MTL - The End of the World-Chapter 59

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It seems that the sharp sound of sharp weapon friction is extraordinarily abrupt in a quiet room. It is like facing an extremely threatening enemy. The small eyes that the mutant hamster is warfare have not been evacuated from the praise.

At a speed that is almost imperceptible, the squatting body trembles constantly. It seems to want to move forward, but it seems that there is a huge heavy mountain on it, making him unable to move forward.


The momentum of the original arbitrarily sloppy body suddenly changed.

He stunned his throat and looked at the weird little black scorpion in front of him. A **** smell that seemed to be absent was diffused from his body, and the small nose of the dragonfly was gently sniffed twice.

Yang Yang gently stepped forward, and suddenly he was so scared that he ran back and forth. He was hiding in the heel of Jing Xia at first, and barely blocked his fat body. But for a half moment, it pulled up the pants of Jingxia and climbed up to the pocket of Jingxia.

All of the small bodies of the flesh were shrunk in the pockets of Jing Xia’s palms, and because of the weight, his pockets suddenly sank.

Jing Xia looked down first, and saw the little things in the flesh buried his head down. The small body shook and shook. It seemed to be afraid of what, and was escaping in the simplest way.

"What have you been doing recently?" The low-pitched voice rang in the room, and at first it was still a little hoarse, and it had returned to normal.

Jin Yang just came to Jing Xia, and he swept Ji Chuan and said: "You are leisurely after the end of Su Weishang. I am of course busy. I have captured many mutant beasts in the enemy. There are also three a-class corpses and a level a*, and the institute is too busy."

Jing Xia reached out and tried to stroke the shackles in his pocket, but when the finger just touched the small body, he was scared by the degree of shaking. He was puzzled and thought for a long while, and suddenly understood.

Taking a deep breath, Jing Xia frowned and asked: "Have you killed a lot of mutant beasts recently?"

Seeing the appearance of Jingxia's nose and fretting, praising a little, then not denying: "Not too much, it is not very good to die." The implication is to study many of the captured variants. At least... it is a lot of non-human means.

Helplessly spread his hand, Jing Xia snorted: "You scared you."

It’s rare to have such a strange look, screaming and reaching out and pointing at yourself, shouting: "I?! In the Institute, from the a-level to the e-class variant, I saw that you have such a big reaction to this mutant beast. In addition, I didn't do anything scary. But just peeling, cutting meat, bleeding, grinding... the amount of a living a-class mutant animal."

Jing Xia solemnly took a step back and pressed against the cold table, and it was necessary to separate the crazy man by one meter.

Deep and dull eyes looked at the body of Zang Yang and Jing Xia, and finally stopped in the small things that kept shaking in the pocket of Jing Xia. Ji Chuan directly judged: "After all, it is a mutant beast. The nerve of this mouse is sensitive, and it smells too strong in your body."

When talking about the word "mouse", Jing Xia deliberately looked down and glanced at it, only to find that the latter did not seem to respond to these two words. He still buried his head and refused to move.

He couldn't help but squint: "Even the 'mouse' can't make this thing crawl out of the air. It seems that you killed a lot of mutant beasts. You are bloody, you don't need its rat nose, I can Smell it."

Handsome white face flashed a touch of color, Qi Yang Ningmei thought for a long while, and then carry a square black box and took out, and put in a long table, said: "how could I be so thick smell of blood You are probably talking about it."

With these words, Yang Qi hand side pressed password on the silver button, just listen to "click" sound, safe was opened. Strong pungent smell of blood suddenly filled the room, just frowned summer scene, we see a shadow quickly flying out of the box.

Chi Chuan was a dark eye color, action quickly walk away is a fire, like salamanders general snaked. Fast, quickly caught up with the speed of that shadow, forming a cage less than half a meter long fire, the trapped thing.

"Tut, really saved me a shot."

Yang Yang took back the silver pistol that had already been prepared in his hand, and looked at the thing trapped in the fire cage with a cold and cold look. He said: A faint murderous, straight to the dark mutant beast.

