MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-Chapter 1644 Turned out to be you

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As soon as Li Mu heard it, he knew that all his plans were leaked.

Two possibilities.

The magic court has detected the trajectory of the people in the Middle Three Days through some mysterious means, and this detection is comprehensive, and it is very likely that even the dialogue can know.

Or, there were traitors in the three-day squad.

Li Mu is more willing to believe the former possibility.

If it is the latter, then there may only be one

Mu Yunxian Lord.

Because in comparison, Li Mu is more willing to believe in Ding Hao, Ye Qingyu, and Sun Fei.

Of course, there is no time to care about these now.

There are only two paths before Li Mu.


Or back.

And Li Mu's choice is very simple.

He patted Hua Xiangrong's shoulder and motioned her to sweep.

Then, the body moved and punched out.


The law of the highway surging, flowing, and sputtering.

So far, there is no progress.

It's not just him.

There was no retreat for the whole three days.

"Oh, dying."

Ling Yanjun raised his hand and swiped forefinger lightly.

A stroke of invisible blade burst out.

The power of Tao Zunquan was disintegrated in the invisible,

Kill the knife.

The town art of the Qilin tribe, in the hands of the current ancestor of the Qilin tribe, is truly mysterious and extraordinary, far surpassing the previous Demon King 13.

Li Mu urged Dao Zun to die, and continuously punched.

Fist-prints, like dragons, whistled out.

In a short time, the entire deck space was shattered by this terrible punch.

As powerful as prison.

"Oh, you can only stop here if you can do that."

Ling Yanjun smiled faintly, passing a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

He flicked his fingers.

A spatula of light broke.

Countless punches, all of which were dissected by the force of the annihilation knife, and annihilation was nothing.

On the side of the bridge, near the side of Li Mu, the void collapsed like a period of destruction, while the side near Ling Yanjun was as calm as a mirror.

Then this calmness quickly rendered.

Soon everything disappeared.

With the light of the blade, Li Mu was cut straight.

call out!

When the sound of breaking air sounded, a strand of hair left by Dao Zun had been chopped off.

There was also a scar on his face.

"Be careful……"

Hua Xiangrong exclaimed.

Jianguang flow.

The purple sword light in the sky is like the light of the stars.


There was a hint of sarcasm in Ling Yanjun's mouth.

He didn't even mean to evade.

The purple sword struck a hundred meters in front of him, quickly annihilated, and became invisible.

"Since the self-destroyed sword has been completed, no one in this world has been directed at me to swing a sword, the sword is up, the sword is down." Ling Yanjun's voice, extremely overbearing, echoed over the magical depths.

Hua Xiangyong raised her eyebrows and burst into purple gas.

However, Li Mu gently held her.

"let me do it."

Li Mudao: "He and I have an old account and no settlement."

Hua Xiangrong looked confused, and did not understand the meaning of this sentence, but still stepped back.

Li Mu withdrew from Dao Zun's legacy.

Appear true.

Take a backhand look.

Zijin's long sword is already in his hand.

"I think you shouldn't know me."

Li Mu dragged his long knife and approached slowly.

Ling Yanjun's expression first bewildered, and then suddenly changed greatly, exclaimed: "You ... are you?"

In the long years, there are almost no people and things that can make his heart make waves.

But the face of this young man is undoubtedly one of the few exceptions.

He recognized it.

A long time ago, at the beginning of the war that changed the world, outside the main hall of the Battle of Nantianmen, this young man, with a long knife, easily defeated him, and regarded him as a stepping stone, almost Children changed the situation.

In so many long days of the ruler's court, Ling Yanjun has never given up the pursuit of this young knife.

However, even if the demon king has occupied the heavenly court, even all the giants in the heavenly court have withered and fallen, killing almost all the powerful men in the heavenly court, and have never seen such a person.

As if he had never appeared in this world.

He didn't hear the last word of the emperor's figure that day, so he didn't know what the so-called extra-humans meant.

The years are long and flowing.

When Ling Yanjun thought that the young man who could break his own annihilation knife had been annihilated in the long river of history, today, this man appeared in front of himself.


Ling Yanjun laughed.

He laughed wildly.

The wave of laughter stirred the Kuroshio in the four corners, like a boiling ocean.

The entire magic deep, and the surrounding demon lords, strong men, and demon army of all the south magic courts, were shaking in such a laugh, shivering.

"Okay, that's great."

Ling Yanjun looked at Li Mu and said, "Did you know? I have been waiting for you for a long time, and I thought you were dead, and I was about to forget you, but I did not expect that you appeared at this time, very good When I raised my hand and broke my annihilation knife, now you must have a better knife, and you are qualified to prove that I have reached the extreme annihilation of the annihilation knife. "

Li Mu did not speak.

This answer was expected, but it also puzzled him a bit.

In this way, what happened in the time of the retrograde journey in Nantianmen was not some kind of illusion of a void projection, but a real thing that happened to countless years ago.

Almost, I changed history.

Do not.

This statement is not entirely correct.

I was involved in that period of history, and I was shocked. It was real history, so Ling Yanjun thought about himself so much.

This chaotic time and space makes it difficult for Li Mu to understand for a while.

However, there is no need to figure it out.

"Deduced to the extreme?"

Li Mu smiled lightly and said, "So what, still not the opponent who cuts the original sky knife. Today, I will cut the original sky knife with the vein of the giant spirit, for the heroes who died in the Nantianmen, revenge and snow, and recover the blood debt . "


The purple gold sword trembled.

break down.


One hundred and twenty flying knives turned into two long knives.

The giant sword that cuts the original sky knife is a double knife.

Li Mu experienced the battle in the time of the retrograde brigade, and saw the two supreme knife lanes of the era, namely the cut sky sword and the destroying sword, and combined with his own knife lane, now it can be said that the knife lane has been completed.

The power of the sky sword is beyond imagination.

With two swords in hand, Li Mu's starting position is the first meaning of [Cut the Original Sky Sword].

"Are you a descendant of Giant Spirit?"

Ling Yanjun shook his head and shook his head again, and said, "No, no, the sword you cast that day was not a cut from the original sky knife. Why did you have a gigantic spirit?"

Li Mu said: "You don't need to know."


Knife up.

Murderous Cyclonus.

Brother Qin, like Lan Lanzi, Linger, can be true, but can be mysterious ...

You are in the spirit of heaven, see me revenge for you.

Read The Duke's Passion