MTL - The Earth People are so Fierce (Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!)-Chapter 9 Citywide alert

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Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the earth man is too fierce!

Uh, uh, uh, uh.

A piece of trembling irregular liver like blood tofu was perfectly broken down into seven pieces.


The mother and daughter lighted up.

"The liver of the sword halberd demon pig contains a variety of unique nutrients and rich psionic power, which is very helpful for young people to practice, because it is difficult to handle, the entrance is smelly, and it is not liked by the rich, so the price is relatively cheap. Become the main ingredient of the working class to enhance spirituality."

Meng Chao took a box of embroidered needles and quickly processed the ingredients. They said casually, "However, the so-called stench is because the blood vessels and fascia in the pig liver are not cleaned. Just remove the impurities carefully, and then put a lot of onion ginger, fierce fire If it is fried quickly, it tastes delicious, which is no less than that of the'Three-legged Flying Dragon Liver'."

Shaking his head as if he had eaten "Three-legged Flying Dragon Liver".

Bai Jiacao pouted, just wanting to say, "Everyone understands the truth, but you pick it." Suddenly stunned.

I saw that Meng Chao pinched two embroidery needles with his hands, and the four needles turned into a virtual shadow of the debut, forming a silver mist.

Rustle rustle.

The needle pierced the liver like a storm.

Lightning fast.

The intensity is just as good as a dragonfly.

It did not destroy the integrity of the pig liver, nor did it puncture blood vessels or fascia.

Instead, the entire thin cicada fascia and even the blood vessels embedded in the liver of the pig were completely peeled off.

What is stripped out is not like kitchen waste, but like a piece of art.


Bai Jiacao and Bai Suxin both looked dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Meng Chao's hands would be so fast, and it would be so clear about the distribution of the fascia of the liver of the sword halberd demon pig and the direction of blood vessels.

Meng Chao was also very happy:

"It seems that I in the previous life is not useless. As the contribution value increases, the memory of the previous life is submerged into the body. In this life, I will definitely make everyone live better."

In the surprised eyes of the mother and the little girl, he only used half a minute to fry a dish of magic pig liver.

"Try it."

Meng Chao looked at her sister confidently, with a smile on her lips.

Bai Jiacao looked at the demon liver with all kinds of flavor and fragrance, and he doubtfully picked a small piece with a toothpick and put it in his mouth.


She was burnt.

But he was reluctant to spit it out, his small face turned red.

The talking eyes are full of shock and admiration.

It was difficult to swallow the fresh and tender Devil's Liver, and the little girl threw out her tongue, tears in her eyes, and stuttered: "Good, delicious!"

The future night witch was conquered by his brother's fried pork liver.

As she waved her toothpick and wanted to fork, a familiar footstep sounded outside the door.

The unwitched witch hesitated for a moment, and forked a large piece of demon liver in a flash, tucked the plate into her mother's hand, and jumped to open the door.

The small mouth stuffed with meat said ambiguously: "Dad, something bad is going on, your son is ghosting up!"

Meng Yishan dragged his feet back home.

Suddenly immersed in the warm atmosphere, the exhaustion swept away.

He thinks everyone in the family is strange today.

Especially my son, why does his eyes glow red, not like a ghost upper body, but like his wife just watching the ancient Korean dramas on earth?

He didn’t know, but still smiled: "Achao, what's wrong?"

Dad's smile was like a bullet, knocking Meng Chao down.

The old man in my memory is always like a towering figure.

In the resurrection of life, Meng Chao discovered that his father's temples had already been stained with flying cream, his broad shoulders collapsed somehow, and his waist was a little bit sloppy.

The tough guy who used to be able to dry for three days and three nights in one breath, and can smash the skull of a monster with a hammer, is aging quietly.

"How come I didn't find out before that my dad worked so hard every time he came home?"

Meng Chao squeezed out his smile, but whispered firmly, "It's okay, Dad, I'm back, you can take a break."

"Dad, I didn't lie to you. My elder brother was really ghosting. This hot pork liver was fried by him, and it became magic."

Bai Jiacao jumped up and hugged his father's neck.


Meng Yishan looked at his son seriously.

It doesn't matter what you cook.

It's just that he felt his son's look became different from the past.

The decadence and depression after the injury and the inability to practice last year, as well as the indifferentness of being forced out, were all swept away.

The son straightened his waist again.

"Then I have to drink two cups!" The middle-aged man smiled.

There were three dishes and one soup on the small dinner table.

In addition to the hot magic liver and spicy double-tailed scorpion, there is a fried vegetable, a tomato lizard egg soup and a plate of spring rolls.

