MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-~ 6, someone sue

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In the crowd, Zheng Longxing is a gloomy look.

He had done all kinds of plans to assassinate Li Mu. Who knows that Li Mu has always been shrinking in the county. He is not strong in the county. Although he has strong strength and official background, he broke into a county and ordered to kill a Jiupian county magistrate. There are still risks, so I can only wait for the opportunity, but look at this posture, this Li Mu seems to have been shrinking in the county, this will wait until when?

"I have to think of a way to lead Li Mu out."

Zheng Longxing thought in his heart that he could not wait.


Time passes by.

In a blink of an eye, it was half a month.

In the practice room of the county, he was beaten on a granite with a height of one person.


The granite, which is hard to hurt by the sword, is broken like a pinch of flour and becomes a piece of gravel.

This power is almost comparable to Superman.

"This punch, I don't know how much power there is."

Li Mu satisfactorily blew the stone chips on his fist.

These days, he practiced the real Wushu in the daytime, and finally he can complete the action of the real-style punching of the real Wushu.

At the same time, the first type [Chongtian Hammer], although Li Mu can barely perform it again, but it is not quite the charm of this style, and after each application, the muscles are like tears. If the move is forced, this will lead to muscle tear. Even the organ was injured.

Li Mu tried several times and finally gave up.

Up to now, he has had a clearer understanding of Zhenwuquan and Xiantian.

Zhenwuquan seems to be a technique of tempering the body of the forged body.

Each stroke has a magical effect of strengthening the body.

During this half-month, Li Mu only cultivated a starting formula and about half of the first type [Chongtian Hammer], and he noticed that his skin film became tough, with sharp edges and corners on the skin. On the top, it is impossible to break through, leaving only a faint trace.

The role of congenital power is the opposite of Zhenwuquan.

It can repair internal injuries and strengthen the spirit.

Every night, Li Mu is practicing the congenital power.

This kind of breathing method can make Li Mu's spirits strong. Even if he does not sleep all night and all night, he is still full of energy. He can also make Li Mu's ability to become stronger and stronger, and his hearing, vision and reaction ability will be greatly enhanced.

And congenital power has a strong recovery effect. On several occasions, Li Mu forced the promotion of Zhenwu Boxing to cause internal injuries and muscles, which were all repaired with congenital power.

When practicing the congenital power, through the strange breathing rhythm and the method, absorb the aura between the heavens and the earth, enter the body, wash the organs, and then excrete the impurities in the body, which is similar to the cutting of myths and legends. Washing the marrow, changing the body of Li Mu bit by bit, to achieve a taste of reborn.

In the vagueness, Li Mu can also understand the intentions of the old gods.

Congenital power and Zhenwuquan are both inside and outside, complement each other and can completely change a person's physique.

Li Mu lived on the earth with serious environmental pollution for 14 years. He was breathing and turbid. The diet also contained harmful substances. The body still left a lot of dark wounds and impurities. Now, by practicing these two exercises, you can gradually restore the most primitive. The natural innate state, the only way, in the future, he will be able to step into the path of the interstellar martial arts, and the celestial arrogance of the stars.

The only thing that makes Li Mu feel a little depressed is that whether it is congenital or real Wushu, it seems that there is no actual combat power.

"Cough..." Li Mu thought about it, couldn't help but cough a few times and spit out a sputum.

There are some dark red blood and black dirt in the sputum.

This is not the first time.

When she first started to vomit and bleed, Li Mu was shocked and thought she was terminally ill.

Later, he slowly understood that this was because the congenital power was smashing the organs, expelling the impurities and dark wounds in the internal organs, and spitting bleeding, because the congenital work is strengthening and cleaning up the lungs, and there will be such a human phenomenon. .

"It has been shrinking in the door for more than 20 days, and it is time to go out."

Li Mu coughs while moving his body.

He was originally a good-moving teenager who likes to be busy. If he was not afraid of the martial arts hacker who was helping the **** moon to assassinate, he was afraid to go to the outside county town.

Now that personal strength has improved a little, it is considered to have some self-confidence. After thinking about it, Li Mu decided to go to the county to breathe outside.

The old **** stick has also said that the most taboo is to build a car behind closed doors, and to work hard for a year. Sometimes, it is better to learn from others and go on a line of life and death against the enemy. Perhaps it is ten years. Hard work.

Of course, Li Mu does not want to fight death, but it is good to go out to meet the world.

Since coming to this world, always try to integrate into it.

Li Muzhen thought this way, but he had not had time to greet two little book children, suddenly -


In the direction of the gate of the county, the rumbling sound of a thunderous drum was heard, and the entire county was shaken.

