MTL - The End of the World-Chapter 36

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The dim light of the dizzy light does not know whether it is bright because of the ray of light reflected by the water ball. Jing Xia stared at the water polo for a long time. He subconsciously raised his hand and wanted to make one, but when the clear small water polo just spun and grew to a radius of five centimeters, he brushed it off.

The cold and transparent water sprinkled Jing Xia.

Ji Chuan looked at Jing Xia's behavior, and his eyes flashed a smile and quickly covered it. "Well, it should be barely a double power."

Jing Xia’s hand raised his hand and tried to wipe the water of the palm of his hand on the hem of the hand. After no action, he saw that Ji Chuan presented a white and simple square. He was surprised for a moment, then didn't think about picking it up and wiping his hand, and looked up and said, "How can you be a double power? There is no such thing in life! Is it because you are holding me?"

The more I think, the more likely I feel, the more likely it is. Jing Xia nodded. "This is not a small possibility. If you are a dual power, it is very precious. There are only a few people who know that it is appropriate for us to be next to us." ”

When he heard the words "someone else", Ji Chuan screamed uncomfortably, and whispered: "I will never stare at you."

Jing Xiayi: "Ah?"

Looking at the young people's doubts, the thin lips and micro-hooks, Jichuan said with a low smile: "Because I am absolutely impossible to hold you, this shows that I did not have this ability in my life. Then, there are only two reasons. First, I didn’t find this ability myself, the second...” Deliberately lengthened the tone and provoked the other’s curiosity.

Sure enough, Jing Xia anxiously asked: "What is the second?"

"Second, this is what went wrong or unexpected this time, so I have this second ability."

Speaking of this, it is just that Jingxia has wiped his hands clean. He didn't think about it and directly put the wet Fang Pai in the hands of Ji Chuan, and didn't care about the other side's suddenly stiff body.

Touching the chin, Jing Xia thought for a long while, said: "Is it the a-z reagent that is praised? With my blood as an introduction, and then give you injection, is it possible to make your abilities mutate?!"

Ji Chuan beheaded: "Well, I guess so." He quietly folded the little pony on the side, his movements were soft, his eyes were serious, and then he put it in his pocket.

"Damn, what is it doing in the end?"

When Jing Xia rushed out of the small room and went out to find out, this gentleman is discussing with Qin Chu. Although the sense of the person is not good, but when talking about some professional knowledge content, Qin Chu can also seriously and seriously discuss.

And Jing Xia’s strong fist was forced to squat on the chest of praise. In the absence of precautions, the whole person was backed up two steps backwards, and his chest coughed for a long time.

"Climb your bastard, what is your a-z in the end? What are the side effects?!"

The chest groaned with a bit of pain, and stood up with a smile on his lips, but his brows wrinkled because of the pain. He looked helplessly at the glamorous Jingxia, and asked with a funny smile: "It has been almost a month. How do you think about it now?"

After the words were finished, he looked up at the slow-moving Jichuan, and saw that the latter was coming out of the inner door. It was still the face of indifference, but inexplicably it seemed to be somewhat proud.

When I sang a scorpion, my heart felt abnormal: "What caused you to suddenly ask this question?" His tone suddenly became serious, and even the ridiculous smile disappeared without a trace.

Upon hearing this, Jing Xia’s words in the throat suddenly froze. He turned to look at Ji Chuan and gave a permission to look. He only snorted: "Achuan because of your az, The ability is a bit mutated."

The words should just fall, and the singer will quickly come a few steps, obviously there is no evolutionary abandonment, but his speed is incredibly fast. He stood directly in front of Jing Xia and Ji Chuan, and looked serious: "What kind of variation?"

Qin Chu also worried about the whisper: "Young Master..."

Jichuan was glanced at the cold and cold, and glanced at him with a very calm and calm tone: "Double power, fire system and water system."

As soon as the words landed, the whole room was quiet.

The praise was the first reaction. He looked dissatisfied and asked: "Why do you say it now? When you tested the ability before, did you deliberately conceal it or the machine did not detect it? What kind of power is it? What is the approximate degree, what kind of particularity, bias or equality?"

A series of problems smashed like a bean, and Jing Xia looked at him for a long time without returning to God.

He has never seen such praise, no longer the kind of cynicism. Really like a researcher who is infinitely curious and inquiring about the world, it is necessary to solve every puzzle.

Probably because it was too much attention, his tone brought a hint of condemnation. Listening to Jing Xia’s ears seemed to be a blunt knife, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Subconsciously, Jingxia explained to Jichuan that: "Achuan is not intentional. His water system abilities should be good, at least better than me. The machine can't detect double abilities, only one ability and ability can be detected. Value." The words of care are spit out directly from the mouth, and it seems that there is no need to consider it.

