MTL - The Earth People are so Fierce (Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!)-Chapter 1788 unexpected ending

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Chapter 1788 Unexpected ending

"Hold him!"

Lu Zhongqi's voice was as harsh as that of a ghost.

Behind him, the rock wall undulates like raging waves, as if a ferocious beast that has been suppressed for thousands of years is about to break out of its cage.

This ferocious beast, which fed on his blood, let out a thunderous roar, causing his face and limbs to wither away at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a skinny skeleton.

This is a sign that he overdraws his life, detonates his spiritual energy, and tries to burn everything together!

Yun Feidian also knew that if Meng Chao couldn't be desperately injured, neither of them would run away.

Even though he and Lu Zhongqi were not completely in the same mind, they still obeyed and rushed forward, the electric lights around them surged to the limit.


In an instant, Yunfei turned into a faint blue arc dozens of meters long.

The arc circled Meng Chao who had just crashed out from the depths of the rock wall, spinning hundreds of times in half a second, like a huge electric cage.

Even though Meng Chao had the blessing of the totem armor, he was stuck in the mud and was struggling when he was delayed by a strong man in the divine realm who spared no effort in blood.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

Every time he collides with Yunfei Dian, there will be a movement like thunder in summer.

The totem armor, which was originally shining with luster, was also blasted by the arc of rock powder, blasting black scorched marks one after another.

Beside the entangled two people, behind Lu Zhongqi, a gigantic, lifelike rock dragon has condensed limbs, minions and even finely carved scales, and even after injecting Lu Zhongqi's blood, it unleashed an unparalleled fury. murderous.


In just a few seconds, after hundreds of rounds of super-high-speed confrontation, Meng Chao finally captured Yunfei Dian's dazzling movement trajectory, and punched it hard, piercing Yunfei Dian's chest like a ground-penetrating bomb, blasting half of him. The chest was slightly sunken, and a mouthful of blood spurted out wildly, and the whole person fell backward like a collapsed tall building.

But before Yun Feidian stepped back, he also stepped out and stomped heavily on Meng Chao's left knee.

This was an attack that a strong man in the divine realm would hit without hesitation, and it was impossible for Meng Chao to dodge it.

Even though a large amount of liquid metal-like substance surged towards the left knee pad in time, increasing the thickness of the knee pad by 50%, the lightning power of Yunfei Dian was still like an invisible electric drill, piercing through Meng Chao's kneecap , meniscus and knee joint.

Meng Chao's eyes twitched in pain.

The spiritual energy in the whole body rushed towards the left knee frantically, trying to increase cell activity, promote blood flow, accelerate hormone secretion, and mobilize the surrounding blood vessels, nerves and tendons to share the function of the left knee.

Even so, it still takes three to five seconds for the left knee to regain 90 percent of its function.

But before that, Lu Zhongqi's life-threatening blow had already roared!

Meng Chao snorted coldly, crossed his arms, and a large amount of liquid metal-like substance condensed into an arc-shaped shield in front of him, ready to meet Lu Zhongqi's strongest attack.

Yun Feidian relied on the force of Meng Chao's blast on his chest just now, without dust on his feet, and floated into the distance like a ghost, trying to escape under the cover of Lu Zhongqi's desperate efforts.

Seeing that the vivid rock dragon opened its mouth spouting spiritual flames, it was about to bite **** Meng Chao's spiritual magnet shield.

Suddenly, an astonishing scene exploded in front of Meng Chao's eyes.

I saw that the tail of the rock dragon suddenly bloomed like a crab claw chrysanthemum, forming a pair of giant mouthparts covered with sharp teeth, which are more terrifying than the **** mouth.

However, Yanlong's head penetrated deeply into the ground half a meter in front of Meng Chao, forming a solid foundation.

The rock dragon instantly switched its head and tail, and also changed its attack direction.

The terrifying mouthpiece was facing, but it was the defenseless Yunfei Dian who was determined to escape!


Yun Feidian, caught off guard, never expected that Lu Zhongqi, who was supposed to be on his side, would attack him without warning.

Besides, in order to severely injure Meng Chao's knee, he did not hesitate to use his chest to resist Meng Chao's bombardment. At this moment, the deep part of his chest was still like a volcanic eruption. It was a mess, and the lungs and even the heart function were greatly affected.

Just as Yunfei Dian was about to speed up, he felt as if his heart was being squeezed by Meng Chao, and the pain was so painful that stars shot out in front of his eyes.

Before he could accelerate, he was swallowed by the rock dragon condensed by Lu Zhongqi in one gulp!

Yunfeidian's ability is to manipulate lightning.

Lu Zhongqi's ability is to manipulate rocks.

The former is naturally restrained by the latter.

Feeling hundreds of tons of rocks, controlled by Lu Zhongqi, madly rushing towards him, about to bury him alive.

Yunfei Electric is like an electric eel covered by a fishing net, doing everything possible to release the arc.

However, no matter how powerful his electric arc is, sinking into the churning rocks is like a mud cow sinking into the sea.

Soon, Yunfeidian's mouth, nose, eyes and ears were blocked by rocks.

A large number of sharp rock thorns and rock cones scraped and stabbed his flesh and blood with all their might, and penetrated deeply into his internal organs.

He roared furiously.

However, countless dirt and gravel went down his mouth and into his throat.

He danced and sprinted from left to right, like a doomsday beast that was trapped.

But no matter which direction he fled, Lu Zhongqi would mobilize a large number of rocks, like reinforced concrete, to fill in the leaks at any time.

Finally, after a full three minutes of fighting, Yunfei Dian stopped moving.

There are a lot of rocks piled up on his body. The rocks have undergone high temperature and high pressure reactions, giving off a dark red, steaming texture, like a freshly baked tomb.

In front of the tomb, in the center of the cobweb-like cracks in the rocks, there is only one arm with five fingers spread apart and blue veins exposed.

This arm is three to five rounds thicker than normal, and it feels heavy and hard. You can only find it when you look carefully. Every pore on the arm is covered by the mud that is trying to spew out from the inside out. Fully packed.

The leader of Leiyun Technology, the leader of the Mesozoic powerhouses in Dragon City, and the current leader of the Blood Alliance, the vitality of Yunfeidian is disappearing little by little.

His flesh and blood were almost fused together with dust, mud, and rocks three to five times the mass, and Da Luo Jinxian couldn't save his life.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Lu Zhongqi, the former leader of the Blood Alliance, sat down slowly in front of Yunfeidian's tomb, looking exhausted and even exhausted.

Even though he took advantage of the sneak attack, in order to kill Yun Feidian, who was also a god-level powerhouse, this experienced and scarred first-generation god-level powerhouse paid the price of rapidly burning his life and dying.


Meng Chao was full of surprise.

I have to admit that I have calculated most of the possibilities, but I really didn't expect that Yunfei Electric's ending would be like this.

Read The Duke's Passion