MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-Chapter 1602 Invincible

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Everyone has widened his eyes.

Especially knowing that this place is the strongest person in the place where Li Mufei was promoted, and his heart jumped up.

Could it be...

A possibility full of miracles, in their hearts, suddenly emerged.

The glare of the gods is gone.

Li Mu, who was in white, walked out of the formation.


Li Hua wiped his eyes incredulously.

The response of Yunqing Cream is also basically similar to Li Hua.

The two recognized Li Mu, but it was a bit unbelievable and thought it was an illusion.

The son who flew into the middle of three days, actually came back?

I have never heard of it before, and the three-day fairy can go down.

And this sound is '小牧'. Then let the other Kunlun heart survivors suddenly ecstasy.

Li Mu!

This name, in the Kunlun mystery, and even in the top ten secrets, can be said to be a living legend. Those who have heard of his deeds will remember this name.

Because of this name, it symbolizes invincibility and legend.

[The Emperor of Ganges] focuses on Li Mu’s body.

"You are the one who once surrounded the stars? Flying into a fairy, it can still come, huh, it really makes me unexpected."

He saw the look of hunter.

At this time, Li Mu has roughly understood what is going on.

At that time, I was eager to treat the injuries of Li Lin and Xue Rui and I was eager to find out my own life. I didn’t put the one hundred and eight stars in the eye. In a short time, these monsters grew beyond his imagination. Even Kunlun’s secrets have suffered such great damage.

Li Mu came to Li Hua and Yun Qingshuang, and two immortals, they broke into the body and healed them.

At the same time, the arbitrarily arranged array method, the survivors are covered.

"Li Muxian, please revenge for us."

"Be careful, this devil is very strong."

"The Kunlun mystery is over, there are countless magic species raging in the land of Shenzhou. Since Li Xianren is on the verge of death, please clean up the Shenzhou, clean up the magic species, and Huaxia is a clear and clear world."

Many survivors who were seriously injured have squatted and pleaded with Li Mu.

Although it is impossible to be sure that Li Mu will be able to defeat the [Ganghe Emperor], this is their last hope.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

[The Emperor of Ganges] laughed: "Stupid, only the sorrowful weak, will pin their hopes on others, just rely on a dusty little fairy, want to destroy me? Hahaha, you know, my year, is What is the identity?"

When he saw Li Mu coming, he didn't panic at all.

Even the heart is filled with war.

Even though the strength has not fully recovered, he has absolute confidence and grasp. With his own experience and secrets, he is not hand-to-hand.

"Thirty-six days, who are you?"

Li Mudao: "In the past, staring at the stars, you are from the people of Wanxiangfu, which one, which one?"


[The Emperor of Ganges] I found out that Li Mu knew more than he had imagined.

But when I think about it, it must be that there is information flow in the middle three days, or the waste that was previously in the hands of Li Mu, revealing the information.

"I want to know, use your life, change it."

[The Emperor of Ganges] stepped out and went straight to Li Mu.

Quick battle.

Let’s talk about this idiot first.


Li Mu stood still and did not move.

Endless knives, turned into silver, spewed out of the mouth.

[The Emperor of the Ganges] The armor of the body, instantly disappeared, and then his body.

Like a sand sculpture that has been swept by a tornado, it instantly decomposes into thousands of grains of sand and annihilates it directly on the spot.



"This...has it lost?"

The chaos of the siege was suddenly shocked.

The invincible existence in their hearts is enough to unify the entire world [the Ganges emperor], was it blown to death in one breath?


In the sky, a thunder rang.

"Li Mu, I am looking down on you."

The bright red blood cloud flowing in the void, the huge blood shadow opening of the height of 100 meters, is the voice of the [Hanghe Emperor].

"You can break my split projection, you are already proud, but... eh? What?"

He is still nonsense.

But the voice did not fall, above the sky, a group of golden light, like the next day.

All dark clouds are dispelled.

The golden light shrouded from the sky, and it was a huge golden pagoda, emitting golden light, suspended and scorpio high, pulling the road between the heavens and the earth, rotating, toward the true body of the [Ganghe Emperor] It was the 100-meter blood shadow that fell directly.

A great sense of crisis, instantly shrouded [the Ganges emperor].

He is running a mysterious sorcerer resistance.

But any resistance is instantly broken.

"not good!"

Realizing that it was not right, he immediately applied sputum, and the blood shadow turned into a **** sky, flying in all directions.

[Explosive blood stasis].

This is the strongest technique he has mastered.

Hundreds of millions of blood drops, there is no true and false points, as long as you escape a drop, you can recover the body and repair within a few days.


Among the voids, the golden light is a masterpiece.

Hundreds of millions of blood drops flew out less than a kilometer, hit a layer of invisible shield, and flew back.

The invisible gold wall was looming in the shackles of the crash.

This side of the world, has long been enveloped by [Seven Treasures Tower].

The reason why Li Mu had asked a few nonsense before, was only to secretly arrange and spur the [Seven Treasures Tower], directly covering this side of the world, lest the magic species escape. After all, these magic species were once reborn from Wanxiangfu. Come on, open Su Hui, master all kinds of mysterious magical powers, can not be treated as ordinary ordinary folk magic.

The facts also prove that, fortunately, Li Mu is cautious.

Otherwise, it was really escaped by this [Ganghe Emperor].

In the sky, golden light is a masterpiece.

The golden fairy road runes are densely packed and intertwined.

[The Emperor of Ganges] struggled desperately.

The curse of anger at the beginning turned into the last mourning for mercy.

"No, this is impossible, I am not willing."

“Why do you have such strength?”

"Who are you? The three-day immortal who just ascended, will not have such power..."

[The Emperor of Ganges] struggled and roared.

But in the end, he still could not escape the fate of being completely suppressed in the [Seven Treasures Tower].

When the golden giant tower, dripping and spinning, collecting the golden light, turned into less than twenty centimeters, and finally fell back to the hands of Li Mu, in the palm of his right hand.

Countless gaze, with this suppression of the golden pagoda of the [Ganghe Emperor] within the tenth, finally focused on Li Mu's body.

Even those who know Li Mu’s record and who have confidence in Li Mu can’t believe that the battle will end in such a short period of time.

There are no fierce collisions and battles.

Only one side is crushed.

Invincible [Ganghe Emperor], the tone is big, but in front of Li Mu, but it is like a young child who has not yet learned to walk.

Not waiting for Li Mu to open, someone has already collapsed.

This action is like a domino.

All the monks who were besieging the awe-inspiring alliances all fell to the ground.

The mountains are everywhere.

Ground and air.

Even if Li Mu does not speak, they all know that the trial of fate will come.

Read The Duke's Passion