MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-Chapter 1622 League

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Li Mu never thought that one day, Hua Xiangrong's heart would think of ‘other people’.

Looking at Hua Xiangrong's bright and sometimes fading light in his eyes, Li Mu didn't speak, but just sat beside her quietly, breathing in the nose with the smell of delicate body, and looked at her slightly.

Two people sat quietly all night.

From the next day, Li Mu began to cultivate.

Daozun Mountain is also one of the most outstanding caves in the Middle Three Days. The cultivation effect is better than in the Ascension camp.

Flowers want to be contained in the mountains, protecting the law for Li Mu.

In an instant, three months passed.

Li Mu's cultivation was consolidated in the middle stage of Xiansheng.

From the immortal realm, there are only two small realms left.

But time is still too tight.

And he can't just rush.

Immortal realm, step by step, each step must lay a solid foundation.

Impacting the realm of immortals is also a big hurdle.

Many amazing talents, geniuses who beat all enemies at the same level, may get stuck in the final step of Xiansheng.

Li Mu has previous experience, so he will not take a detour.

But still be careful.

But in the third month and day, Hua Xiang Rong Tongguan.

Li Mu withdrew from the settled state.

"The Heaven Alliance and the Ascension Camp both sent news that they wanted to discuss the three faction alliances. The location was set at Lingxiantai, after ten days."

Hua Xiangrong handed in a two-point invitation.

After reading, Mu Mu knew what she meant.

She wants to be herself ‘Tai Shi Dao Zun’ and go once on behalf of Dao Zun League.

Because this time the alliance, the ascension camp and the controller of the heavenly alliance, the top existence, will appear.

If Daozunmeng does not have a top character, it will cause problems.

After reading the two invitations, Li Mu nodded and said, "When are we going?"

Hua Xiangrong said, "Five days later."

Li Mudao: "Okay, I am ready."

In the next few days, Li Mu did not practice any more.

Instead, they started to knives.

After getting the "Seven Treasure Towers", Li Mu began to re-confirm the value of "Fighting the Whip".

In the last life, he used [his magic wand] to devour other various immortal soldiers with secret techniques. He wanted to refine them into his own unique weapon, but the effect was really good.

When reincarnated, the whip came along.

When he is strong enough, he can already urge.

Now sacrifice again.

Five days passed in a flash.

Li Mu's knives are finished.

With a new sword in hand, he asked himself to face the black figure, and he could calmly confront him, so that he would not be as embarrassed as that day.

"set off."

Li Mu Yu Dao, thinking about flowers, left Daozun Mountain.

The three ancestors left Moriyama.

Speeding for four days.

Seen all the way, the whole three days were withering and withering.

The vegetation is withered, the rivers are dried up, and the lakes are dark.

The ocean is like standing water, and the seawater also turns into a thick ink color.

Countless immortals who have been enchanted by the qi have turned into corpses, wandering in the wilderness as if they were zombies in a biochemical crisis.

Near the fifth day, finally arrived at Lingxiantai.

The so-called Lingxiantai is actually a mountain.

This mountain is nothing special.

From the foot of the mountain to the peak, it is the same diameter, like a cylinder, inserted between heaven and earth.

There are no trees on the mountain.

There are no birds.

The red rocks seemed to be a solidified flame.

The mountain top is a chessboard-like platform.

It seems to have been cut by a fairy, leaving a smooth plane like a mirror.

The knife air is empty.

Li Mu wanted to fall with flowers.

He has once again urged Daozun to die.

The breath is exactly the same as the former Taishi Taoist.

There are already shadows on the mountain.

True north, surrounded by white holy clouds, one of them is looming.

Zheng Xi, Sun Fei, Ding Hao and Ye Qingyu all appeared together.

As soon as the two members of Li Mu appeared, they looked at them with many eyes, all of a sudden, they fell on them.

"Don't see Dao Zun for many years, don't come here."

There was a laughter of Kaoru in the white clouds, as if the spring breeze was blowing.

Li Mu calmly said, "Don't come here without any fuss."

This person must be the master of Mu Yunxian.

However, not long ago, was n’t Tiandao League just announced to the public, was Taishi Daozun strangely attacking Tiandao Mountain? Why haven't you seen each other for years?

"On the mountain of Tiandao that day, it was a misunderstanding of Dao Zun." Mu Yunxian said, "Now it seems that the demons of the last three days have long since submerged. I'm afraid that the demons were the ones that day, in order to provoke. During the three days of war, the deity did not check for a moment, and the calculation was successful. "


Li Mu said.

"Today's Confederation, regardless of the enemy, just ask the way."

Ye Qingyu said.

"It's true that in the third day of the calamity, this robbery will not be removed. You and I will be the ones who should be robbed. Today's alliance is to discuss how to join forces to contact this robbery."

Mu Yunxian main road.

Li Mudao: "It takes three days."

Several other giants also nodded.

Mu Yunxian said, "I have an incomplete picture of the last three days."

Ding Hao said: "I have collected the supplementary stones. After entering the last three days, I can block the entrance to prevent the monsters and monsters from passing through our road and entering the middle three days."

Ye Qingyu said: "I have found the relatively safest entrance to the last three days."

Sun Fei glanced at a few people, holding his arms in both hands, and said, "I can help you fight."

other people:"……"

Li Mu thought about it and said, "I can fight too."

Hua Xiangrong: "..."

other people:"……"

Slightly silent.

"Okay." Mu Yunxian said, "In the past three days, there were many crises, and we joined forces to have hope. As for the candidates to enter, in addition to us, we must consider it. Everyone must draw up a list. If there is no objection, it will be settled today. "

Everyone has no objection.

The truth is simple.

The top giants of the three forces must advance and retreat together.

Otherwise, leaving anyone behind will have the power to conquer all the leftovers of other factions. After the hard work of the others, the disaster has been solved in nine lives, and the whole three or three days have changed when they return. Would n’t it be a joke? field?

What's more, the more top-level giants enter, the greater the hope of resolving disasters.

Soon, the tripartite list has been determined internally.

The list of Daozun League is to be drawn up.

Li Mu was on the list and saw her name.

He crossed out the name at will.

However, Hua Xiangrong shook her head and still easily added her name.

Li Mu glanced at her.

Flowers want to look firm.

Li Muluo thought for a while and did not insist any more, sending the list to the void.

The three lists are all vacant.

Every name was shining with gold.

There are ten people on each list.

The three parties carefully looked at the people on the list and did not raise any objections.

Li Mu saw "Yang Hui" in the list.

Yang Hui, the word Wanwan.

This is the name of Queen Mother West.

He moved in his heart.

No objections were raised.

The alliance went very smoothly.

Because the middle three days is really hot.

There is no time left to talk to each other.

"Everyone, go back and prepare. This trip is extraordinary. After a month, we will meet again here."

Ye Qingyu said.

Everyone left.

The plan has been decided, and all parties must go back to make final preparations.

On the way back, Li Mu withdrew from Dao Zun, and never spoke again.

Back at Dao Zunshan, he retreats again.

Within the alliance, naturally, it is up to Hua Xiangrong to do it.

It took Li Mu four months and twenty days to finally push his strength to the realm of immortality.

Then, he focused his attention on [Seven Treasure Tower].