MTL - The Earth People are so Fierce (Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!)-Chapter 1818 Change fate against the sky

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Chapter 1818

As Su Mulian spoke, she stretched out her slightly trembling hands.

Meng Chao and Lu Siya were surprised to find that along with the moans of despair, ugly black spots quickly appeared on her originally slender, fair hands, which were like jade carvings, from the inside to the outside. It glowed orange-red, and even exuded a faint smell of burnt smell.

It was as if, beams of nameless karmic fire burst out from the depths of Su Mulian's cells, burning her cells!

Despite this symptom, she was quickly overcome by her "super self-healing" ability.

But it proves irrefutably that in the depths of Su Mulian's soul, there is indeed a power that seems to have traveled back from the future.

This power can interfere with the spirit and affect matter!

"In the next few days, I continued to have dozens, no, hundreds of extremely clear nightmares."

Su Mulian said tremblingly, "I can't control it at all, even if I force myself to open my eyes wide and stay awake, it doesn't work, the nightmare is still like a gangrene, and the ghost lingers on.

"Sometimes, even if I am walking normally, or even talking to others normally, as long as my nerves relax a little, I will instantly enter the state of 'spirit out of body, falling into a nightmare', and see the coming doom over and over again.

"What I told you just now, at least 70% of the stories about the future and the end, have appeared in my mind in the past few days.

"I can no longer lie to myself and turn a blind eye.

"But I don't know exactly what to do to really, completely, and change the future forever.

"The only way to plan ahead is to use the contacts accumulated in the past few years to save lives and save lives, and go to the black market to purchase a batch of enhanced and modified guns and ammunition, as well as explosive devices.

"At this time, I haven't figured out how to use these things. I just regard them as life-saving straws, at least, life-saving straws that can be used for self-comfort.

"And, I'm very curious.

"You know, when my dreams became clear and all the clues were connected one by one, Meng Chao, you haven't announced your existence yet.

"I still have the last chance of luck - if you don't show up, it means that the nightmare is just a nightmare, and it's just my nervousness.

"Unfortunately, you still showed up.

"Just when you were at the scene of the explosion of the Jinpeng, announcing your glorious comeback to all the citizens of Longcheng through various media, I had the longest, clearest, and most painful nightmare in my life.

"No, that's not like a nightmare at all, but the real future, where I spent a long and real life in the future from the first perspective!

"When I woke up from my doomed destruction, only half an hour had passed in reality, and you had just finished your speech.

"But I have already clearly seen your path, seeing that you are destined to lead Dragon City all the way to victory and destruction.

"Looking at your high-spirited appearance on the screen, I instantly realized my mission in the trembling of my soul.

"There is no fluke anymore, the future can only be changed by me.

"Otherwise, why would God give me such an ability, and let me foresee the future repeatedly in a terrifying dream?"

When Su Mulian said this, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, and the holiness and fanaticism of a martyr appeared on her face again.

"There are many ways to change the future."

Meng Chao was silent for a moment, and said, "You can find me or Lu Siya, and tell us all about it—since the future you see has become so real and clear, even if we can't accept it 100%, at least we will." Doubtful."

"It's useless. The progress of civilization is like a mighty torrent. It has its own inertia. If it's just a small change that doesn't matter, it's like throwing a stone into the torrent. It may cause a few eddies and ripples in the torrent." and waves, but after all, they cannot change the direction of the torrent.”

Su Mulian stared at Meng Chao and said, "Think about it, Meng Chao, even if you fall into the 'Eye of Destruction' and drift to Turanze full of Turan orcs, you can fully upgrade and come back gorgeously.

"I don't think my words can be more powerful than the Eye of Destruction and the Turan orcs, preventing you from stepping up to the destined throne step by step.

"If there is anything I have learned from the future, it is that only death can stop a legend like you!"

Meng Chao smiled wryly.

"So, the one you want to assassinate is actually me?" Meng Chao asked.

"If possible, the best target is of course you."

Su Mulian said, "I didn't plan to do it so early—with my ability to transfer injuries and super self-healing ability, coupled with our relationship, sooner or later, you will come to me for treatment, and that is the best. Opportunity.

"But soon, I heard the news that two powerful men in the divine realm, Lu Zhongqi and Yun Feidian, both fell into your hands.

"I can't help but take a breath, I don't know how strong you are now.

"I hesitated, not sure if one day, even if you seek me for treatment, I will have a chance to kill you.

"Besides, I'm neither a careful spy nor a ruthless assassin. I have a huge secret in my heart. When I see you again, I will definitely be flustered and emotional. I will show all kinds of flaws in my micro-expression, and you will see through it at a glance. of.

"Just at this time, Lu Siya, who was seriously injured and lost her extraordinary strength, was sent to Azure Medical Center.

"Seeing her pale face, with no power to fight back, my heart moved.

"That's right, although Lu Siya was not the one who caused the evil, she was the supreme leader when Dragon City was destroyed. As long as she can be successfully killed, it can greatly change the future.

"At least, Meng Chao, it is impossible for you to marry her again, and it will be difficult to get the full support of the Lu family, Qingtian Group, and the nine super companies, and it will be difficult to ease the relationship between the poor and the wealthy—such a violent chain reaction will inevitably make people feel sad. The course of history took a new direction.

"Besides, the current Lu Siya is much easier to kill than you. You don't need powerful spar weapons at all. You only need an ordinary scalpel to prevent the end of the world and change your fate against the sky!

"So, even though after Lu Siya was sent to the Azure Medical Center, I was surrounded by the entire medical team and the Azure Alliance, and I didn't have a chance to go home to get the spar guns and explosive devices. Mess up, solve problems before dawn.

"In the end, in case of failure, like now, I believe that I still have a chance to say everything calmly—in a sense, after betting on my future and fate, what I say will be easier for you to believe and attention, no?"

Read The Duke's Passion