MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-Chapter 1632 The founding of heaven

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The heavenly courts have been established.

It's been a long time.

It is only three yuan away from one yuan.

However, Li Mu suddenly responded and asked, "How long did the universe last before the establishment of heaven?"

Qin Linger's eyes bent into a crescent moon and said, "Maybe for a while, hee hee, I know what you want to ask, rest assured, it's still one yuan away. Moreover, the five emperors and sword ancestors have their own arrangements. On the day of one yuan, we do n’t have to worry about it, we can survive it. ”

Withstand the infinite robbery over a dollar?

Li Mu listened, his expression moved.

This is a big wish.

Even this little girl knows, doesn't it mean that this aspiration is well known in the court of heaven?

"Who is Daozu, and how have I never heard of it?"

Li Mu asked again.

"Hee hee, Daozu is Daozu. When the heavens and earth were removed, the first Taoist soul was the founder of all the principles of the avenue in this meta universe. Well, anyway, it is ... very strong, supreme existence."

Qin Linger said.

As soon as Li Mu heard it, she knew that this girl had never met Daozu.

This is also normal.

"What about the five emperors?" Li Mu asked again.

"You don't even know that."

Qin Linger said with a smile: "It seems that you are really retreating for too long, and you are practicing silly fast. The Five Emperor Heavenly Emperor is naturally the Arctic Lagerstroemia, the Emperor Shanggong, the Antarctic immortal land, and the emperor emulates the emperor. There is the Central Jade Emperor ... What method did you practice, and what skills did you practice, even the five emperors did not know? "

When Li Mu heard it, he was quite surprised.

It turns out that this is the so-called Wufang Tiandi.

However, in the Taoist legends on earth, these five people are said to have one master and four assistants.

Among them, the Emperor of the Central Jade Emperor is the supplement, and the remaining four are called the Four Royals, or the Four Adjuncts, who are the emperors who assist the Central Jade Emperor to control the heaven and earth.

"Five emperors, do they have the same status?"

Li Mu decided to ask directly to break the casserole.

Qin Linger's fair and tender little hand, holding the fluttering chin, said: "The five emperors are the heirs of Daozu, each holding one method, taking each meeting as the unit, taking turns to control the heavenly court. Now it is the Central Jade Emperor The earth rules heaven. "

It seems that folklore is mostly about catching the wind, and it's not all true.

Now that the heavens are so strong, why was it destroyed by the enemy and the Kuroshio swallowed up the heavens?

What happened later?

"Heaven court is so strong, would anyone dare to oppose it?" Li Mu asked tentatively.

Qin Linger giggled and said, "How is it possible? Of course, there is no heaven. Heaven is in charge of the cosmic order, and the rules and regulations of the heavens must be observed. If you dare to disobey, you must die. Those who oppose heaven, Are no longer there. "

In this case, I am afraid that there is a bragging element.

In Li Mu's mind, there is absolutely nothing in the world.

No matter how powerful a force is, it is impossible to completely control everything.

But Qin Linger was obviously very proud of being a member of the heavenly court.

What she said was the heaven in her mind.

What Li Mu was asking, a hearty laughter came from outside the gate, but it was the Qin airspace returning from the lower value. He pushed in the door and said, "Of course, the little girl has no enemies in heaven. Li Daoyou, Don't blame if you are neglected. "

The Qin airspace from which the battle armor was removed, a white robe of immortal clothes, a **** of abundance like jade, more and more handsome, giving a sense of intimacy.

Li Mu stood up and arched his hands and said, "Dare to dare, General Qin can tolerate me to repair in the mountains and evade hunting in the Nantianmen sentry formation. It is already a great virtue."

Qin Kongyu knocked on Qin Linger's forehead and said, "Your sister-in-law is preparing meals. You should go to Broad Spring in Sifang Street to have a drink, and I want to talk with Li Daoyou."

"Oh, my brother, if you knock on my head like this, I will become more and more stupid." Qin Linger stomped dissatisfiedly, with a stubborn look, extremely cute, and then made a face at Li Mu, turned and went out.

Shake it.

The dishes are ready and served.

Li Mu was quite surprised.

The life in this small town in Nantianmen sentry post is full of secular atmosphere, as if it were a mortal person in the world. There is no guard at home in the guard of Qin Kongyu. After his wife, Wei Rulan, is on duty, Zhang Luo cooks. Cooking is like an ordinary little woman.

Both husband and wife, one son and one daughter.

His eight-year-old son is called Qin Kezhen, and his three-year-old daughter is called Qin Kexuan. They are extremely cute and have aura on their bodies, especially the younger daughter, Meng Meng Meng Meng. I do n’t know why I like to stick to Li Mu directly. Sitting on Li Mu's push.

"Brother, hug."

The little guy was babbling authentic.

Li Mu could not laugh or cry.

"But Xuan Tiansheng Taoism, for the approach of the avenue, like your brother, you can cultivate him with the power of accomplishment and no evil intentions, it is the easiest to get him close." Qin Kongyu smiled.

Li Mu's heart moved and said: "I have no known origin, and suddenly broke into Nantianmen. Brother Qin didn't ask the roots and treated me so kindly. Didn't I see that I was a wicked person?"


Qin Kongyu laughed and said, "That's right. Brother, when you first appeared, the Jiantian mirror in the Nantianmen Hall did not warn you. This shows that you have no hostility in your heart. Later, there was a guardian of Jiantian who secretly said According to the mirror of the sky, you can see that your shadow is bright and upright, but you are practicing the Tao of Heaven. When I talk to you, your words are easy-going and natural, and you can see that your heart is not illusory. These three points can tell that you are not a demon. For heaven's correct cultivation, heaven is always welcome. "

Li Mu listened and nodded again and again.

That turned out to be the case.

The means of the heavenly post were really powerful.

When Jian Jian shined on himself, he was unaware.

This Qin airspace is also a fairy hero.

The two talked happily.

"My brother asked if there were enemies in Heaven, but they are."

Qin Kongyuan said: "When Hongmeng first opened, this world was clear. When Daozu was born, there were other primitive creatures born between heaven and earth. Among them, the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn were the most powerful. The living beings are born with violent innocence, and they are born with blood, and the descendants are born. They are weak, and are killed by slaughter. They become the blood of the original living beings. If they did not multiply and thrive, they would destroy the ancestors. Five disciples, spread the avenue, rejuvenate the people ... "

Li Mudao: "Is the Five Emperor Tiandi?"

Qin Kongyu smiled and said, "Exactly. When the five emperors become enlightened, the situation of the human race will change. After that, the five emperors established the human race and established the dynasty to defend the Tao. This is the predecessor of the heavenly court. After that, the human race flourished. With the purpose of 'have no teachings', it contains the good creatures of all parties, and sets the rules of the heavens and the earth, but there is more friction between the innate creatures and the acquired creatures. Among them, dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns are the most. They have lasted for a while. The long war that swept across the heavens almost broke the universe of this plane. In the end, the court of heaven won, and the tribal defeated ... "

Read The Duke's Passion