MTL - The Earth People are so Fierce (Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!)-Chapter 1761 Savior

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Chapter 1761 The Savior

This maturity and calmness immediately reaped high returns.

In just a few seconds, Meng Chao was in Dragon City and had hundreds of thousands of absolutely loyal supporters.

That is the investor of Huanyu Group, the holder of "Huanyu Department" stocks.

You know, since the monster war was won and Dragon City entered the "period of major construction", the stock index has also been surging every day at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ordinary citizens listen to financial experts from all walks of life, demonstrating from various angles the inevitability of Dragon City's conquest of other worlds, and the fact that Dragon City's composite index will skyrocket dozens or even hundreds of times during the process of conquering other worlds. If you throw your life into this fast-moving wealth express, you will be left far behind by the endless tide of the times... and so on, it makes sense.

In addition, those who dared to eat crabs, indeed, got enviable rewards.

Ordinary citizens who are overwhelmed by envy, jealousy and hatred... how can they resist such a temptation?

Of course, it’s a matter of selling iron, mortgaging real estate or even illegal loans. You must “breathe with Dragon City, share fate, bet everything, and be firmly bound together!”

As one of the nine super companies, Huanyu Group and its affiliates are of course also popular investment products in the financial market.

Hundreds of thousands or even millions of ordinary citizens have exchanged their life savings and even loans mortgaged by real estate and pensions for "Huanyu" stocks.

Yes, it is said that Shen Yuanbao, the helm of the Huanyu Group, was seriously injured in the fierce battle with the monster mastermind, which brought a lot of hidden worries to the Huanyu Group.

As a result, in the six months after the victory of the Monster War, the stock price of the "Huanyu Department" was always tepid, and even fell slightly for a period of time.

But in the mouths of financial experts, this is a great time to buy heavily and build positions on the bottom line!

"According to the judgment of the most authoritative medical experts in Dragon City, Shen Yuanbao is only temporarily overdrawn on his psychic power and needs to recuperate for a year or so. I believe that he will be able to return in full glory in a short time. At that time, the stock price of Huanyu Group will not be too high. It has skyrocketed by 500%, how can it be worthy of this peerless powerhouse!"

"In the past six months, the stock prices of the remaining eight of the nine super companies have doubled on average. They have already missed the best opportunity to build positions. If they chase higher at this time, they will inevitably encounter adjustments. However, the stock price of Huanyu Group, Keeping your troops still all the time is called thick accumulation and slow development, and if you don't make a sound, you will be done, and you will be a blockbuster!"

"There is a piece of top-secret news, which was told to me by the younger brother of my cousin's third uncle's classmate who is the head nurse of Huanyu Medical Group. I only want to tell you, but please don't tell others. It is said that Shen Yuanbao not only was not seriously injured, but It was a blessing in disguise, in the decisive battle with the monster mastermind, he got a great opportunity, comprehended the mysterious and mysterious martial arts principles, and is very likely to become the number one in Dragon City, an existence beyond the gods! He is not healing now, but retreating, Once it breaks through, the stock price of Huanyu Group will definitely skyrocket!"

Similar news spread throughout the streets and alleys of Dragon City overnight.

It also allowed countless ordinary citizens to become "shareholders" of Huanyu Group.

Even among the other eight super companies, there are quite a few white-collar and even gold-collar workers who are worth a lot of money. The stock of Huanyu Group was acquired.

Then, they stepped into the pit.

Shen Yuanbao, who is known as "retreating and practicing", has not shown signs of "great achievement, breaking through the barrier".

The operation of Huanyu Group has always been tepid.

Although the "Hongxigou Project" has been created, which has drawn an extremely beautiful pie for all investors, the increase in stock price will only reach the average line of the nine super companies.

Even this poor increase turned into a dream with the explosion of the spar warehouse of the Hongxigou project and the assassination of Shen Yuanbao.

When the explosion and the assassination, two major bad news came successively.

The stock price of Huanyu Group, like a fence that was invaded by the beast tide, took a sharp turn with hardly any struggle.

In just one week, the average stock price of the "Huanyu Department" plummeted by more than 35%, and there was no sign of stabilization.

Countless stockholders were stunned, wanting to cry, but unable to even cut their positions and stop losses in time.

Because of the gossip circulating in the market, it has become that Shen Yuanbao was seriously injured and fell, Huanyu Group has no leader, and is about to fall apart and withdraw from the ranks of the "Nine Super Enterprises".

At this moment, which idiot dares to lick blood on the edge of a knife to pick up this plummeting market?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the so-called "Huanyu" stocks have not collapsed completely, because the other eight super companies are worried that the collapse of Huanyu Group will trigger a chain reaction and lead to the collapse of the entire Dragon City financial market, so everyone insisted Scalp, blood transfusion to Huanyu Group, just give it a sigh of relief.

But it won't last long.

The size of the Huanyu Group is too large. Even if the other eight super companies sincerely want to help, they cannot maintain the situation for too long.

In the past few days, the open and secret struggles within the Huanyu Group have intensified. Many people suspect that Shen Yuanbao is dead enough to stage such a drama of "Kowloon seizing the throne".

When the news of Shen Yuanbao's death is officially announced, the stock price of the "Huanyu Department" will plummet, and the nine doomsday beasts will not be able to stop them.

And countless small and medium-sized investors who have lost their fortunes and even owed high debts can only queue up to go to the rooftop!

Unexpectedly, when countless small and medium-sized investors were falling into despair or even madness, Meng Chao and Shen Yuanbao joined hands and appeared as a savior.

Regardless of whether the plan of the Chaoxing Group and the Huanyu Group to jointly develop Turanze can come true, at least, at this point in time, this unprecedented benefit will definitely help the "Huanyu Department" stock price to come back to life and soar into the sky super fuel.

As the saying goes, "cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents."

On the other hand, helping people reconnect their cut off financial resources is no different from giving birth to parents.

Originally, ordinary citizens who were exhausted for daily necessities, no matter how much they supported the Azure Alliance and Meng Chao, it was impossible to support them to the point of "swearing allegiance to the death".

Yes, there is a lot of darkness and injustice in this society, but as long as you can make do with life, can you bear it and pass it?

The vast majority of ordinary people think so, and they can only think so.

But now, for the hundreds of thousands or millions of small and medium-sized investors holding "Huanyu" stocks, for the sake of stock price, wallet, wealth and life, wealth appreciation and even the dream of wealth freedom, they are really willing to trade Under the leadership of Meng Chao, they launched a charge against all opponents—whether doomsday beasts or god-level powerhouses.