MTL - The Earth People are so Fierce (Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!)-Chapter 1770 final imprint

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Chapter 1770 The Last Mark

These words were like burning iron fists, hitting Yun Feidian's face fiercely.

Yunfeidian's facial muscles twitched violently as if electrified, but his voice was as difficult as coming from a rusty machine: "So, you let me out of the city on purpose?"

"That's right!"

Meng Chao said, "We have long been able to intercept you in the old factory area, but we are afraid that you will jump the wall in a hurry and flee back to the densely populated downtown area, causing heavy casualties-if a guy like you has the opportunity to use tens of thousands of You will never hesitate to threaten us with the lives of innocent civilians!

"So, we would rather take the risk of being run away by you, and set the final battlefield outside the city.

"Here, even if you detonate all the psionic energy in your body and blow up a huge hole with a diameter of 100 meters, it won't have much impact on the people in the city.

"By the way, let me tell you that most of your accomplices have been captured by us, and these people have no loyalty to you or the Blood League. The coordinates of the secret lair.

"Even if you managed to escape today, we will start a protracted carpet search, making sure to turn over every inch of land in the depths of the Monster Mountain Range, so that not even a single snake, insect, mouse ant can escape our sight.

"At that time, what else can you do except curl up in the dark, narrow and damp secret lair, terrified all day long, waiting for the end to come?

"Yunfeidian, I admire you as the top powerhouse in the Mesozoic of Dragon City. During the monster war, you also made great contributions. I don't want to see you end up in an extremely wretched and shameful place like a rat who is greedy for life and afraid of death. The end, I think, you don't want your end to be like this?

"Surrender, save face for yourself and Leiyun Technology, and shoulder the responsibility like a man!"

Yunfeidian was silent for a long time.

The all-terrain off-road vehicle seems to have become a cold coffin.

Finally, he let out an exhausted sigh.

"Meng Chao, you're right. I shouldn't be like a mouse hiding around and panicking all day long, and come to the most humiliating end."

Yunfei paused for a moment, his smile became ferocious and fierce, as if the blade had just been unsheathed and stained with blood, "However, I will never surrender and accept the trial of those guys.

"Winner and loser, I am willing to bet and admit defeat, Meng Chao, since I lost to you, then you will judge me in person!"

Before the words finished, Yunfei stepped on the gas pedal.

The spar engine of the all-terrain off-road vehicle screamed like a doomsday beast suddenly awakened, and white smoke burst out from the heat sink, accompanied by the scream of metal fatigue from every part on the body, the speed instantly soared to limit.

Yunfeidian drove the all-terrain off-road vehicle like a flaming rocket, rushing towards the heavy-duty bulldozer with its helmet on.

The captors dared to show up here, and of course the heavy bulldozers were prepared with secret weapons that could deal with the god-level powerhouses.

boom! Boom boom boom!

Accompanied by bursts of explosions, the top cover of each heavy-duty bulldozer was lifted off, clusters of colorful fireballs soared into the sky, and a large amount of burning debris, like a goddess scattering flowers, was scattered across the entire area with a radius of hundreds of meters. tablet space.

Those are all fragments and powders that are crushed from high-level spar.

Contains incomparably surging spiritual energy.

A fragment the size of a fingernail can drive a heavy tank and armored vehicle for several hours.


When the fragments and powder were evenly distributed within a hundred-meter radius, seven or eight electric arcs as thick as pythons sprang out from each heavy-duty bulldozer.

The faint blue arcs and deep purple arcs criss-crossed, intertwined and tore each other, and spread to the surroundings, and soon connected all the spar fragments and powders together.

The strong electric current strongly stimulated the spar fragments and powder, instantly breaking the already extremely unstable structure inside the spar, causing the surging spiritual energy contained in it to be instantly stimulated in the most violent manner.

With the all-terrain off-road vehicle driven by Yunfei Dian as the center, the space within a radius of 100 meters suddenly turned into a sea flooded with violent spiritual energy.

Even if it is ordinary flour, the particle density in a unit space exceeds the critical point, plus a little spark, it may cause a "dust explosion" tragedy and collapse a solid building.

Not to mention the powder of high-grade spar, and the "spar dust explosion" caused by the super-strong electric arc.

In an instant, the all-terrain off-road vehicle disintegrated into tens of thousands of parts.

Tens of thousands of parts were torn into hundreds of thousands of parts at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Rao Yunfeidian activated the spiritual shield in time with the posture of a god. In the spar dust explosion that was more terrifying than the Honghuiyu frenzy explosion, the mud feet were deeply trapped and it was difficult to move.

And that's just the beginning.

Of course, Meng Chao and other captors were not so naive as to think that a mere spar dust explosion could kill a strong man in the divine realm.

The spar dust explosion caused by more than a dozen heavy bulldozers was just to trap Yunfei Dian and facilitate the more powerful ultimate weapon to lock the target.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

On the horizon, there were several muffled cannon shots.

As if the sky and the earth were turned upside down, the thunder erupted fiercely from the bottom up.

The earth is trembling and the sky is burning. The ultimate weapon of Dragon City civilization, the train cannon that once made countless doomsday beasts fearful, once again released the most brutal power that an industrial civilization can release.

Because the shooting elements have been collected and calculated in advance.

Dozens of heavy train cannons with a caliber of more than 500 mm, filled with high-grade spar shells, fell almost simultaneously.

Due to the lack of satellite guidance, the impact point of the train gun is of course impossible to be very accurate.

And the weapon of the train gun has never pursued precision.

It only seeks to turn the space of hundreds of meters, hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters around the target into a burning hell.

When dozens of gigantic fireballs soared into the sky around Yunfei Dian.

The ensuing roiling heat wave, like a burning death scythe, harvested all life within a kilometer around, including snakes, insects, rats, ants, and even microorganisms, without discrimination.

The trees turned into coke in an instant, shattered into powder in an instant, and were blown away without a trace by the shock wave in an instant.

The swamp instantly evaporated, and the fully fermented monster corpses buried in the depths of the swamp also erupted in a series of chain reactions, all of which were gasified.

Even hard rocks were burned into magma and twisted into strange shapes.

"Meng Chao—"

Yunfeidian, located at the center of the explosion, let out a heart-piercing howl.

And this seems to be the last imprint he left on this world.

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