Ji Chuan looked at Jing Xia with an anxious explanation. The cold scorpion was mild, and then he said: "The reason I said now is because I just discovered it when I was in the test area. I can't guarantee how long this water system can last, maybe only for a few hours. As for the bias, I don't feel it at the moment, but it should be stronger than my firepower. Besides, there is no particularity. ""

This large section is from the mouth of Ji Chuan, which makes the other three people somewhat surprised.

Especially Qin Chu. In the past two decades, she has never seen a young master to explain something seriously. If it is only praised, then in the restricted area for so many years, the young master really did not pay attention to him.

So... why should he explain it so seriously and resolutely?

The sweet and fragrant scent of bitterness filled the room, and looked at Jichuan’s cold look with sorrow, only to realize that he had a little tone.

It’s no wonder... just now, Xia Xia deliberately defended it.

Jing Xia saw his eyes faintly, and looked at himself inexplicably. He couldn't help but shrink his neck and screamed: "Don't look at me, Achuan will not deliberately conceal anything, you will hide what is true." ”

The fundus flashed a touch of unnatural darkness, and he smiled and said: "I have something to hide? Xiao Xiazi."

"!" Jing Xia's big eyes, exclaimed: "Xiao Xiazi?!"

With a slap in the face, Junxiu’s face showed a sly smile and nodded: "Well, Xiao Xia Zi."


Not long after, someone looked for Qin Chu to see the situation in Yu, the latter's ability awakening has just been completed, but also need to be careful. When Qin Chu left, Sheng Yang first determined that there was no one outside the door, and then locked the thick iron gate, and then began to exchange research with Ji Chuan in the room.

"According to your description, this is 80% of the effect of az. The spinal fluid of 32 mutant beasts is mixed, then catalyzed mixing, laser variability, and 318 people's experimental improvements, did not expect the final effect ... actually Will be to stimulate double power."

Yang Yang leaned on the long table of mahogany and looked down.

Jingxia directly seized the position before Qin Chu, and his hands held the long table staring at the opposite man. Raising a bow, just hit the eyes of Jing Xia, he sighed a little, then raised an eyebrow, looking at Jing Xia with a smile.

When no one spoke, the two had just "spoken" for a moment, and they heard a magnetic male voice: "Can Su Weishang be a double power?" The voice was low and hoar, interrupting the original silence. It was intentional, and the pitch was slightly raised.

Jing Xia looked up reflexively, just as he saw Jichuan looking at himself with disappointment, and his pressure was as low as ever.

After silently chanting a phrase "What is inexplicable in life," Jing Xia said: "If he is a dual power, it is really difficult to detect it. And even if he really is, as long as he does not Say, then we have no way to know."

Jing Xia is thinking about how to set out Su Weishang’s words, but he heard a sneer from his side.

Yan Yang smiled and said: "This is not easy?"

Jingxia: "?"

"Let me ask him directly and ask if you don't know?"


Yang Yang said that it was done, but after half an hour, he sent an assistant to invite Su Weishang and Wu Jiqing from the training base. In the entire s city base, Wu Jiqing's status is still not low, but he did not dare to do the right thing with research.

Although the research seems to be only part of the s city base, it actually promotes human development through new research results after the end of the world. I have to admit that it is because of the latest special seeds researched by the institute that the humans in the entire city base have filled their stomachs.

For a time, the status of the Institute was so lofty that it was unbeatable.

When Su Weishang and Wu Jiqing went to the institute together, the pure and beautiful young boy squinted at the big cat's eyes, looked around at this strange place, and whispered, "Is it clear, how can this suddenly bring us here?" ”

This building is the most backward building in all the small buildings of the institute. In the past, normal evolutionists could only enter the first three buildings without the right to enter here.

Wu Jiqing comforted: "You don't have to worry about Xiao Shang, probably because there is something special. Rest assured, there is no problem with me." The discourse is as always concerned, but Su Weishang did not find it, Wu Jiqing's tone With a trace of shackles, his eyes were disgusted and looked up and down with the teenagers around him.

Wu Jiqing slowly frowned, and the handsome face showed a difficult color: Is it really because it was just a test area?

Su Weishang nodded. The two men turned a corner with the assistant and walked over to a thick, shiny metal door. On the silver-white metal door, several people were reflected. Su Weishang’s face was pale, and his left hand was in his pocket. I didn’t know what to think.

Is it... was it exposed in the test area just now? !

His fingers touched the warm, smooth jade in his pocket, and the tires were delicate and the tentacles were hot. His heart seemed to have taken a reassurance, and then he raised his head, and his lips evoked a harmless and kind smile, no longer afraid to look up.

The "card rub -" sound, the door was pushed away.

The assistant quickly turned and left. Su Weishang just entered the door with doubt. When he had not stepped in, he saw the man sitting at a long table.

The handsome face of Sven, wearing a pair of silver glasses, the mouth is raised and smiling, but the scorpion is blocked by the glasses.

He stood up and smiled and reached out and said, "Hello, I am the core researcher of the institute - praise."

Read The Duke's Passion