MTL - The End of the World-Chapter 57

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"It's the second." Jing Xia immediately interrupted the words of praise. "If it is the first one, then he does not need to face the mutant beast himself, because he is almost invincible to anyone."

The long-awaited gaze stayed in Jingxia for a long time, with a hint of subtlety.

For a long time, he nodded gently, saying: "Yes, my inference is the second. However, since we have inferred the conclusion of more than 90% of the possibilities, then the most urgent task now is - how to deal with it?"

As soon as the problem was thrown, the atmosphere in the room that was still intensely discussed was quiet.

Seeing that both Jing Xia and Ji Chuan were calm and did not answer, it seems to be hesitating to evaluate an acquaintance. In contrast, there is no such concern in the praise, he ridiculed: "Su Weishang's ability is very important for the city base, or ... is extremely important for the entire human race."

Suddenly, the heart suddenly screamed, and Jing Xia immediately raised his head and looked at the praise. The handsome face was hesitant: "You want to... reuse Su Weishang and make him the mainstay in the human camp?"

Reason tells Jing Xia that Su Weishang, who possesses this special ability, is indeed the object that human beings need to focus on. But... In his heart, he couldn’t forget the mad and sinister eyes and the malicious words of the boy before his death. Although in addition to being to himself, Su Weishang is really seamless, but...

A person who can calmly plan, excite and pleasing to kill his own brother, even for the sake of all mankind, does not believe that he can selflessly dedicate himself and is deeply trusted by human beings.

If you are talented and moral, it is dangerous.

Such people should be isolated.

Darkly determined in his heart, Jingxia even decided that if he insisted on reusing Su Weishang, even if he assassinated him, he would remove the other party and only see him screaming and laughing: "Xiao Xiazi, you actually will Think I will reuse Su Weishang?"

This is completely different from what I imagined, so that Jingxia is completely in the same place.

Shouldn’t it be a rebuttal and argument between opinions?

How is it like...

"What kind of person is Su Weishang, I knew it when I saw him for the first time. I will not be able to put him in the heart for this little dimension space, he may be able to become a Important pieces, but it definitely can't affect the overall situation." On the delicate face of Sven, the pair of red star silver glasses reflected the dazzling light under the light, so that Jing Xia could not see the singular look.

He pushed the eyes on the bridge of the nose and smiled. "Well, you can watch the show for a long time, and you can directly order the order to decide to stay."

Jing Xia immediately turned to look at Ji Chuan.

This sentence makes Jing Xia suddenly think of the man who has been silent for a long time, and has been standing in a plate without snoring, even Jing Xia has forgotten the existence of the other side.

I saw a handsome and profound man at the moment under the white light shining overhead, the facial features are more profound three-dimensional. He looked at himself silently, I don't know how long it was, the thin lips twitched slightly, and there was a little invisible satisfaction and joy in his expression.

Without paying attention to the tone of deliberate teasing, Ji Chuan swept him coldly and said: "Get rid of it."

In just two short words, there is no such thing as Jing Xia’s screaming!

It is clearly a person who has no interest in himself, and does not have the same life and death as Jing Xia. Ji Chuan is able to decisively and decisively issue such an order. There is no hesitation in his tone, the sound is cold and hard, with a hint of murder.

just like……

He never knew Su Weishang, and he was just saying something as simple as "What to eat at night."

Jing Xia’s heart was heavily stunned. It’s not because of worry and hesitation, but instead I feel that... even after passing the previous life, he has never had Ji Chuan’s and praised these people decisively.

After all, he grew up in a peaceful and prosperous world of peace. Even though he used to kill thousands of mutant beasts in his life, he has never been infected with human blood. This world, less than the last moment, he did not think about the direct killing behavior like Su Weishang.

Of course, if you really want to keep Su Weishang and promote him to the core members of the base, he will really use all means to remove him and prevent him from doing things that endanger humanity.

“It’s that simple?” It seems that I didn’t expect Ji Chuan’s answer to such a simple word. He praised and waited for a while before asking: “There are many ways to get rid of it, so I can think of it now. There are more than twenty kinds, leaving no traces and making everyone convinced. But..."

The voice of the singer slowly stopped, and his ridiculous eyes twitched back and forth between Jingxia and Jichuan for a long time, and then continued: "Really just need - get rid of?"

