MTL - The End of the World-Chapter 49

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As night fell, the entire s city base gradually fell into the endless darkness.

Unlike the previous shackles of electricity supply, the city of Tonight seems to have returned to the prosperity of the last days. The lights are shining, the darkness is gradually dissipated, the electric lights on the road are illuminated, and the road is illuminated like white.

The most natural of these is the headquarters of the city base and the research institutes next to it.

Most of the injured ordinary people were transferred to the base headquarters for treatment, while the institute contained hundreds of evolutionary people in the entire city. Many people still search for the bodies of evolutionists and ordinary people in the vicinity of the 80-zone beach, and always beware of the enemy attack.

"This kind of injury... seems to have been attacked by a mutant beast that is like a scorpion snake? It has been mutated into a genus, but it is also a c-class variant."

The researchers wearing white anti-infective masks quickly judged the body in front of the mask that was bitten and unclear, and then took the record book to the second body and began a new round of records.

This situation is constantly happening in the 80 area beach area.

To destroy the dead human body in time to prevent the infection of air and water, you must first register the death list and barely reduce the damage and defects to a minimum.

The Institute is divided into five zones, occupying nearly ten small buildings and large areas of unoccupied land. At this time, all the injured evolutionists were arranged for medical treatment in the third district.

Jing Xia can already start moving body when it is late in the evening.

This is not only because Qin Chu has cured 70% of the wounds on his leg from the beginning, but also the evolutionary's own super-energy metabolism has accelerated the body's ability to recover, including the secret research of new drugs.

This kind of agent called x-1 greatly exceeds the highest recognition that can be achieved by the pharmacy before the end of the world. Professor Qi has modified the three variant peptides secreted by the pancreas of two c-class mutant beasts. In the meantime, the body's own immune recovery rate has been greatly improved, and an evolutionary person whose heart has been eroded by most of them has been successfully rescued if the side effects are temporarily unknown.

In addition, the true strength of the Institute has revealed the tip of the iceberg in this temporary enemy attack. Powerful and mysterious offensive weapons, several powerful healing agents, accurate and accurate exploration and measurement instruments for mutant beasts are amazing.

The night is dark, and the things hidden in the darkness are a little more backward.

Jing Xia Qiang strongly supported a crutches made by the temporary squatting, and made a hard forward in the corridors where people came and went. From time to time, someone looked at him with a puzzled look, then quickly turned his eyes and continued to do his own business.

Compared with many evolvers who are almost dead, Jingxia’s broken "small injury" can only be considered ordinary.

He asked a few people along the way to find the few rooms on the highest floor of the medical district.

After the end of the world, due to the substantial improvement of the physical quality of the evolutionary, the establishment of the icu intensive care unit is almost unnecessary. With the exception of individual variants of the virus, few microbes can infect the wounds of the evolutionary and will never become a fatal hazard.

Jing Xia carefully opened the door and saw the man lying in bed, quiet and peaceful.

He was very calm. The whole person was recessed into a curve because of the soft and comfortable bed. The sound of Jingxia closing was not small, but it was obvious that he did not wake him up. In the past, the sharp and indifferent eyes closed tightly at this moment, the thin lips were tight, and the brows were tight. In the coma, Ji Chuan was still not completely relaxed.

In this room, only Ji Chuan is a person, or a few on the top floor are barely counted as intensive care units, each of which is a single ward.

Jingxia struggled with a cane and walked to the bed step by step. He sat in a small chair and finally set aside his crutches.

The light source of the whole room is a light yellow small lamp on the bedside, which only illuminates a small area. It can be said that except for the bed, most of the places are in dark shadows, but at this moment, there is no such thing in Jingxia. Look at other things.

He lowered his head and looked at the people on the bed seriously.

Just a few hours ago, he thought that he could not see the man from now on, and now... this person is lying in front of himself, in a pale and fragile form and unyielding and stubborn.

He didn't know how long he had watched. The air had solidified for a long time. It seemed that he didn't say anything, so he could sit down and watch it all the time. Until the door came, "Oh," a clear opening sound, Jing Xia slowly turned his head, and at a glance saw Qin Chu who pushed the door.

She seems to be a little surprised at the fact that Jing Xia is here.

Qin Chu went straight to the other side of the bed. From the darkness, he pulled out a small wooden chair exactly the same as Jing Xia. He lowered his head and sighed: "The injury like you is not very serious, but it is not. I should walk around. I have connected the nerves, blood vessels, muscles and glands of your legs, but this is only external help. The most important thing is still your own recovery ability."