They are all home-cooked dishes, not to mention the delicious dishes, but they are unique and do not change forever.

Listening to the little girl talking about the junior high school anecdotes, watching his father open his coat, his face full of relief, and praised by his mother.

Although Meng Chao didn't drink, he was a little drunk and warm.

The family is happy and happy. Everyone has two more bowls of rice than usual, and Meng Chao has eaten five more bowls, making the belly round.

After the meal, Bai Jiacao volunteered to wash the dishes.

Meng Yishan turned on the TV.

Tonight the monsters invade, all channels are broadcasting live combat programs.

"The latest news, at 18:55 in the evening, the military'War Crab Commando' entered the north of the city."

In the picture, a hexapod war machine resembling an iron crab appears.

The reaction armor is added, and the slightly bulky shell is engraved with a large number of complex and profound runes.

The gaps in the armor were inlaid with dark red crystals, and the flame-like psionic energy criss-crossed the rune's brushstrokes, flowing to the end of the limbs of the war machinery.

The constant injection of aura makes these bionic crawling chariots full of the strange and powerful feeling of the combination of the steam age and future technology.

"All citizens in Jiusha District are ready for battle, all the communities have completed the fortress, underground battle fortresses are all raised, and the extraordinary are alerting in the air!"

In the picture, the entire Jiusha district is struggling to kill.

The doors and windows of most residential areas are closed, and the ground is filled with machine gun and anti-aircraft positions, as well as soldiers patrolling with guns.

Hundreds of amazing powerful men are suspended in the sky.

Their swords swallowed shining blades, and they complemented the soldiers' guns on the ground.

"In June and July, it was the breeding season for dozens of crustacean monsters such as the'black beetle'. The three most recent mists came, and the main invaders were all crustacean monsters. To deal with such monsters, it is recommended that citizens use armor-piercing shells.

"There is a monster expert, Professor Ke Zhendong from the Department of Biology of Longcheng University, to give you a detailed introduction to the habits and weaknesses of crustacean monsters. Hello Professor Ke."

"Good host, good audience."

The host and the monster experts talked.

"Six Star Transcendence!

"The 17th-ranked king on the annual hunting list, Master Luo Wu, who is known as the "Broken Soul Sword", is leaving Luo Fu and heading to the Longgang Group to garrison!

"As everyone knows, the six-star transcendence has reached the incredible state of "spiritualized armor", their spirits spew out, can condense the indestructible energy armor around the body, and even go out dozens of meters away to strengthen the whole Combat squad, let everyone within tens of meters have a huge combat power!

"Every six-star superb is a well-deserved king, God of War!

"I don't know how many monsters Master Luo Wu can hunt tonight, can he kill the ``Nightmare Beasts'' above level 4?

"Tianyan live broadcast platform, broadcast the battle process of Master Luo Wu throughout the whole process, let you not miss a second, witness the refreshing collision of "King" and "Nightmare" with your own eyes! Shock! Brutal!"

In the picture, above a mansion, a bald man with skull and tiger tattoos tattooed on his head, crossed with two swords with nine rings of ghost heads on his back, rose from the ground and flew into the sky.

On his skin, intricate lines of spirits continuously appeared.

The spirit pattern is shining, gradually detached from the flesh and blood, lingering around the body, forming an energy armor that can change as you like.


Bai Jiacao washed half of the bowl and was attracted by the picture, looking intently.

Not looking at the six-star superb, but looking at the mansion he flew out.

"That's "Dragon City One", and Master Luo Wu lives in it."

Bai Jiacao sighed, "I heard that the house of "No. 1 Longcheng" has a minimum of 200 square meters. The decoration is as beautiful as the palace. Unlike the smelly sky in our community, people use the purest high-quality pipes. , It smells sweet.

"Also, their property company has its own main battle tank, and most of the residents in the community are extraordinary, even if they encounter nightmares and fierce beasts."

After a pause, she shook her head.

What do you do? A toilet in Longcheng One is more expensive than a house in Tianfuyuan, right?

The little girl pursed her lips, withdrew her gaze and continued to wash the dishes.

Meng Chao's heart moved.

Six Stars, Master Luo Wu, One Dragon City?

He can also return from a nightmare.

"Dad, soon, I won't make you so hard again, you can do what you want without worrying about life.

"Mom, your legs and feet are inconvenient, and you often have pain when rainy days and mists strike, but as long as you replace a pair of "bionic super alloy joints", you can improve most of it. This money, I will definitely earn this year.

"Little girl, do you want to live in Longcheng One? I also think, don't worry, wait for me to enter the undergraduate..."