MTL - The End of the World-Chapter 43

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The bright but not hot sun shines through the thick glass, and there is no fire in the midsummer. Light illuminates the room, creating several mottled light marks in the air, and the wandering dust flutters like an elf in the light of the sun. The quietness in the room is abnormal, and it can be clearly heard if the needle is placed on the floor.

The sun just came from behind Jichuan, and a layer of faint gold was printed on his body. The face is cold, the thin lips are sloppy, it seems a little unpleasant, it seems that there are some... incomprehensible complex looks.

Jing Xia looked at such a strange and familiar man. The stranger was his rare and solemn appearance. The familiar one was... The pair of seemingly cold scorpions still had a soft look, and there was no outsider. Indifference.

Sobbing up the scorpion, Jingxia passed a long time and said: "Cough, Achuan... What the **** are you talking about?"

After waiting for a while, there was no echo, and Jingxia carefully looked at each other. I saw that Ji Chuan was handsome and profound, and it was still a calm and calm look. The scorpion was slightly converged and looked like "I am still waiting for you to answer."


For example, the scorpion, which is cold soaked in obsidian, has looked up and down for a long time. When the latter feels that the hair of the whole body is erecting, he only listens to Ji Chuan suddenly and sighs long and said: "You still remember you. When I was 17 years old, did I go to the night with the Fang Jia and Wei Jia’s sons?"

This statement is very abrupt, making Jing Xia a little confused. He thought about the words of Kiyoshi, and he remembered the things of the year. Night, Fangjia, Weijia...

Jing Xia exclaimed: "Do you still remember that thing?!"

Ji Chuan was quietly beheaded and counted as an answer.

Jing Xia suddenly squatted down. He coughed twice softly. He said, "I didn't understand things at first. Now I will never make that stupid thing, you know." He said, he subconsciously lifted The hand touched his left face, the skin had already recovered the original smooth and delicate, but... he felt that Jichuan’s hot punch seemed to be clear as usual yesterday.

He was with the few friends and friends in the night, almost poisoned.

And that incident is also one of the most angry things that Jichuan has shown in these 20 years.

Suddenly heard this answer, Ji Chuan raised an eyebrow, faintly said: "How did you answer me?"

Jing Xia heard a word, he immediately racked his brains to think back. Time has passed too long, and he has experienced too many things. He has already forgotten a word of how many years have passed. However, he was shocked to find that he just remembered a little bit of a sign, and even remembered the situation at that time!

In the garden of Jijia Mansion, he stood behind Ji Chuan, and said: "Achuan, this is definitely the last time. If I make another mistake, I will... I will listen to you from now on!" You said East, I definitely can't go west!"

When the situation was replayed in my mind, Jingxia was scared and said immediately: "Wait, what do you suddenly say about this? I am... Where did I make a mistake?! I seem to have followed the rules and learned from the past. Management, even Wang Guanjia said that I have changed a lot."

Jichuan was coveted and glanced at him: "Do you listen to me?"

Seeing that the other party did not pay attention to his own words, Jing Xia immediately fried his hair: "I have not done anything wrong, why should I listen to you?!!!"

The man who stood tall and clear was suddenly cold-faced, and the cold air field that was scattered around the body caused the air to drop several degrees. Jing Xiagang had to shrink his neck, and suddenly he thought that he could never lose his ambition and raised his chin.

"You didn't do anything wrong?"

Swallowed his mouth, Jing Xia whispered: "No... no."

A fierce phoenix: "Is there really?"

"...Yes." Helplessly lowered his head, Jing Xia finally admitted: "I should not think that you and Yang Yang are that kind of relationship, you should be angry. But Achuan, this thing is not so serious. I swear, I can't even guess the relationship between you and anyone, absolutely not the next time!"



"You think about it again."

Jing Xiayi: "What do you think?"

"My relationship with others, especially... feelings, feelings, and relations."

The last few words were completely squeaky out of the mouth. Jichuan’s cold and expensive face was full of irresistible anger, but it was obvious that the young man opposite the straightforward emotion did not feel it at all.

Hearing the words, Jing Xia’s eyes widened, and Junxiu’s face was full of doubts.

He doesn't understand anything.

Emotional relationship... relationship relationship...

Relationship? !

"What?! You actually like Qin Jie?!!!"


"Although you are my best friend, but Achuan, if it is Qin sister, I think you still have no play. Qin sister that is..."

"Jing Xia!"

The abruptly high sound made the little black scorpion on Jing Xia’s head scared, and it fell to the ground. It ran down to the bottom of the table and dared to look at the inexplicable man.

