MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-Chapter 1659 Nine lives

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East Mo Ting.

Ding Hao returned.

Once before, he sneaked by.

Therefore, the Lord of the East Devils Court, who was sitting here, was not alarmed.

But this time, I came to tear down the house.

Therefore, there is no way to keep a low profile.

He broke into the core magic palace of the East Magic Garden directly.

He was awakened by the Lord of the East Moting who was sitting here, born of the nine-day black dragon king of the Dragon family.

"The arrogant monk from the underworld dare to break into my East Devil's Court? Hahahaha, you are looking for death."

The Nine-day Black Dragon roared, his tone full of surprises.

The time has come for me.

The battle fluctuations between the central and southern magic courts have long alarmed the dragons.

However, following the strict laws of the magic court, without the transfer of the master, they cannot go out of their respective spheres of influence, and can only watch others ‘contribution’.

Now the opportunity for the Dragons has come.

"Come, take me down."

Countless dragons and grandsons rushed in and besieged Ding Hao.

call out!

The red knife flashed.

These dragons and grandsons have not rushed to the hundred meters in front of Ding Hao, as if they were mowed by invisible blades, and they all fell down and turned into flying ash.


Jiutian Heilongwang. Shocked.

"Damn monk, kill my people, King will crush you down."

The Nine-day Black Dragon King spit out the black flame of extinction.

"You are noisy."

Ding Hao slashed out with a knife and raised his hand to chop off the head of Jiutian Black Dragon King.

Then he rushed into the devil's palace, directly smashing the Lord of the Gods, and dug three feet in the ground.


Wood is not right.

There are no buried idols under this seat.

It seems that ‘thing’ is hidden somewhere else?

He turned around.

A column of erythritis, sprayed head-on.

The nine-day black dragon king whose head was beheaded had actually grown another skull and opened his mouth to spit out the blood of the world. His energy had doubled again.

"Second life?"

Ding Hao laughed.

Jianguang flashed.

The column of erythritis was separated from the middle.

His shape, in an instant, came to the top of the nine-day black dragon king, stepped on his skull, and thundered, and stepped down this huge black dragon from mid-air, and stepped on the ground fiercely. .


The faucet exploded directly.


Eh? "

Ding Hao was shocked: "So defiant? I wanted to ask a confession."

He looked around for differences.

Divine knowledge also spread.

At this moment, the dragon corpse at his feet suddenly twitched again.

Just look at the exploding skull, and between the rolling blood, a new, dark green giant skull grows. At the same time, the energy breath of the Black Dragon King in these nine days has doubled again.

"Yeah? Alive again? Are there nine lives?"

Ding Hao is interested.

Just now, he carefully observed that the dragon was dead, and the dead couldn't die anymore, and it took only a few dozen breaths to live.

Does this dragon have a certain law of immortality?

Ding Hao tortured.

But the nine-day black dragon roared and roared: "Stupid monk, I am the blood of the true dragon ancestor, the contemporary king of dragons, the immortal god. If you want to know the answer, first defeat me."

He opened his mouth and spit fire and poison that could poison the Emperor.


Ding Hao slashed his sword.

Daoguang swallowed all the poisonous smoke and fire.

Soon, the new head of Jiutian Black Dragon King was blown again.

Then as expected.

He grew a new orange head again.

"I am immortal ..."


The skull was cut off again.

Then, a cyan head grows again, and the energy doubles again.

"Haha, I ..."


Be cut off again.

Xu Xun, a new purple head, grew between the neck and neck. The energy of the nine-day black dragon king doubled again on the original basis.

"Stupid cultivation ..."

He smirked and growled.


This skull was cut off again.

So continuous.

When the ninth golden head grows, the nine-day black dragon king's laughter becomes begging for mercy, saying: "Strong man, stop, I want to fall!"

A squeegee light stopped between his neck.

"So you have only nine lives, right?"

Ding Hao asked.

The golden head nodded like a pounding garlic: "Yes, yes, the dragon has only nine lives. If you stand on the sword, you will really die."

Ding Hao said: "The Phoenix family can be resurrected from the dead. You are a dragon family, why do you master this magical power?"

The golden-headed dragon king of Jiutian looked so smart and quickly said, "It's because Xiaolong found one in this magic courtyard.

Baby, you can raise your life with your physical body. The eight lives that you cut off before you go to the immortal can be reared as long as you have enough time ... "

"Take it out for me."

Ding Hao.

"Yes Yes Yes."

The well-behaved Dragon King opened his mouth and spit out a golden light.

Inside the light group, there is a painting wrapped.

In the portrait, a middle-aged man in a snow-white robe stands in the middle of the snow and wind, with a gentle and elegant complexion. There is a kind of Tao rhyme. The texture of the portrait is unknown, and it contains mysterious power. At the top, the Xianwen logo—

Antarctic Emperor.

"According to the wood, this is one of the five emperors in the heavens at that time, but this picture and I are not very friendly ... maybe I should take it to ask Mommy and Ye Zi."

Ding Hao thought.

He turned his gaze and fell on the obedient Dragon King.

The latter shuddered, and said quickly: "Shangxian's life, Xiaolong is willing to change from evil to righteousness, follow the upper limit, and be your mount."

"How do you know if I am evil or right?"

Ding Hao looked authentic.

The well-behaved Dragon King quickly said, "Master, you are evil, I am evil, you are positive, Xiaolong, I am positive, and you are always the master of your horse."

It's really no ritual.


A sword-mang and a sword-light fell into the Dragon King's body.

"You are here to guard, if necessary, I will spread the word to you. Once you have any betrayal, sword swordsmanship, you can be destroyed instantly."

Ding Hao said sharply.

"Yes, yes, Xiaolong swears in the name of the true ancestor of the dragon ..." The dragon king nodded like a pound.


West Mo Ting.

"Finally solved."

Sun Fei wiped his hands.

The entire Demon Army stationed in the West Demon Court was blasted by him.

This is the magic courtyard where Muyunxian is sitting.

Mu Yunxian is dead.

No one can stop Sun Fei.

"Go, my dear little darlings, find me."

He uses the means of a necromancer.

The corpses lying on the ground crawled up and began to find them all over the place.

"Dig three feet, find me."

Sun Fei kept ordering: "Especially the magic seat of the magic palace, tear it down and dig down ..."

However, after digging for hundreds of meters, none of the idols described in Li Mu's mouth were seen.

"This ... is not right, the inference of the wood is not accurate."

Sun Fei touched his chin.

Read The Duke's Passion