The latter became a spur of the spirit, but he did not carelessly pass through the fire cage of Ji Chuan, and he burned a few pieces of skin, but he still ignored the pain, and quickly rushed to the side, slamming He didn't dare to move in front of him.

It’s a sneer to celebrate it: “Every time I have to go out, it’s fun?”

I don't know if I was shocked by the murderous murder. The black mutant beasted on the ground and dared not move. It seemed to apologize silently.

He glared at it, and the latter quickly jumped back into his suitcase and shivered in the corner.

This is the opportunity for Jingxia to look at this dark and mutated beast through the big open box.

I saw that his right arm seemed to have been cut off by something, just a few stitches with a surgical line, and a black scar that formed bloody. What is even more terrifying is that the blood is flowing outwards from the chest, which seems to have wet the fur and make the hair stick to one root.

The wounds on the whole body are even more shocking. The fire is burning, the acid liquid is corroded, and the bones are rotten and stinky. Even Jing Xia, who once saw the mutant beast biting humans in the most ferocious way, also Can not help but shudder, my heart is cold.

Of course, there is no meaning of sympathy and love, that is, it feels that this means is cruel beyond his imagination.

Ji Chuan’s line of sight stayed on the mutant beast for a long time. Finally, he turned his head and looked at him with enthusiasm. He asked: “A total of 329 wounds are all done by you?”

祁 眸 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The three assistants are dead, it kills."

Wen Yan, Jing Xia looked at the singer and asked: "You did not anesthetize it, limit its actions, and began experimenting?"

I will not be guilty of this low-level mistake. Although this mutant beast has only grade c, it is quite powerful in terms of self-healing ability. I personally peeled off its heart for an hour and just prepared to put it back. When it was a whole corpse, it grew a small heart."

The appearance of Ji Chuan was suddenly serious. He said: "This is even more powerful than Qin Chu's ability. Have you studied it in the past few months?"

Yang Yang shook his head: "Of course not. I started to move it last week. I didn't expect this thing to be very resistant. The first experiment killed me in the three assistants arranged in the lab. Fortunately, there is one. The evolutionary is present, otherwise I probably can't talk to you now."

The mood of Jingxia is also dignified: "It's a c-class variant, so powerful?"

"We were just not prepared. It was obvious that its combat power was not strong enough to be easily subdued." Suddenly, praised and said: "But it has not given up and escaped, and it is placed in the hands of other researchers. Not safe, I will bring it with me personally."

It seems that I have thought of something very difficult. I have a complicated look on the face of Junxiu’s face: "I used to sulphur the left leg of the sulphuric acid. I smashed my eyes and studied it. I only let it have a point for me. Fear, but this self-healing ability is really strong, and it can be restored to the present level."

After listening to this, Jingxia stunned back two steps backwards. He realized that the man in front of him was in a state of metamorphosis.

I noticed the fear and weak contempt in Jing Xia's eyes, and looked at him with a funny look: "Please, my hand is almost smashed by it. This kind of hatred can't be reported. I grew up to Dalian. People who haven’t had a cold have made me hurt to this point. I haven’t divided it into 1,000 pieces. It’s enough humanity.”

Jichuan appeared to show the shock of Jingxia. He just glanced at the face of Gujing’s radiant eyes and then sneered at it. Then he said coldly: “You are because of its high research value. No hands-on, otherwise it is not here anymore."

The lie was dismantled at once, and the praise did not seem too much. He smiled and shifted the topic: "Well, I am not talking about this thing today. Su Weishang has gone out of the institute a few days ago. The plan was very successful."

This reminds me of the theme that came to this day. Jing Xia suddenly understood: "You asked Professor Lu to call us two?"

"Yeah." Yang snorted softly, his eyes swept coldly in the box and shook the fearful thing, then reached out and closed the heavy door, saying: "Su Weishang’s recent behavior is really beyond my place. Expected, but it is inconsistent with our expected results*."

"He knows that rumor." Ji Chuan was affirmative.

Nodded and nodded, helplessly spread his hand: "Yes. Although other people should have been stunned, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world, he will know sooner or later, although... earlier than I expected."

What is Su Weishang’s most fearful person?

Nothing is...

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