MTL - The Earth People are so Fierce (Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!)-Chapter 1803 mad prophet

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Chapter 1803 The Crazy Prophet

Meng Chao had no choice but to bombard the "transparent asphalt wall" in front of him time and time again, causing layer upon layer of ripples, causing the space barrier generator to continue to overload, and eventually damaged and disintegrated from the inside.

During this process that lasted at least half a minute, neither he nor any of the god-level powerhouses, or even the steel torrent armed with tanks, armored vehicles and train guns, could not cover the area of ​​the space barrier. Make any slightest intervention.

Because theoretically speaking, this small space has been completely separated from the surrounding world. It seems to be close at hand, but in fact it is far away.

Su Mulian also found the stunned Meng Chao who broke in by accident.

But she didn't stop acting like a demon, instead she became more ferocious and fanatical, as if she would die with Lu Siya at the same time.

Rao Lu Siya flushed all over her face, every drop of blood was about to seep out of her pores.

Nothing could stop the syringe in Su Mulian's hand from getting closer and closer to her carotid artery.

Seeing that the shining silver needle was about to pierce Lu Siya's neck.

Lu Siya didn't stop at all, but pushed the boat along the way, changing from blocking to pulling.

At the same time, he jerked his head violently, causing the syringe to almost brush his carotid artery again.

The silver needle was so close to her blood vessels that it even pierced through a layer of skin, and then passed out from below.

A large amount of medical medicine or deadly venom of unknown composition is shot out from the hollow needle tube, turning into wisps of strange smoke.

Su Mulian missed a single blow, said "Ah", and wanted to take back the syringe and strike again.

Lu Siya took the opportunity to roll over, exerting all her strength on her wrist, grabbing the syringe abruptly.

Su Mulian's eyes were red, and she took out a scalpel as thin as a cicada's wing from her pocket, swung it wildly, and stabbed at Lu Siya's heart.

Lu Siya had already glimpsed Meng Chao, Song Jinbo and others at the door from the corner of her eye, and realized that the space barrier was getting weaker and weaker.

She doesn't need to subdue Su Mulian, she just needs to delay the time.

Lu Siya, who has rich combat experience, made a decisive decision, her shoulders sank, and she was facing the whistling blade.

The scalpel stabbed hard into her shoulder, but was firmly stuck by the shoulder blade and the tense tendons.

The blood was like a flaming lotus, slowly blooming from her shoulders.

Although the wound seemed shocking, for Lu Siya who had escaped from the monster's **** mouth countless times, such an injury was just an insignificant daily life.

She entwined Su Mulian tightly like an octopus, and used the narrow space in the medical cabin to limit Su Mulian's range of activities to the greatest extent.

In particular, the syringe filled with the mysterious potion was firmly pressed down by Lu Siya, and Su Mulian would never let Su Mulian have a chance to touch it.

Although Su Mulian's attack was ferocious, it had no rules after all.

The two sides were in a stalemate for more than ten seconds, but she couldn't regain the lethal weapon.

At this time, the space barrier generator secretly placed in the corner was also overloaded due to Meng Chao's repeated bombardment, emitting black smoke and bursting with a series of "crackling" sounds.

With the spread and disappearance of space ripples, the space in the VIP ward once again merged with the surrounding world.

Meng Chao could clearly hear Lu Siya's panting, and Su Mulian's... crying?

He and a few guards who came after him rushed forward, hurriedly trying to control Su Mulian, who had collapsed.


Su Mulian was like a female beast that had fallen into a trap, struggling and howling desperately.

Even the guards who rushed into the ward with Meng Chao were all strong men with strong backs and waists. They could kill beasts weighing more than half a ton with their bare hands.

But Su Mulian, who was suppressed by them, seemed to be stronger than a half-ton beast when she struggled.

If one hadn't seen it with one's own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that such a desperate and crazy power is hidden in this petite and exquisite body.

Looking at Su Mulian's deep and passionate eyes, Meng Chao faintly had an illusion, wondering whether there was a tunnel in her body leading directly to another dimension, which could continuously absorb surging power from another world.

"No, Meng Chao, you can't stop me, let me kill this monster!"

Su Mulian was finally pressed to the ground by several burly men, but her cervical vertebrae made a strange sound of "cracking, cracking", almost bursting. Regardless of the pain, she lifted her head up strangely, covered with blood and tears, almost Eyeballs that were about to burn stared straight at Meng Chao.

Her expression resembled that of a hysterical mental patient, and that of a prophet who had received the apocalypse.

And Meng Chao was what she had been looking for, the only answer, and the final redemption.

She screamed, "She will kill you, Meng Chao, she will kill the entire Dragon City! Kill her, kill this monster before it's too late!"

Even though Meng Chao had experienced many battles, facing an opponent of the level of "Doomsday Demon Wolf" Kanus, he could not change his countenance and remain calm.

The curse that Su Mulian seemed to come from the deepest part of **** still made his heart tremble slightly.

Following Su Mulian's solid gaze, Meng Chao turned his head to check on Lu Siya's condition.

Lu Siya covered her injured shoulder, her face pale and confused.

She first shook her head slightly to Meng Chao, indicating that she was fine.

Then, with half-shocked, half-curious eyes, he kept looking at Su Mulian, who looked like a different person, completely unable to understand what the latter meant.

Meng Chao pondered for a moment, believing that Lu Siya's confusion came from her heart, and she really didn't know why Su Mulian wanted to kill herself.

Thinking about it carefully, it was a complete accident that Lu Siya was sent to Weilan Medical Center.

If he hadn't rushed back to Dragon City in time to stop the blood alliance's plot, the current Lu Siya would most likely have fallen into the hands of Yun Feidian and Lu Zhongqi.

In other words, neither Su Mulian nor Lu Siya herself could have expected that they would meet here on this extremely restless night.

"What exactly is going on?"

Meng Chao was completely confused.

He cast his eyes on Song Jinbo.

Song Jinbo was also shocked and at a loss.

Obviously, the core member of the Nest City Reconstruction Committee and the military adviser of the Golden Tooth Gang who are very close to Lu Siya and Su Mulian did not realize that there were any conflicts and hidden dangers between the two.

But after all, he is following the "tyrant sword" Jin Wanhao, who is used to seeing turbulent characters.

Despite the turmoil in his mind, after taking a few deep breaths, he remained calm and issued orders like flowing water.

All the guards present immediately formed an airtight security circle.

No one is allowed to approach the six or seven floors without permission.

Su Mulian has long been her home in Weilan Medical Center, where she has a small dormitory.

For the sake of secrecy, Song Jinbo personally led a search, and soon found a powerful pistol with crystal warheads, and a spar bomb disguised as a surgical instrument box!