This time, I don’t need to praise and then secretly “remind”. Jing Xia will completely eliminate the last gap in my heart, and laugh at the appearance of this. He pondered for a long while, and his delicate and delicate face suddenly opened a smug smile and asked:

"Do you know... what is Su Weishang most afraid of?"


The entire s city base was slowly rehabilitated after the first two months of the first river-bottom wave attack, and everyone returned to the previous scene.

In the farming area, many people and machines are planted back and forth, and the spacious roads are also walking and rushing pedestrians. Except for the evolutionary people who can't perform strong sports with very serious injuries, the evolutionary sprinters on the training base are much more numerous than before.

The cleaning missions and development tasks released by the base camp have become less and less. The s city base has gradually let go of the competition for some unnecessary areas, and instead concentrates on cleaning up the internal affairs to ensure the basic security inside the base.

And just as Ji Chuan said more than a month ago, it is impossible for the upper-level personnel to let the desperate numbness spread in the base. However, within a week after the attack, the Institute began to announce the new enemy of mankind -

Marine variability group.

Close to the sea, the city has the most abundant resources and a gentle climate. However, this also brings inevitable disasters.

Only by giving humanity a hope of survival and a crisis of problems that have to be faced, they will naturally forget those sad feelings that are irrelevant, take the survival problem into consideration first, and re-enter the intense work.

Unlike the eating problems that ordinary humans only think of, the evolutionists consider more natural being those unknown enemies. Therefore, they are more enthusiastic about training their own abilities. Without too many mutant beasts to fight, it is necessary to play a game between human evolutionists, and it is necessary to improve their own strength as soon as possible.

This is the second day that Su Weishang returned to the sun.

The dazzling sunshine is not like the dullness of the winter at the end of the year, with a hotter smell than the October light on this piece of land. This strange weather has continued to come from the beginning of November, and even if you are afraid of fear, it will not be more scary than those enemies lurking in the ocean.

Since the end of the world has come, humans have nothing to do with this inexplicable weather.

However, Su Weishang just returned to the ground from the ground, still very uncomfortable with this feeling.

He sat alone in the center of the training base, blocking the glare of the sun with his left hand, and seriously watching the handsome man coming out of the field. Upon seeing it, he quickly ran down and handed the water cup that had been prepared to Wu Jiqing.

"According to Qing, you have been fighting for four games today, you should take a break first." The voice of the young soft voice is as good as ever, his pure and touching face is filled with a faint smile, beautiful and beautiful.

Wu Jiqing's body shook a little. He unconsciously stepped back a half step and reluctantly stretched his hand as if he wanted to take the cup in the hands of Su Weishang, but couldn't help but retract his hand.

The atmosphere suddenly picked up.

Su Weishang, whispered, "Is it clear?"

Wu Jiqing suddenly became black, and then quickly hid the uncomfortable look. He coughed twice and said: "Small... Xiao Shang, you just came out of the lab and should rest in the dormitory. I have been used to fighting for ten games every day for two months. You are not physically Just look at it."

When the voice just fell, Wu Jiqing fled and returned to the field, as if there was any flooding beast behind him.

The splendid daylight penetrated the almost cloudless sky and poured it on the hair of the teenager's linen, which made a little pale gold. He picked up the light-colored round cockroach that looked good and looked at Wu Jiqing's gradual away back. The original smile on the little face disappeared and disappeared.

"Oh... that's not the Su... what is Su?"

"Su Weishang!"

"Oh, yes, that is Su Weishang. How did he train the base? We still have to go back and stay away from him."

"That is, I didn't think that he was the kind of person before, how could he still..."

The sound is getting smaller and smaller, and the last words have disappeared in the friction with the air.

In this noisy and chaotic environment, this small and faint voice was clearly introduced into Su Weishang’s ear, letting him squat, and almost disappeared in the next second. The whole person fell on the plastic seat on the field. On the chair, his face was white.

He slammed the metal cup in his hand, and the force was too strong, almost his fingers were whitened.

The amount of sweat began to appear on the forehead. I don’t know if it was roasted by the hot sun. I was still nervous. His body shivered slightly and kept talking to himself: "No... this is definitely not right... This It must be something that I don’t know... not right... no!”

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