MTL - The Earth People are so Fierce (Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!)-Chapter 1837 Reasons for complicity

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Chapter 1837 The reason for collusion

Meng Chao felt that his brain was about to be like an old-fashioned computer that was overloaded, belching smoke, spitting fire and even exploding.

Suppressing a splitting headache, he discovered a new problem.

"Wait, you said just now that the surveillance video captured Master Lei going deep into the ancient ruins at the same time as the Jinpeng exploded?"

Meng Chao said, "In other words, this letter to me should have been completed before the Jinpeng exploded.

"But, Master Lei back then, shouldn't have known that I had already returned to Dragon City!"


Long Feijun thought for a while, and said, "Master Lei's condition has worsened in the past two weeks, the so-called closed-door training is roughly equivalent to deep sleep or even hibernation therapy.

"Theoretically, he has little chance to get in touch with outside information, and we dare not disturb his old man's rest with a series of complicated and complicated incidents that happened recently.

"The old man has no reason to know that so many things happened in Dragon City, let alone know that you have returned to Dragon City.

"Could it be that his old man's brain disease has worsened, and he has lost his memory of the past year, and he doesn't even remember that you have ever left Dragon City?"

Meng Chao felt that this explanation was too forced.

After pondering for a moment, he asked, "Don't worry about it, where are you now, and what are you going to do next?"

"We are at the entrance of the ancient ruins. I have sent my trusted brothers in the Valkyrie Temple to control all the insiders and seal off the site."

Long Feijun said, "Don't worry, the news hasn't leaked yet."

Meng Chao understood what Long Feijun meant.

The Dragon City at this moment is like a flaming vortex.

A series of chain reactions more serious and unpredictable than landslides and ground fissures triggered by the collapse of the Clan Alliance may push the entire civilization into the abyss of fragmentation or even extinction in minutes.

At this time of life and death, only the Martial God of the past has enough prestige and credibility to stabilize the situation, soothe people's hearts, and heal wounds.

What's more, Meng Chao felt that the scandals broke out in the nine big families one after another, and the extraordinary people of the wealthy families could not gain the trust of the ordinary people, while the extraordinary people from the humble family represented by the Azure Alliance had just risen, and their foundation was too shallow, so they could not be trusted by the wealthy families either. in the case of.

Only the "God of War" Lei Zong surpassed the mountain and served as the supreme leader of Dragon City Civilization—even if it was only the supreme leader in name, could he be recognized by all parties, and let the various interest groups whose nerves were extremely tense, sit back on the negotiating table, Discuss calmly, how to rebuild a more powerful new Dragon City under the new rules of the game.

Just at this juncture, the "War God" Lei Zongchao disappeared deep underground in such an abrupt and even weird way.

Once this damned news is leaked out, it will not hesitate to explode a thunderbolt in the sky above the heads of all extraordinary people and all ordinary citizens at the same time!

"Right now, Master Lei is needed in every aspect, and you won't be able to block it for too long."

Meng Chao gritted his teeth and said, "No matter how much risk we take and how much we pay, we must find Master Lei.

"Let me put it more directly, even if Master Lei is at the end of his life and human power cannot save him, before he returns to his eternal homeland, he should leave his last words and expectations to all Longcheng citizens and tell everyone that we should In what way, in which direction!"

"That's right."

Long Feijun said, "I am organizing a search and rescue team here, preparing various tools, and drawing up a detailed plan. Within half an hour at the latest, the first batch of search and rescue personnel will enter the deepest part of the ancient ruins!"

"Understood, I'm coming to Chaofan Tower now, the entrance of the ancient ruins!"

Meng Chao was categorical, "Please put me on the list of the first search and rescue team!"

The two ended the call.

Meng Chao rubbed his face hard.

In a sense, the next thing became easier.

In any case, we must first find the "War God" Lei Zongchao!


When he plunged his entire face into the darkness, Lu Siya's voice came from behind again, "I suddenly thought of a very interesting thing."

"You heard Long Feijun's words, I must leave immediately."

Meng Chao said bluntly, paused, and couldn't help asking, "What's the matter?"

"It's the scandal of the 'Athletic Gymnastics Editorial Committee'. They chose 'Plan A'."

Lu Siya's eyes shone with a strange light, "Do you think, 'War God' Lei Zongchao knows the inside story?"

Meng Chao's hands rubbing his face suddenly became a little stiff.

"It stands to reason that Lei Zongchao, the 'God of Martial Arts', has the talent to lay the foundation for most of the psionic and martial arts theory buildings. It is impossible for him not to see the pros and cons of 'Plan A' and 'Plan B' , gains and losses, it is impossible to fail to see that choosing the high-investment, high-risk, high-reward plan A is obviously beneficial to the powerful and powerful children, but it will make the poor children who account for the vast majority of the total population unable to get out for a lifetime head?"

Lu Siya said, "However, over the years, I have never heard that the 'War God' Lei Zongchao raised too many objections to the unified basic introductory exercises for the youths in the city. There are several versions of gymnastics, and even Got the personal endorsement of the 'Warrior God'!"

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes.

The gaze shot at Lu Siya was as sharp as a scalpel.

"No, no, I didn't imply that the 'War God' Lei Zongchao is also a grasshopper in this **** interest chain. In fact, I don't think that the 'Fitness Gymnastics Editorial Committee' or the Ninth National Congress Any interest group in the wealthy family has the qualifications and capital to buy the 'God of War' Lei Zongchao."

Ignoring Meng Chao's sharp gaze, Lu Siya continued to analyze with her chin resting on her cheek, "If the 'War God' Lei Zongchao really pursued fame, fortune and power in the worldly sense, he would have had a lot of opportunities back then to become a member of the Survival Committee." The Supreme Speaker of the House, or create an interest group larger than the nine super companies, accumulate astronomical wealth, and have a family that is completely loyal to oneself.

"But instead of doing that, he gave up everything he could enjoy with peace of mind as a peerless powerhouse.

"In the following decades, his daily activities and his contribution to Dragon City's civilization can be described as 'a saint made of a special material'.

"If this is all a disguise, this disguise is really terrible.

"So, I don't really believe that he's going with the 'gymnastics editorial committee' just for a small profit.

"Then, dignified Martial God, why didn't you come forward to expose and stop everything?"

Read The Duke's Passion