MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-Chapter 1661 Jade Emperor

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All the mists of the past slowly spread.

Many ancient pictures flashed in the minds of the three.

At first they worshiped under the Taoist ancestors, and they were taught by the master of the Central Emperor Haotian Jade Emperor. They eventually became enlightened, dominated the heavenly courts, and ruled the universe in four levels and eight wastelands.

It was an ideal time.

Unfortunately, later ...

"Master Dao, why did you die?"

Sun Fei looked at the other two.

Neither Ding Hao nor Ye Qingyu could give the answer.

They got a lot of information in the picture scrolls. Except for the heavenly seeds, other things were just browsed like a passenger, and they did not produce a sense of substitution like memory fusion.

So there are no ups and downs in mood.

It doesn't make sense to go after everything in the past.

The key is to respond to the moment.

"Go. Help the wood."

Ding Hao moved, and hurried towards the central magic courtyard.

The other two kept up.

Now they have lit their own heavenly seeds.

Suddenly, he rushed to the battlefield.

The next moment, I saw the moment when the Jade Emperor compressed the detonation space and wanted Li Mu and Hua to hold two people.

"Ahh? The wood seems to be hanging."

Sun Fei was taken aback.

"Hang your sister."

Li Mu's voice sounded.

There was a glimmer of light.

Li Mu, holding Hua Xiangrong's figure, slowly appeared beside the three in the distorted picture: "If you don't come again, I will really hang up, my brother is a bit strong."

There was blood on his body.

In the previous battle, he was still injured.


The emperor's gaze stabbed as if it were a magic sword, saying, "You are not dead."

Li Mu recovered his injury and said, "Who said that my time was turning around, it was only an hour?"

The timeline he was able to reverse had long exceeded the bounds of an hour.

It's just that during the fighting just now, it has been showing such a time limit to mislead the Jade Emperor.

"Oh, Brother Gou Chen has hidden my thoughts here, haha."

Jade Emperor's expression was always calm, as if his old friend had recounted the old one when he met again. He glanced at Ding Hao, Ye Qingyu, and Sun Fei, and nodded slightly, saying, "Very well, they are all back. Haha, the battle that never ended before endless years can finally come to an end today, come on. "

He once again cast a spell.

Four heads and eight arms.

The space seemed to be broken and collapsed like glass, and white fine lines visible to the naked eye spread quickly, as if they were tentacles of destruction, swept towards four people.

"Flower, you retreat first."

Li Mu will spend a lot of time and send it to a safe place.

The next moment, the final battle began.

Throughout the central magic courtyard, there are endless immortal Guanghua flashes.

The black magic gas was boiling wildly.

The sleeping Qionglou Yuyu and the building seemed to be alive, a destructive magical force, boiled, endless coercion, and blessed the emperor.

His combat power really increased again.


Ye Qingyu's body was full of fairy light, a stream of fairy tripods flowed out, floating in the void, and the yellow light of Wan Dao Xuan hangs down, anchoring the entire space of Zhong Mo Ting, making it impossible to twist and transfer.


Ding Hao came out with a sword.

The power of the magic sword and rusty sword, the power of the two holy bodies, erupted completely at this instant, and under the blessing of the revival of the fairy court on one side, the power reached the extreme.

Sun Fei growled in the sky, turned into a giant bear again, and roared chaotically. He roared, and in the void, pulled out all the shadows, rushed directly to the emperor's body, and launched a brutal attack.

Li Muju responded on one side.

The power of time reverses the chaos.

The four top peaks, joined together for the second time, do not know how many times the power is overbearing.

Rao is the jade emperor's combat power soared, and it became difficult to cope with it.


The rust sword passed.


One arm of Yuhuang was cut off, and blood splattered.

He was finally injured.

"it is good."

The Jade Emperor laughed, her hair turned, her black hair fluttered, and her hair had endless pressure on her hair. There were only seven arms left in the body of Fa Xiang, but the surging magic energy was more urgent. Go up.


He cut it out in one fell swoop.

The magic sword and rust sword were all shaken out.

"Drive me."

It was another consecutive number of punches.

Sun Fei roared, and the Chaos Giant Bear waved up.

Fists intersect.

Earth and Earthquake.

The layers of energy apertures radiate out like ripples of water ripples, shaking the surrounding void.

The bodies of Sun Fei and Yu Huang retreated.

Sun Fei withdrew from the 100 meters.

Yuhuang exited more than ten meters.

In the sky, Xian Ding trembled and buzzed.

Jade Emperor actually resorted to the regrettable power with Sun Fei to guide the aftermath and impact the repressive force of Xianding.

At this time, Ye Qingyu's attack also arrived.

The blood-drenched sword is transformed into the sky's bloodline, which is everywhere.



The two arms of the Jade Emperor's body were broken again.

Li Mu's knife path swept at the same time.

The knife flashed.

One of the four heads flew from the neck.

Blood shines.

He had already fought with the Jade Emperor once before, and the cooperation between the four had been honed and they were extremely tacit.

After lighting up the Great Demon Courts, the strength of the three Ye Qingyu was enough to fit in with the ancient heaven court, and was blessed by the heavenly ways here. It is no longer controlled by the magic pressure, and the strength of the Jade Emperor is so high that it is difficult to match the four forces.


Drinking blood sword cut off.

One Frenchman had his head severed.

Between Ye Qingyu's chest and abdomen, was pierced by a fairy jade spear, but with the help of the **** sword, he healed instantly.

Sun Fei combined the powers of the seven major professions into one, and transformed it into the power of chaos in the beginning. The transformed giant bear flashes the holy light, which is completely an undead body. Once it hits the jade emperor's body, the horrible curse Force intrudes instantly!

An assassin, a mage, and a melee chaotic bear, the destructive power is simply amazing.

And with the help of Li Mu's time, Sun Fei can be said to have flesh and output, hatred value is full, and for the other three people, they have won countless output spaces.

After half an hour.


There was only one single-armed Jade Emperor, and he was severely dropped on the central magic courtyard square.

Cracks and cracks spread across the earth.

"Ahahaha, my four good masters are really getting better and better."

Jade Emperor was full of blood and had no meaning of defeat, but laughed.

Four people, Li Mu, fell on the ground and surrounded him in four directions.

Xianding suspended in the void, slowly pressed down, still anchored in the void to prevent the emperor from escaping.

"Brother, you were once the Supreme Master of the Immortal Fairy, why did you fall into the magic?" Li Mudao said, "So-called down the butcher knife, turning back to the shore. Now, there is still a chance to tell us the mystery of the magic source. People break the black tide and save the three days and the world.

"Brother please turn back."

Ding Hao also said.

The Jade Emperor laughed and laughed: "I don't know the mystery of the Kuroshio. How can I help you? There is only one possibility to crack the source of the magic. Kill me, everything is natural."

Read The Duke's Passion