. It is the best score in the book in the book. The knife also feels everyone's enthusiasm. I will work hard, thank you for the rewarding brothers!

Read The Duke's Passion