MTL - The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron-Chapter 9 Save people trouble

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The beacon dragon snake came straight to the petite girl.

When the petite young girl was in crisis, she hurriedly resisted, and threw a silver-white ball from her sleeve subconsciously.

Hong 嘭 ——

A sound like a thunder burst, suddenly burst!

Su Yu's eardrums on the linden tree buzzed, the blood in her body trembled, and she was almost shaken by the sound!

Soon, a strong energy exploded, and the Quartet trembled fiercely!

Hissing ~

The Beacon Dragon Snake, shrouded in a silver-white ball explosion, suddenly screamed violently.

I saw, half of his head was blown up, blood was blurry, and at seven inches, large snake scales were peeled off, revealing a blur of flesh and blood.

Intense pain, irritating the fierce hair of the fiery dragon snake, twisting his body frantically, rushing towards the petite girl fiercely, the blood basin opened his mouth, and the tender little sheep was about to be swallowed!

Xi Su Yu shook her head secretly, the petite girl's silver-white ball, the power was terrible! Definitely an extremely expensive life-saving treasure!

Under normal circumstances, maybe even the strongest peak of the martial arts triple will be killed.

But the petite girl is too panic. The seven-inch position is the heart of the snake. If you fry it just now, it will be dead.

Seeing that the situation was critical, Su Yu took out the big red bow, and her pupils moved to the extreme, aiming at the seven-inch position of the fire dragon snake, where there was a scale-squashed wound, and Su Yu shot suddenly!


Bow and arrow hit the target straight!

However, it did not penetrate. Its flesh was too thick, it just shot into the seven inches of meat, a little distance from the heart.

The fiery dragon snake roared sternly, and when it was in pain, looked up in anger, looking at the human who hid the cold arrow at the top of the tree.

"What to look at? Sinner!" Su Yu was seen with a slight sorrow in his heart, the monster of the triple heavens, he had no resistance at all!

Without saying a word, Su Yu shot an arrow again. This arrow was extremely precise and shot at the end of the feather arrow inserted in its seven-inch position.

Two arrows in a row!

Suddenly, the arrow went three inches into the flesh, and penetrated deeply into the heart.

嗷 ~~

The beacon dragon snake made a sorrowful roar similar to the dragon's yin, and opened a large mouthful of black venom. The venom was also mixed with fine teeth.

Su Suyu's face changed, and she hurriedly turned to the back of the trunk.

咚咚 ——

明显 He clearly felt the force behind the trunk.

When Xun looked back, the fire dragon snake twisted on the ground in pain, and was about to breathe, until after a tea, the fire dragon snake could not move, and he jumped lightly.

The petite young girl seemed to be shocked by the shock wave, and also fainted.

Wu Suyu was relieved, without hesitation, immediately removed the most valuable snake gallbladder, fangs and snake skin of the fire dragon snake.

After doing this, Su Yu looked at the passivated dagger in surprise, the skin of the fire dragon and snake was much harder than expected.

Fortunately, he couldn't help but thank the petite young girl blasted the flesh at seven inches with a silver ball, otherwise he could not shoot through the thick snake skin with his bow and arrow.

Su Suyu got up and was ready to leave, and suddenly, there was a faint tender humming behind her.

Looking back, it was the petite girl with a pale face, sweaty beans on her forehead, shortness of breath, and rapid chest undulations.

"Not good! She's poisoned!" Su Yu took a closer inspection and found that a tooth containing black venom penetrated her clothes and shot into her chest.

The fire dragon snake just slammed back and fired a large mouthful of venom wrapped in broken teeth.

The petite young girl was injured by Yu Bo and was poisoned.

No doubt at the moment, Su Yu unbuttoned the girl's shirt and looked closely. On the right side of the chest, a finely broken tooth penetrated the skin through the shirt and penetrated into the meat. The blood stained with black silk impregnated the chest.

Look at the skin near the wound showing dark brown, but it is a sign of snake venom spreading. Once the toxin enters the heart, Da Luo Shenxian can do nothing.

It is important to save people in times of crisis. Su Yu's hands are like lightning, and the index finger and **** carefully remove the broken teeth stuck in the meat.

"Fortunately, the incision in the poisoned area is relatively wide, and there is no need to cut the skin, otherwise permanent scars will be left in this area." Su Yu quickly analyzed, nodding her head secretly, then squatted down, wiped off the residual blood, and opened her mouth , Cover the wound and **** the residual venom in it.

In a coma, the rescued girl seemed to feel pain and her body trembled slightly.

啾 ——

Su Suyu had a clear heart and no distractions. She sucked hard and sucked out a venomous blood. When she didn't enter her oral blood vessels, she vomited quickly.

Then, bowed his head and started sucking again.

Su Yu did not stop until the sixth sucked blood bright red.

At this point, his mouth was slightly numb, and very little toxin entered the blood vessels in the mouth.

However, these are all worthwhile, the little girl's breathing calms down, she just falls into a coma and is not life-threatening.