The little book boy rushed in breathless breath: "Young master, someone knocked on the screaming scream..."

Li Mu’s eyes lit up.

"The gongs and drums... This is a complaint."

He remembered the picture of the county magistrate's case in the film and television drama.


Li Mu laughed wildly in his heart.

Just take this opportunity, after an official addiction, by the way, pretend to force, relax.

Hey, I thought that at the beginning, the Song Dynasty, the prisoner, and the TV series, he did not know how many times he saw it. This time can come in handy.

On the part of the drumming, it must be a big problem. Seeing that the alien from the earth, Li Muhu, was shocked, using the wisdom of the ancients of the earth to crush the **** of this lower martial world.

While practicing and raising the value of force, he is the owner of the people, Li Qingtian, who is just worshipping the people.

This feeling, think about it and feel beautiful.

"Come, rise up, rise up!"

Master Li can't wait to make a big stride toward the former court.

"Hey? Young master, wait a minute, you seem to have forgotten the change of official clothes..." Xiao Shutong Qingfeng panted and chased up.

The little guy is a bit energetic.

Since coming to Taibai County, he has a feeling of being a beggar and being a mother.

In the garden of the back, the little girl bookboy Mingyue is holding a net bag to catch the cockroach, and hears the thunderous drum sound. After a glimpse, I immediately understand it, suddenly revealing the color of excitement, wow haha, someone hits the drum, Isn't this a good show?

She had a mouth and swallowed a cockroach on the trunk and chewed it with relish.

The whole movement is as fast as lightning, and the naked eye can't see it clearly.

It is not like human beings at all.




The six defenders stood on the sides loosely, killing the mighty and arrogant, and calling for mightyness.

In the courtroom, there is a little bit of solemnity that spreads out.

Li Mu sat happily on the court.


A shot of the gavel.

"Bring up the plaintiff." Li Mu entered the role very quickly.

Next to a servant hesitated, looked strange, came over, whispered a low voice, said: "Adult, the master is not, no one is recorded, can not rise to heaven..."

"Ah? What about the master? Why not come?"

"This...the prince is unwell, and he went to the hospital a few days ago."

"Why is this county not aware of this?"

The look of the servant was even more eccentric, and said: "The teacher personally came to the fake article three or four times, and adults refused to meet you."

Li Mu’s face is red.

It turns out that this thing blames myself.

What can I do?

Just now, at this time panting and holding the official book sent the little book boy breeze, Li Mu eyes brightened: "Come on, little guy, you should be a master for a while, record the case there..." Li Mu pointed to the position next to the teacher Road.

"Ah? Young master... Is this inappropriate?" The breeze stayed.

Li Muyi smiled: "What is wrong, I said that you are suitable."

"Oh." The little book boy is of course not a master, but he holds the official uniform and says: "Master, you still have to put on your clothes first."

Li Mu: "I am not wearing clothes."

"You can wear official uniforms for trials."

"The clothes are uncomfortable. I don't wear them. I am the county magistrate. I have the final say."

Little book boy: "..."

For a moment, the plaintiff was brought up.

It was a little girl of about ten years old, with tears on her face, wearing a filial piety, and supporting a woman who was wearing a white filial piety but was covered in blood and dyed her red shirt. The two men stepped into a **** footprint. , stumbled into the lobby.

Lying in the trough!

what's the situation?

How is this plaintiff so miserable?

Is it a murder?

Li Mu’s heart jumped.

"Please ask the county magistrate to be the master of the small people..." The woman slammed into the ground, bleeding at the corner of her mouth, sighing and sorrowing, sitting and sitting still, Zhangkou spit out a pool of blood.

The little **** the other side was scared and pale: "Mother, mother, don't scare me, grandparents are not there, you don't... oh, mother, celery is scared."

Li Mu looked at this situation and was shocked.

There are servants who hand over the **** paper.

In the past 20 days, Li Mu has also made a rough understanding of the text of the world. It is roughly the same as the traditional Chinese traditional book. He looks at the paper and understands the case.

This case is a very common deception in the TV drama novels on the earth.

Zhang Li, a woman who was seriously injured in front of the church, and her in-laws and husband Zhang Sheng, run a small drugstore in Taibai County. Because the goods are really cheap and the business is excellent, they are regarded as the eye of the first drug in the city. A reason to buy strong, to less than one-tenth of the price, Zhang family this small drug paved down, Zhang Li's father-in-law refused, the result was killed alive, her husband Zhang Sheng and her mother-in-law are not convinced, also He was seriously injured and died. The young woman Zhang Li’s and her daughter Xiao Qin were alone and were driven out of the drugstore...


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