MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-Chapter 1634 Cut the Sky Blade

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Fengyun Liudao takes the path of returning to normality.

Taking Li Mu's current practice as a display, it has a magical effect of turning decay.

"it is good."

Qin Kongyu praised.

He has double knives.

Both swords are heavy chopping knives.

The left-handed knife blocked Li Mu's slashing and cutting, and the right-handed sword cut to Li Mu with a sharp edge.

Li Mu's sword moves changed again and turned into [Lightning Slash].

The two fought against each other and moved extremely fast. The rabbit went up and down, fighting hundreds of moves.

Li Mu suppressed Xiu Wei, and he simply used Xiu Dao Xiu to compete with Qin Airspace.

Knife changes.

Knife gas aspect.

The masters of the surrounding giant spirit army also watched intently.

Giant spirit bloodline family, most advocating the strong.

In particular, practicing the knife path, opening and closing, full of direct and violent various knife methods, it is most likely to make these Tiangeguan defenders feel excited.

On the school ground, Mars sputtered.

The sound of applause all around.

Qin Kongyu is the second strongest among the younger generations of the giant bloodline family, second only to his brother Qin Tianyu. He has high prestige in the army and is a real name.

Seeing that Li Mu could go all the way to the knife path and compete with Qin Airspace for so long. Regardless of Xuanyuan, many strong generals in the army quickly recognized and liked Li Mu.



The double knives in Qin Kongyu's hands were broken together.

Li Mu stepped back.

He threw the purple gold knife in his hand, threw it backhand, and inserted it outside the school yard, saying, "Change the knife."

Zijin's long sword was too sharp. When the fight was over, he couldn't grasp it and cut off Qin Kong's double sword.

This is invincible.

So he had to change swords and fight again.

On the stage, Qin Han laughed.

A guard next to him, bounced on the handle of the knife, blasted the mid-level long sword hanging from his waist, and shot it towards the school yard.

Li Mu closed his arms and said, "Thank you very much."

At the same time, some generals in the army handed their sabers to Qin Airspace.

Qin Kongyu is full of blood and blood, and is full of fighting spirit, with two swords in his hand, and laughs: "I didn't expect that you look so handsome, the knife path is so deep, the spirit of killing is so sharp, and it ’s so sharp Killing swords, happy, but next, brother, you have to be careful, I am going to use the sword of the giant spirit family [Chan Yuan Tian Dao] ... "

The voice fell.

He doubled his sword in an extremely weird hand.

Li Mu's expression was dignified.

A wave of murderous blood came to his face.

Qin Kongyu seemed to be a different person. Behind him there seemed to be thousands of horses galloping and roaring, and there was a faint shadow of the endless iron blood army being charged.

Soaring momentum.

Li Mu's heart was stunned, and she had a long knife in her hand, which was across her chest.

"Be careful."

Qin Kongyu shouted.

The sword move seems to be pouring in from the water of the Tianhe River.

In the eyes of Li Mu, Hua Guang was in great prosperity, and immediately came out.


The sound of metal symphony sounded.

During the Martian splash, Li Mu flew out 100 meters.


Li Mu's face was surprised.

In this blow, he was defeated.

She was flying a hundred meters directly by Qin Kongyu, and her ears of hair were shaved.

On the knife path alone, Li Mu did lose.

It is indeed the sword method that the Tianting clan has worked out for many years, which is really amazing.

"Ha ha ha ha, Brother Li, you are far ahead of me, but with this method, you and I are half a catty, but you do n’t have to be discouraged. The method I am using is a practice of the Spirit family for thousands of years. Then, with the help of the army, my sword is better than you ... "

Qin Kongyu laughed.

Li Mu suddenly smiled and said, "Well, we'll come again."

The long knife in his hand snapped suddenly in the first half, and it shattered into one hundred and twenty finely broken blades.


The broken blades fluttered and hovered around Li Mu.

In his hand, only half a knife was left.

"Oh? Sword array?"

Qin Kongyu's eyes lit up and he said, "Originally, you still have the means, haha, that's great. Next, I can use the" Chan Yuan Tian Dao "... to take the move."

The silver bottle burst through the water, and Tieqi shot a knife.

The strength of one person and the move of a sword are just like the power of thousands of troops.


The flying knife was broken.

Li Muchang laughed, his figure was like electricity, and cut into it with the flying sword.

This battle lasted for three hours.

The military exercise, which should have ended long ago, was temporarily extended.

There were still some strong men in the army. I heard that there was such a wonderful war, and they came to observe it.

Qin Airspace repeatedly played a "Cut Original Sky Sword", maintaining a number of five or five with Li Mu, stalemate.

Many powerful people are stunned.

Even the Qin Han on the stage, with a smile from the beginning, gradually looked dignified.

He had to admit that he despised Li Mu himself.

This loose-knife skill is so deep, especially the knife array combined with the sword technique, which forms a nearly unsolved knife path warfare, without flaws, even if it is a sword that has accumulated in the vein of the giant spirit. It is the first blade of the Heavenly Court [Zhan Yuan Tian Dao], which cannot be broken.

This knife-path genius, with emperor realm cultivation, is still young.

The future prospects are absolutely limitless.

Where does this peerless character come out?

In addition, Qin Han also felt that Li Mu's sword formation and sword technique still had a stamina, an extremely terrible power, which was not revealed, but was subduedly suppressed. Once this power was displayed, His second son was defeated only between fingers.

Li Mu is the man of the time.

Be sure to try to win.

This person's body brings together humane luck, if it is used by heaven, it must be a five-level emperor's luck master, and the human race should be prosperous.

In Qin Han's mind, he gradually made up his mind.

Immediately, he stopped fighting.

Li Mu flashed out of school.

Qin Kongyu was full of vitality, and his blood was boiling, like laughing. "Brother, fight with you and beat me for a century of practice. I have a hunch. I will soon be able to break through the sacred realm, hahaha, happy. "

Li Mu also arched his hands and said, "Everyone, Brother Qin, said the knife, and wept the ghosts and gods, so that the younger brother had a lot of gains. I can finally make up for my knife path flaws."

He was telling the truth.

[Zhan Yuan Tian Dao] is the No. 1 knife path in the heavenly court. After numerous wars and countless confrontations, the strength of the sword that Molai took out was exhibited by Qin Kongyu, which is exactly the one that can make Li Mu in the battle. The level of understanding and comprehension.

After this battle, Li Mu had a premonition that the knife path that he had cultivated hard for a long time could soon be truly perfect.

The last layout that was lacking before can finally be completed.

The army watching the battle was applauded.

Many sergeants, all sons shouted the names of Li Mu and Qin Airspace.

Obviously, after this battle, Li Mu also completely conquered the soldiers of the Giant Spirit Army.

Qin Han nodded with satisfaction.

The military exercise is over.

That night, Qin Kongyu banqueted in the first floor of Tiangeguan.

There are many strong men in the army.

Li Mu is the subject and guest.

Staggered, Li Mu soon became one with these soldiers and men.


In Li Mu's feelings, these immortal powerhouses are really a group of cute and honest ‘armies’.

After coming to this time and space, Li Mu has always felt that the immortals he saw in Xianting are full of fireworks, more like mortals who are flesh and blood, rather than immortals who are lofty and oblivious.

Read The Duke's Passion