The daylight that faded down brightened the face of Jingxia, and he looked at the man in front of him with horror. The black shredded hair was sprinkled on the other's full forehead, and the dark and deep scorpion was full of irritated expression, the thin lips were tight and the look was unpleasant.

He really...has never seen Jichuan being so angry.

This person rarely writes his feelings directly on his face, let alone such anger. When Jing Xia was 17 years old, he only remembered the fist in the dimly lit room, but he did not see the expression of Ji Chuan. And now...

He really saw it.

It seems to be helpless, and it seems that it is really arrogant to be mad at yourself. Calmness, such as Ji Chuan, can no longer conceal his emotions. All of them really analyze all the feelings in front of him. The strong emotions of a volcanic eruption that has been silent for many years have made Jing Xia’s heart slam.

An extremely unreal thought suddenly took his mind.

"When King Aunt died, I was holding you for a night, and you were crying out in my arms. It was five years old."

"When you were a child, you climbed the big banyan tree on the pond of the old house and accidentally fell into the river. It was when I jumped down and saved you. I almost drowned. It was six years old."

"Su Weishang has fallen into the vase that you loved to be the most beloved vase of King. You were fined in the study for one night. I secretly sent things in and begged the father to ease your punishment. It is nine years old."

"You skipped classes and went out of the game. No one was in the game. After running up the street, I was almost hit by a car. It was because I couldn't sleep and find a night to find you. I took you to the old man's study room and asked him to forgive. It was ten years old. ""


Jichuan’s sound of low magneticity in the past sounded a little excited at this time, and even the end was accompanied by a trace of uncontrollable trembling. He said one word at a time, Jun Bing's brow was tightly squatting, and the sly scorpion did not know why it seemed to have a layer of water, obviously still the look of overbearing indifference, but looking at Jingxia In the eyes, he feels that he is at this time -

The same is somewhat fragile.

It seems that just a negative can make him completely collapse.

"At the funeral of the old man, you were irritated by Su Weishang, and he almost had to fight for the dissatisfaction of the father. It was because I secretly sent people to Su Weishang in the house and didn't get the door. It was twelve years old."

There was some trembling in Jing Xia’s body, and he looked at Jichuan’s appearance. His heart seems to be completely hooked by these seemingly dull words. These words, scratching his heart one by one, scraped his heart out of a mottled and horrible blood mark, flowing out of the blood, but unable to escape.

Because he knows -

This person is right.

"You haven't got a driver's license to drive privately. You almost smashed a leg of someone's family. I took you to apologize in front of someone else's bed and begged the family's patients for forgiveness. It is fifteen years old."

"I am so hard to go back to the city of b and I want to see you, but you are drunk with the group of friends who are in the night. When I arrive, I actually see that you want to take drugs, and you want to kill you. Yes, but in the end I still have to endure, holding you back to Ji Jia, I dare not take you back to Jingjing, that is you are seventeen."

The eyelids gradually became red, and the voice of Ji Chuan no longer had the excitement that was difficult to be self-sustaining. He gradually slowed down the speed of speech, and the arrogant and indifferent nephew gently gathered and looked at the ground. The dim daylight seems to have no temperature. It is obvious that the tall man's body is shining in. Jingxia feels that he seems to be cold, and even his heart... is beginning to get cold.

There was already a dry throat in the throat. Jingxia red eyes wanted to raise his hand, but he found that his whole body's strength seemed to be completely hollowed out. With the other sentence, the words disappeared into a long and short memory.

From the first meeting at the age of five, to the reality of the confrontation between the two now.

In his 20 years of life, he has always been mixed with the shadow of this person. He has never disappeared. Even if he went to the army, he insisted on making a phone call every day and reporting peace.

He is very silent, not good at expressing his feelings, only knowing to stand by his side forever, doing what he should and should not do. His own mistakes, he came to settle, he could not do things he did, he came to complete.

Everything seems to be taken for granted, of course...

Even he did not feel that there was anything wrong with him.

The cold and elegant face was shrouded in a faint dark color due to the light, and the thin lips suddenly slammed. Ji Chuan sighed deeply, as if to spray all the full temperature, and no more effort.

"In the 20 years since I started my child, I have never left your shadow in my life. You are sick, I am anxious to be myself, I can only guard you from getting sick; you are rebellious, I am so angry that I want to take you It’s a slap in the face, but it’s reluctant.”

"Jing Xia, my 20 years of feelings, you think it is just a ‘you are my best friend’, can you replace it?”

The time stops and the air solidifies.

Jing Xia is awkwardly stunned and screaming, but he feels -

I can't even say a word. 2k novel reading network

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