She squatted down and covered the little beauty, and Su Yu immediately walked away.

He doesn't think that if a woman is rescued in this way, she will be thanked by the woman. In all likelihood, she will be misunderstood. Otherwise, her life will be in danger.

after all. . The woman in purple, but the existence of Mie Tian Xiaocheng!

Coupled with the fact that there was no one here, the little girl ordered her to kill her easily.

"What are you doing?" Su Yu was pulling his leg away, the young guard stood up staggeringly, and suddenly found a strange man sneaky.

At the same time, all the fire dragon snakes they besieged, the snake skin was stripped of valuable parts!

The young guard immediately became furious: "He Fang thief, steal me and wait for the booty!"

When he was in a coma, he heard the sound of thunder when he was vague. He knew that the small county master used the killer to kill the fire dragon snake.

Unexpectedly, when he woke up, he found that the small county master was unconscious, and the valuable materials of the fire dragon snake were stolen!

Xu Suyu didn't look back, but torn off a piece of cloth, covered her face, and left without saying a word.

Unexpectedly, a trace of weak toxins broke out. His body was not as flexible as before, and Yun Ying Ping Zong was extremely difficult to perform.

"Where to go!" Taking advantage of this opportunity, the youth at the peak of Double Sky caught up.

Xu Suyu turned back and said coldly, "Huh! I saved you! Don't check your compatriots quickly?"

The youth guard was furious: "Bold thief, hurting the master, taking away my prey and so on without telling me, it was a lie! With your martial arts double mastery, how is it possible to kill the fire dragon snake?

Destroy the treasure! "

"Look at the trick! Tiger fist!" The young guard jumped in the air, as the tiger went down the mountain, the momentum suddenly came.

The power is so powerful, it is a volume of medium exercises! It's a whole higher level than Su Yu's "The Blue Spring"!

Wu Suyu was angry: "I don't know people!"

"" Blue Water Spring "" Su Yu is agile, with both fists and feet, in a very consistent degree, continuously returning.

He punched and kicked, the shadows staggered, and struck the opponent's chest at the same time.

I was hit with a punch and a kick at the same time, the young guard screamed, the momentum of the tiger down the mountain instantly disintegrated.

But, waiting for him to react, another boxing hit the same position.

The young guard was furious, and his hands were on his chest. As long as the opponent's attack stopped, he could fight back immediately.

However, the opponent's fists and feet are staggered, endless, one punch and one foot, landing in the same position again and again.

Until the last blow, one foot swept through the air in the air and slammed into his arms.


The young man couldn't hold it anymore, his arms were sore, his body flew backwards, and he hit five meters away, his eyes filled with horror.

The opponent's triumphant double Cheng Dacheng, even beat him!

That weird fist and foot method is clearly inferior, but it has the power to suppress him!

Can Su Yu defeat him. To a large extent, it was a young man's war, which was a huge consumption. In addition, he just woke up and could not exert his strength.

He kicked and flew at him, and Su Yu immediately cast "Cloud Shadow Ping", such as Baiyun's shadow, Jianghai duckweed, Jinghong glance disappeared into the forest sea.

Su Suyu had to leave because the most powerful girl in the purple clothes was awake!

"Li Minghai, what happened?" The girl in purple covered her drowsy head and stood up staggeringly. She had no time to see a man flying into Li Minghai ~ ~.

明 Li Minghai looked ugly and talked about it.

The girl in purple dress looks horrified, but she doesn't care about the fire dragon snake, but she cares about the small county master.

He rushed forward, and the girl in the purple clothes checked it and made sure that it was okay. Then she was relieved.

But careful, she found that Xiao Jun's clothes were a bit shaggy, and the blood on her chest was so vivid!

Finally, there are a few mouthfuls of dark red blood on the side of Ogori's main body, and a poisonous serpent's tooth!

少女 The girl in the purple clothes seemed to think something, her face was pale, and she cried out, "Li Minghai, you retreat temporarily!"

Waiting for him to leave, the girl in purple unbuttoned Xiaojun's shirt and saw the fangs wound, and the darkened skin that remained was just a sign of poisoning!

Fortunately, the poisonous blood has been removed, and it does not matter.

But, then, staring at the traces of artificial detoxification, her mind exploded. What happened to the Xiaojun Lord just now became clear to her!

With anger, the girl in purple dress sneered and said, "Qin Lao, why don't you stop? How can a man touch the body of a small county master? How can a reputation be kept? If the county king knows, he must be furious."

唰 ——

He listened to the sound of clothes, and a dry old man appeared out of thin air with a dull expression.

From beginning to end, this dried up old man has always been on the side of the tree, but Su Yu was unaware of it! !!

The strength of this person is terrible.

He is the master of secretly protecting the small county master.

The king of Xianyu County will sharpen her daughter, and she will not let her take any chance to take risks. Qin Lao is a master who protects her secretly. Only at the moment of the life and death crisis of Xiaojun ’s master ~ ~ Welcome the book readers. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~ ~

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