MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-Chapter 1627 Xiandian

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The other two major forces have also found several usable flying boats.

Compared with the entire giant jade port, this flying boat is small and pathetic.

They searched the whole port again and found nothing else.

After testing, I quickly mastered the boat's control method.

Moreover, after a few attempts, this small boat carved from a large piece of [Immortal Soul Jade] was confirmed to be able to sail in black magic.

The formation of the boat urges you to resist the black magic.

"It turns out that this black magic is called the Kuroshio."

Some people found scattered jade slips in some of the premises of the port, which recorded a few pieces of things. The most important one was that the immortals who had stationed in the port suffered heavy losses when they encountered the Kuroshio. General history of not withdrawing from the port ...

Unfortunately, the records of Yujian are quite simple, and they should be the immortals at that time. They hurried away and evacuated most of the things. These scattered Yujians should be left as garbage.

But from this scattered information, one thing is certain

Black magic, which is the so-called Kuroshio, was not originally in the last three days.

It came later.

Where does it come from?


The information available in this port is really limited.

"Let's break up."

Muyun Xianzhu made such a suggestion.

The tattered map in his hand was only a guide to the port. The rest of the place was dark and unmarked, so it had no effect.

Next, you need to explore the road.

As for what to look for?

No one can be sure.

It was roughly looking for the immortals who had been in the past three days, and found the so-called 'final answer'.

Mu Yunxian's proposal was affirmed by the tripartite forces.

The parties acted separately.

Li Mu and Hua Xiangrong, with the six strongest men in Daozun Mountain, chose a small boat and headed towards the east.

The boat sailed away from the port and dock into the vast black tide.

There was another scream of shriek like a **** demon struggling and roaring.

In the Kuroshio, the smoke gathered a sharp claw and a ghost face, rushing towards the boat frantically, but was blocked by the milky white phosgene shield released by the boat's [Immortal God Jade].

This kind of [Immortal Soul Jade] seems to be born with a certain restraint for Kuroshio.

Zhan Zu personally controlled the boat.

Driving in the vast black tide is like a ghost walking in a crowd of seductive charms.

According to the previously agreed time, within three days, no matter what you encounter, you must return to the port to reunite, so the speed of the boat is not very fast. On the way, you are exploring and trying to find a new place to stay, or It is possible to find other.

About half a day later.

"There is a fairy hall ahead."

Li Mu suddenly said, "Thousands of meters ahead ... we slow down, watch out."

Everyone was vigilant.

Soon, a fairy temple floating in the void, faintly visible under the guidance of a floating boat.

The immortal hall is blue-grey, which seems to be cast from some kind of metal. It is divided into three layers. It is completely Chinese Tang Dynasty architectural style and magnificent.

There are 21 stone steps in front of the temple.

Within the scope of the hall, the Kuroshio is thin.

The small boat listened at the steps of the hall.

Everyone disembarked, and each person held a torch carved [Immortal Soul Jade], whose light can drive the Kuroshio Current, and also illuminate the darkness. These are all collected from the port and can be used as temporary protection Body means.

"There are corpses here."

Pluto walked ahead and reminded aloud, "Everyone be careful."

On the stone steps of the Immortal Hall, a corpse in armor was lying, as if it were a soldier who died in battle, horizontally and vertically, stacked and stacked.

At first glance, it was shocking.

These lost corpses are all black and stiff, like black black iron pouring, maybe it has been dead for a long time, and the five senses have basically been distorted and deformed, like the clay sculptures of poor craftsmen, and look terrible.

"There is no obvious injury on his body. He should have died from the Kuroshio," Zhanzu approached and observed, wonderingly: "But if he died from the Kuroshio, shouldn't it have turned into black water like the emperor Yan, sublimated into mist? ? "

He touched the corpse with strength.


With a slight touch, the corpse suddenly turned into soot and floated away.


When Zhanzu was in doubt, he saw the black soot transformed by the corpse, and suddenly turned into a black ghost-like figure in the tumbling, pounced at him, and at the same time issued a powerful roar.

Xiu was an outstanding war ancestor, as if he was demented, standing in place without any reaction.

"Be careful."

Hua Xiangrong shot.

Purple long sword in hand, a sword point out.

Purple gas bursts.

Not only the black ghost figure melted, but the corpses on all the steps were all rolled into flying ash to dissipate.

Zhan Zu took a few steps back, but also a cold sweat.

"Thank you Lord Bai."

He was immediately bewildered by the sound of ghost howling, and was even confused by the change of the black ghosts. At that moment, he lost his ability to react and almost watched Li ghost flutter on himself.

Although I don't know what terrible things will happen when he is approached by the black ghost, there is still a feeling of escape.

"Everyone is careful. In the last three days, there were traps everywhere, and every step was murderous. Any negligence or omission may pay the price of extinction, which is no better than in three days."

Hua Xiangrong coldly emphasized.

The six strong men repeatedly said that they dare not have the slightest neglect.

Only Li Mu, at this moment, hesitated slightly.

When Hua Xiangrong shot just now, Xiu was stronger than she was when she was against Zhanzu and Zhenzu.

It seems that in the past few months, Hua Xiangrong's cultivation has also increased a lot.

"Let's go and see in the temple."

Li Mu took the lead and walked ahead.

Ascending the steps, I came outside the main hall.

On both sides of the hall entrance, there are ten columns each, supporting the second-story corridor eaves.

The cylinder was covered with knife marks and holes, full of marks of battle.

There was also a corpse at the entrance of the main hall.

But most of these bodies were killed in battle.

Or physically disabled.

Or there are obvious puncture wounds.

The armor on their bodies has lost their aura, just like any iron, and the weapons in their hands are mostly broken. Their facial expressions are lifelike, and they maintain an angry or violent look. Most of the dead postures still maintain the fighting state ... ...

Moreover, these corpses are as hard as immortal iron, and when they touch, they make a long rumbling sound, just like gold iron.

Especially at the entrance of the hall, there are hundreds of corpses wearing armor, forming a dense wall of people, what is in the guardian's hall, that look, as if to prevent any terrible enemy from rushing into the hall, rather than die .

What will be in the hall?

Li Mu suddenly became curious.

Read The Duke's Passion