MTL - The Earth People are so Fierce (Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!)-Chapter 1830 fatal confession

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Chapter 1830 Terrible Confession

This incident was hidden from almost everyone.

Except for the Blood League.

Hyenas are more likely to spot hyenas lurking in the dark.

Sharks are also always more likely to smell blood between the teeth of other sharks.

Just because they are the same.

Of course, the Blood Alliance did not report this respected Grandmaster who is very influential in the academic and martial arts circles, and who also came from a wealthy family and held important positions in several committees and review organizations.

He was even very careful, helping the other party wipe away not many clues.

Then, with a smile on his face, he found the Martial Dao Grandmaster, and paid him the greetings and respect of the Blood Alliance.

Next, the martial arts master secretly joined the Blood League, which became a matter of course.

Similar scandals, shady cases, fraud cases and even real crimes are far more than this one.

Like martial arts masters, there are many people who have to swear allegiance to the Blood League after being grabbed and hurt their feet.

In many cases, the blood alliance does not need the other party to fully join. ,

It only needs the other party to act as a protective umbrella, and even, it only needs the other party to open one eye and close one eye. It is convenient for others and convenient for oneself, and everyone is happy.

According to the words of the Blood League, the high-ranking and powerful people don't need to know what the Blood League does, or even the frightening name "Blood League".

All you need to know is that there exists an organization that is willing to use tough measures to fight for more benefits and power for the majority of superhuman beings, and acquiescing to the existence of this organization is beneficial to all superhuman beings, then that's fine.

Originally, every word of this shocking confession was like a train gun filled with special ammunition. It should never be leaked before the situation has completely subsided and order has not been fully restored.

But last night's situation was very special.

There are too many blood alliance members who are constantly exposed and fleeing in a hurry. All fronts are stretched and there is an urgent need for manpower and material resources.

And the nine wealthy families were infiltrated by the blood alliance, and many law enforcement officers from wealthy families had to avoid them.

In addition, the structure of the Blood League is very secretive. Except for Lu Zhongqi and Yun Feidian who have just fallen, very few people know who the number three member of the Blood League is, and among the members of the Blood League who voluntarily surrendered themselves or were just arrested , Who is the big fish and who is the small fish.

As a result, many members of the Azure Alliance and the disciples of the Valkyrie Temple who have not received professional training and long-term tests have rushed to the shelves, enriched the arrest and interrogation team, and heard a lot of things that should not be heard.

This fatal confession was eventually leaked by a member of the Azure Alliance who acted as a temporary guard.

In addition to the confession, this member of the Azure Alliance, who was born in a poor family and relied entirely on his own efforts, worked hard to reach the level of two-star spiritual transformation, but also because of excessive practice, overdrawing his life, leaving scars all over his body, and limited future achievements. Surveillance video, every word confessed by the members of the blood alliance, together with the confession, was clearly and irrefutably disseminated.

When this confession spread like a virus across the city in an instant and appeared on the portable mobile terminals of tens of millions of ordinary citizens, the calm-faced members of the Azure Alliance took the initiative to explain what they had done to their superiors.

Facing the stunned superior, he said calmly: "I know that what I have done violated the regulations and even violated the law, and maybe it will destroy my future or even be imprisoned.

"However, I must disclose this matter.

"Because this matter is too serious.

"It's so serious that it involves dozens of highly respected experts and professors in the academic circle, dozens of educational institutions with mysterious backgrounds, dozens of powerful cultivation equipment manufacturers, and even dozens of fighting heroes who have been born and died for Dragon City.

"It's so serious that even if our Azure Alliance handles this matter with full authority, in order to 'take care of the overall situation', it is very likely to tamper with the confession and put all the crimes on the heads of a very small number of people, but let most of the people who should be responsible Big man, fooled around again.

"It is so serious that the martial arts master who personally planned to kill the war reporter may not be sentenced to death—even if he is sentenced to death, it must be because of other crimes.

"It's so serious that I can't trust anyone, not even myself.

"I'm very scared. If I don't take advantage of the heat in my head, I will quickly leak all the truth. I will wait until tomorrow morning, after a long night of thinking and hesitation, until you or they, through various means, tell me and My family, all kinds of pressure, I really, really lose the courage to ignore it."

Indeed, the shells had been fired.

Now, there is no power that can stop a storm that was more violent than last night and swept across the entire city.

In a literal sense, tens of millions of ordinary citizens, through the confessions of the members of the Blood Alliance, realized that behind the introductory exercises their children were practicing, there was such a dirty inside story.

Their anger instantly increased to ten times what it was yesterday.

Yesterday, whether it was the erosion of the Blood Alliance or the oppression of the nine giants, it was just an abstract and vague concept.

At most, it has to do with the numbers in people's stock accounts.

But no matter how important money is, it is an external thing after all.

The plunge in stocks is certainly distressing, but it will not touch the soul, at least, it will not touch the scales deep in the soul.

Today, however, everyone is talking about children.

However, children's learning.

For ordinary people who have been influenced by oriental civilization since childhood.

Children's learning is their infinity.

It is their hardest armor and sharpest blade, and the softest and most precious thing they must guard at all costs.

Once they are violated, they will be enough to stimulate them to muster up all their courage to fight to the end with the god-level powerhouse and the doomsday beast.

In particular, there is such a passage in the confessions of the members of the Blood League.

It is said that the super-killing martial arts master who manipulated the "Fit Gymnastics Editorial Committee" did not want to kill people at first.

They are all human beings after all.

There is no need to fight and kill like humans and monsters, making it so bloody.

Between fellow human beings, money should be used instead of swords to solve problems, no, to solve misunderstandings.

He made an offer for war correspondents he couldn't refuse.

Not only rich, but also cultivation resources, as well as key positions in large media groups, as well as the most professional medical team and the most expensive medical plan, to ensure that the children of war reporters can recover as before, unscathed, smooth sailing, awakening extraordinary strength.

The war correspondents were silent for a long time.

He set out his own conditions.

"If you allow all the children of the common people in the city to enjoy the cultivation and medical treatment you just mentioned, I will suspend the investigation and seal everything up."

Read The Duke's Passion