MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-Chapter 1604 Ganges Temple

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Li Mu felt the hatred of Song Fangjin.

That kind of hate is not for yourself.

It is aimed at others.

Li Mu weighed it in his heart and said: "Talk about it."

[Heavenly Stars] Song Fangjindao: "I want you to help me find out. I originally calculated us and imprisoned us in the middle of the Enchanted Mountain."

In Li Mu’s mind, a flash of light flashed.

From the mouth of Tian Qiaoxing and others, Li Mu already knows that this hundred and eight stars are the immortals who came to Earth through this earthly battlefield through the reincarnation of Wanxiangfu.

After they reflected the stars, they awakened Su Hui and got strength.

It was originally possible to get away with this world.

However, it was calculated that all of the 108 stars and stars were sealed under the Fenghuang Mountain in the Kunlun secret.

Countless years of suppression and rituals have turned these predecessors into magic and turned into magic.

Jiang Xiaoyao, the ally of the former Haoran Zhengqi League, opened the seal of Fengmo Mountain and released them all.

At this time, the scorpio smashed the hundred and eighty planets, all of which have been enchanted, completely turned into a magical species, lost their normality, and began to be a disaster. They can only rely on swallowing blood and consuming resources to restore their cultivation. Carry the power of magic that can never be erased.

It can be said that one hundred and eight stars are really a big tragedy.

But they can calculate all of them in one breath. Such a wrist, such a ability, is in the middle of three days, and there are not many people who can do it.

"Do you want revenge?"

Li Mu asked.

[Heavenly Stars] Song Fangjindao: "Not just me, every person who has suffered from the devil's body and suffering from the devil's mountain, can't wait to find out, cramp, skin, and blood. I’m so angry that I’m using the power of believers in the Ganges Temple to rob the Quartet, to restore my strength, to fight for three days, and to find that person’s revenge.”

"You don't know who that person is?"

Li Mu asked again.

[Heavenly Star] Song Fangjindao: "I don't know, but I can definitely find out. I remember his breath. I will meet again. I will recognize him."

Li Mudao: "Well, I promise you."

The monster is almost immortal.

It is difficult to kill them completely.

This point, before Li Mu has been confirmed.

Therefore, he can only suppress the [天暴星] Song Fangjin for the time being, and he cannot kill it.

But like Song Fangjin, Li Mu also wants to find someone who once calculated the number of stars in the sky.

The Western Queen Mother asked Li Mu to reunite the 108 stars, which is Li Mu’s ‘mission’.

That person is related to Li Mu’s mission.

Li Mu also wants to figure it out.

"In the Temple of the Ganges, there are also three Scorpio-level star-studded monsters, namely the Heavenly Star, the Heavenly Star and the Heavenly Star, the twelve earthworms and the stars, the thief star, the earth consuming star, the earth star, and the number of land. Stars, sinus stars, etc..."

Seeing that Li Mu agreed to his request, [Heavenly Star] Song Fangjin breathed a sigh of relief and said everything about the Temple of the Ganges.

The Ganges Temple, which has the belief of countless populations and absolute madmans, has experienced nearly a loss after a brief attack by Li Mu, but for the Stars, this kind of power is a good partner.

They become powerful by consuming blood food and harvesting faith.

The Ganges Temple can provide them with a steady stream of blood food, and can also provide the craziest beliefs.

This is one of the reasons why the Ganges Temple can rise so rapidly.

"Then, what other methods do you have to find other stars in the sky?"

Li Mu asked.

[Heavenly Stars] Song Fangjindao: "Between the heavens and the earth, they can be mutually inductive. Of course, they are also related to the cultivation. Our Ganges Temple has cooperated with other Scorpio stars to know the whereabouts of some people. In addition, within a certain range, the existence of the same kind can be perceived."

Li Mu heard the words, a happy heart.

good sign.

These thirty-six days and seventy-two grounds, a little pull out the radish to bring out the feeling of mud.

In this way, he will collect all of the hundred and eight stars of the magical species, and the speed will be much faster.


Yuanshen exited [Seven Treasures Tower].

Li Mu returned to the real world.

Within the mountain gate of the Haoran Zhengqi League, it has been neat and tidy.

The remains of the war dead monks were buried.

After this catastrophe, the Kunlun mystery has completely withered, and I want to return to the old days, and I don’t know how long it will take.

"Choose suitable cultivators from the mortal world, introduce Kunlun, and enrich the population."

Li Mudao: "There is someone who has everything. It can cooperate with the special person administration to first introduce the population to fill the territory of Kunlun. Any Zongmen, if there are survivors living, want to rebuild, I will help all of them." ”

He made a promise.

Zhenyangzi and others are relieved.

There are such immortals as Li Mu, and the reconstruction of the major gates is only seen.

A glimmer of light.

After negotiating various matters, Li Mu left the Kunlun secret.

He crossed the Kunlun Mountains and entered the Tibetan area.

On the land of China, because of the recovery of the aura, the territory is more extensive, and many beasts have spirituality. There are many kinds of aliens such as monsters and elves, which rapidly multiply in the wilderness and establish many territorial forces.

Along the way.

Li Mu saw a group of yak, formed a oxen tribe, headed by a cow demon, enchanting, powerful, and actually reached the realm of rising, but because there is no time and space coordinates, there is no complete practice, and where It is too difficult to fly between them, so it takes up a large plateau of wilderness, and it is king according to the land.

Seeing that Li Mu flew over the sky, the yak king launched an attack.

In the end, it was defeated by Li Mu.

Li Mu pity opened his wisdom, and it was not easy to repair. He did not kill. Instead, he used the animal training of the Bohai School to conquer the yak king as a mount.

The white yak king, temporarily put down the people, carrying Li Mu, and continued west.

In the end, Li Mu entered the Deccan Plateau.

Along the Ganges, he came to New Delhi.

This populous city has now become a fanatical city of religion.

The statues of the gods of the Ganges and the temples were built throughout the city.

Countless believers dressed in white robes and white cloth on their heads are pious pilgrimages.

Li Mu rode the cow into the city and was suddenly treated as a saint by countless believers.

The cow is seen as a holy beast in this city.

The yak king sells unparalleled, the gods are abnormal, and Li Mu is not a mundane person. There are countless believers, following behind the yak king, screaming and devout.

Li Mu also saw that there are countless priests of the Ganges Temple who preach the teachings in the city, and then choose the green and strong, as the apostle of God, after taking a bath with the holy water of the Ganges, they will be brought into the temples.

Apparently the blood food was chosen.

Even so, there are still countless people scrambling to compete for God's quota.

One person becomes a god, and the whole family can receive preferential treatment. You can enjoy the care of the temple and gain many privileges.

The entire city is already morbid.

Li Mu rode the cow and came to the Ganges.

The Ganges River under the background of Reiki recovery is about two thousand feet wide. The river is clear and the water is soothing. There is a legendary sale of the holy river. There is a shrine of temples floating above the river, always emitting pale gold. Glorious.

That is the Temple of the Ganges.

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