Jing Xia gently nodded, tired scorpion unable to take it down: "Well, I know. Qin sister, you should be very tired, how come again?"

"The staff on the fifth floor said that when you saw you coming in, I would take a look." A curly blue thread was brought up from her full forehead, and the beautiful facial features were more flattering under the light. She said: "The young master's injury is more serious, and most of the organs are injured, but I guess I should wake up tomorrow."

Jing Xia silently nodded and didn't know what to say.

For a long time, Qin Chu suddenly said: "Before I went to the lab with Yu Yu, I suddenly remembered that I had to go back and get something, so I went back first."

Jing Xia’s body suddenly slammed, and he suddenly understood what the other party wanted to express. The eyes flashed past the room in the small black and white room not long ago. Everything that happened, his throat didn't feel dry, and he choked a bit more.

Qin Chu lifted the scorpion and looked at the low-headed Jingxia. The lips cut a bitter bitterness and continued: "In fact, I don't know, I will hear those words. I thought I would live longer. Or, ...... I will never hear this life."

"The young master is an introvert. He has never been good at expressing his inner thoughts since he was a child. He is lonely and lonely, but he does not care about these things. Such a character is not a big problem for a soldier, but for a person. Said, it is fatal."

Without the silence of Jingxia, Qin Chu smiled and continued to say: "The three of us have known each other for 20 years, and we don't have to say anything more. You know, most of us know, I know. You won't be too upset. But this is something you really don't know, and it's true... I didn't think of it."

"Actually... I know." Jing Xia light as the sound of Hong Mao sounded, in this quiet room, let Qin Chu's words suddenly swallowed back into his stomach. He shook his head slightly and looked at the man who was still in a coma on the hospital bed. He opened his mouth and finally sighed deeply. He said: "If I didn't find it before, then this time... he performed very thoroughly and thoroughly I can't ignore it, I can only forget to escape."

Jing Xia means that when he was in his life, he did not have such strange and strange contact with Ji Chuan after the end of the world. At this time of rebirth, this man is no longer standing silently behind himself as he used to, but instead goes directly to the front and stops in front of himself.

Qin Chu did not think much, she laughed at herself: "When the young master was sent to the army by the generals at the age of sixteen, he was very rejected. He did not want to leave the city of B, and even thought about never joining the army. But later, he compromised. Do you know why?"

Jing Xia Wei Wei: "Why?"

"Because he knows that he has not made himself the top person, he can't do a lot of things, he can't do it. He can only be the heir to the family, and he can't be Jichuan, he can do it by his own strength. Something that others don't allow."

Jingxia’s fingers were slightly tightened, and he probably understood what the other person meant.

"But when he came back from the army for the first time, did you know exactly when?"

After listening to the words of Qin Chu, Jing Xia frowned and tried to remember the things that happened many years ago, but he could only remember that Ji Chuan had only returned to the army after only a few days, but he did not know what happened. thing.

"You took a girl to the Wu family's banquet. He wants to say hello to you, but see the girls around you, you can only walk away silently." Qin Chu's soft voice is very peaceful and quiet. In this environment, it is like a singing voice, she laughed softly: "I remember, it seems to be your first love."

Jing Xia's exquisite scorpion slammed loudly, and he remembered what he had done when he was young and ignorant.

He has a good grade since he was a child. He did not need to spend money to go to school like other rich second generations. He was admitted to the well-known b city s in his own country. But the boy's puberty always has some embarrassing and rebellious factors, and at that time, he is spending time with the class.

It was a girl who looked bright and hearty. She always erected the ponytail, and she was arrogant and beautiful. Now think about it, Jing Xia can't remember the other person's name and the other person's appearance, but he remembers that he was attracted by the pure girl overbearing.

However, it turns out that -

This is just a dream of his own.

There was a bitter smile on the lips, and Jing Xia shook his head slightly: "That is a joke, but it is a memory for me. There is a saying that is true, the more beautiful the woman, the more deceptive."

At that time, Jing Xia thought that the girl really liked herself to be with her, but the result was... still could not escape the temptation of money and rights, and it was completely revealed under the little temptation of King.

Since then, Jing Xia has never talked about love, and has started the rebellious years of the next two years. 2k novel reading network