MTL - The Earth People are so Fierce (Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!)-Chapter 1794 stepping stone

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Chapter 1794 Stepping Stones

"Should I accept your ideas, or accept your manipulation?"

Meng Chao couldn't help being sarcastic, paused, and said, "You can't convince Lu Siya—in order to gain unparalleled power, she may be willing to risk her life, but she will never be willing to become anyone puppets, even my own grandfather."

"Indeed, that's why I didn't tell Siya the truth at all."

Lu Zhongqi smiled and said, "Since joining forces with you, Siya's cultivation has been advancing at an incredible speed.

"In just two or three years, she has crossed the entire heavenly realm and touched the edge of the divine realm. Of course, she has a lot of confusion, which only I can solve.

"While helping her adjust the magnetic field of life and solve her injuries and confusion, I secretly added the 'monster essence' repeatedly extracted and extracted from the brains of dozens of doomsday beasts and monster masters to the genetic medicine she consumes every day. ’, it’s as simple as that.”

Only then did Meng Chao know why, within a few months after the victory in the monster war, Lu Siya's level of improvement was even faster than her own.

He frowned and said, "You mean, Lu Siya doesn't know all of this?"

"At least at first, she really didn't know."

Lu Zhongqi looked calm, "There's no need to let her be in a dilemma, and there's no need to let her actively choose the Blood Alliance. I will bear all the culpability—since Si Ya knows nothing and accepts it passively, even if the truth comes out, She is also just an innocent victim, not an accomplice of me, the leader of the Blood League."

"Is this the only kindness you have towards your granddaughter?"

Meng Chao snorted coldly and said, "In that case, I don't understand. Lu Siya has already accepted the 'Monster Essence', her cultivation has broken through to the divine realm, and she is making strides towards the 'perfect carbon-based creature'. It stands to reason that you His research should be regarded as a great success, right?

"Then why do you spare no effort to capture her, frame her, or even destroy her now?"

On Lu Zhongqi's face, there was an expression of bewilderment, fear, and remorse, blended together, intricate and indescribable.

"This is because, this is because, I found that my plan has deviated from the original direction. Siya's evolution rate is far beyond my imagination. She seems to be a little out of control."

Lu Zhongqi said, "In the beginning, based on the experimental data of the past few decades, even if a large amount of 'monster essence' is injected into the body, I estimate that Siya will need three to five years, or even five to ten years, to slowly digest it." Absorb this gift from the ancient times.

"During this period, the Blood Alliance should have seized the highest power in Dragon City, and I can also mobilize more resources to gradually guide Siya to develop in the right direction, and finally inherit everything from me.

"Unexpectedly, it only took a few months for her to appear completely reborn and reborn from Nirvana.

"What's even more frightening is that I can clearly feel that she is deliberately concealing and suppressing her power.

"Others may not notice.

"However, I, who promoted everything with my own hands and confronted the monster mastermind many times, can smell the breath of the monster mastermind more and more from Siya.

"In the end, it was the battle between you and Siya on the top of Wushen Mountain.

"Although I didn't witness the whole process of the battle, afterward, after analyzing the clues left on the battlefield, I realized that the monster essence I implanted in Si Ya's body had grown into an out-of-control monster at an appalling speed. At least the

"This discovery shocked me.

"I intend to have a good talk with Siya, and even confess everything to her.

"But I don't know if the current Siya is still my granddaughter, or if she is a monster who stole my granddaughter's body.

"And she seemed to be aware of that too.

"I didn't give me the opportunity to communicate with her alone, to study, treat and adjust her, but to leave Lu's house soon, enter the Superstar Group, form the Azure Alliance, and form my own faction.

"Because this matter involves the secrets of the Blood Alliance, it is impossible for me to mobilize the huge power of the Qingtian Group to forcibly recall her back to the Lu family.

"And her impeccable performance in the following year was so perfect that it made people feel cold all over.

"I really don't know what she is now, and what she wants.

"I only know that the monster civilization is never so easily destroyed, and the monster mastermind exposed its lair so easily, so that a dozen of us high-ranking god-level powerhouses swarmed up and killed it—this It is very likely that it deliberately set a trap, and it is its last trump card!"

"You mean—"

Meng Chao said, "The mastermind of the monster took the initiative to expose and use his own death to set a trap?"

"The life form of the monster mastermind is quite different from individual monsters, and even our individual human beings."

Lu Zhongqi said, "According to the analysis of the ancient memory information we extracted from the monster master brain, before the monster civilization was born, the monster master brain had been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years in the form of hibernating cells, and before that, it was even more A gigantic, small part of a gigantic organism that occupies the entire planet's surface.

"Who can guarantee that just controlling the thinking organ that resembles a human brain in the ultimate lair of monster civilization will completely kill the master brain of the monster?

"Who can guarantee that this brain-like thinking organ is really controlled by us?

"You must know that information transmission is often two-way. When we think that we are studying the master brain of monsters in depth, the genetic information and life philosophy of monster civilization are also pouring into the brains of every human researcher. field and heart."


Meng Chao was thoughtful, "That is to say, the...soul of the monster's master brain, or something similar to it, is very likely to be your hand, which sneaked into the depths of Lu Siya's brain, and eventually occupied the magpie's nest and controlled it. And transformed her entire body.

"That's why you tried to catch her and destroy her?"

"No, I don't want to destroy her."

Lu Zhongqi shook his head and said, "What Yunfeidian knows is only part of the plan.

"In fact, if all goes well, Siya will be transferred to me. I will find out what happened to her and find a way to get the whole research back on track. There are some strange powers remaining, and it can also push all the crimes to the Blood League and Yunfei Dian."

"I see."

Meng Chao looked at the huge tomb next to the two of them, "Yunfei Dian was just a stepping stone carefully crafted by you from the very beginning, no wonder you killed him without caring!"

Read The Duke's Passion