MTL - The Evil God Emperor is In the City-Chapter 113 man of iron

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Sanqingmen is thin, and the layout of the punishment pavilion does not need to be too big, it is just a two-story stone attic.

But this attic has experienced more than a thousand years of baptism. The stone walls are mottled, and a few sword marks can be vaguely seen under a layer of light moss.

When Ge Mu went to the Punishment Pavilion to find the pavilion owner, Lu Lie, Lu Lie, who was as black as iron and not tall, was sweeping the leaves of the plane tree outside the courtyard.

Lu Lie was rigid and indifferent. Although he had been in Sanqingmen for 40 years, there were very few peers who could speak to him. And the pavilion master of the punishment pavilion also needs to maintain enough majesty to control the sect's principles, it is impossible to be approachable, and the younger disciples are also at a distance.

Or everyone has their own fate, and Lu Lie is also used to this kind of cold atmosphere.

He was a little surprised to see Ge Mu, stopped the broom and said, "Why is Ge Xiaoyou free to come here?"

"The meridian has been restored, and I just wanted to make up for the practice that I have pulled down this month, so I wanted to ask the seniors of Sanqingmen to discuss a thing or two. Master Feng recommended me to come here, saying that Pavilion Master Lu is very leisurely here."

Ge Mu straight to the point.

Lu Lie looked at him and nodded.

Learn from each other? to make!

Wu Yue Phantom Dust Sect.

Bai Leng's joining the Huanchen Sect can be described as a fish in water in terms of cultivation, and his aptitude is definitely the key training object in the Huanchen sect. Not only does he have enough cultivation resources, but he also has a famous person in the cultivating world like Wang Mengfu. It soared a lot.

However, when he first entered the Huanchen Sect, he also encountered trouble.

Yan value is in trouble!

The white son of the Bai clan in Licheng is as warm as jade, and has that kind of indistinguishable beauty. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the number one handsome man in the world of Taoism today.

When he first arrived at the Huanchen Sect, even though the seniors who had joined the sect had a good impression, they were still reserved, but the younger girls were completely unable to resist him when they saw him, and they stalked him almost all day long. , all kinds of teasing.

And among them was the granddaughter of Sect Master Pei Xuanji, who was just sixteen but had a plump body. His obsession with Bai Leng was almost crazy.

It can be said that if Bai Leng said that he wanted to sleep with her now, she would immediately wash up and wait under the covers.

It is a pity…

Bai Leng's ambition is to revitalize the lintel of the "Licheng Bai Clan", and his pursuit of strength is far greater than that of women.

After about a month, this kind of entanglement with good luck gradually diminished.

And it's not that Bai Leng's heat has dropped, but the Huanchen Sect also has to prepare the Five Mountains to discuss Taoism, and specially invited the elders to guide him, hoping that this round of human characters will win the Huanchen Sect.

There are three places allocated to the Huanchen Sect in the Herringbone Game of the Wushan Lun Dao Conference. Because there are many Huanchen Sect disciples, the three places are not assigned, but will be contested in the sect.

When there were still a few months before the Five Mountains discussed the Tao, the Huanchen Sect held a competition within the sect.

Bai Leng lived up to expectations, crushed his peers with absolute strength, and obtained the qualification to participate in the Five Mountains Discussion Dao with the first place result - and no one picked him up for fifteen tricks in the competition!

But this day, Sect Master Pei Xuanji did not go to watch the disciple competition, everything was expected.

Pei Xuanji stayed in his courtyard.

Pink walls and tiles, elegant pavilions.

A few beams of light were projected from the leaky window and sprinkled on a whirling plum tree.

The plum blossoms wither.

It fell to the ground like blood plum red.

And Pei Xuanji just flicked his sleeves and robes, and saw the plum branches and leaves shaking, countless flower buds sprouted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and another tree of scorching plum blossoms opened.

Pei Xuanji picked a flower and smashed it between his fingers, like crushing life!

In fact, he did crush a life under this plum blossom, and it was his wife, Su Bieyun, who had never been through the door, and buried her here.

The legend in the monastic world that Pei Xuanji shot and killed Su Bieyun was not a false rumor.

At this time, Pei Xuanji was standing under the plum tree, and the circumstances of killing Su Bieyun back then were still vivid in his mind...

The girl who was known as "the color of Wu Yue, the art of the southern country" was only twenty-two years old at the time. When the elders of the Huanchen Sect brought her here from the hands of Xianshi Yan at the cost of three deaths and one injury, she saw Pei Xuanji did not have the slightest fear, but only deep-seated disgust and hatred.

"If you have the ability, kill me, and I will never marry you!"

Her eyes were like scorching plum red, with a senseless stubbornness.

"Before you got married, you were kidnapped by the old thief Yan Shixiao, which made me and my Huanchen Sect become the laughing stock of the entire monastic world. In order to bring you back, Huanchen Sect damaged three elders."

Pei Xuanji smiled.

Then he simply said five words: So, **** you!

It's not that he didn't like Su Bieyun. Seeing such an alluring look, he even had a feeling of love when he was in his seventies at the time, but Pei Xuanji regarded himself as a hero of a generation, and he couldn't be a joke just because of a woman. You have to give an account to the three elders who died.

After saying a few words, he strangled Su Bieyun with his own hands.

A generation of youth, incense disappears and jade perishes.

Looking back at the situation at that time, Pei Xuanji still did not have the slightest shame or regret on his face, UU reading www.uukanshu. There are only frosty cool colors in com dragon eyes.

He thought there was nothing wrong with him.

All the faults lied in Su Bieyun and Xianshi Yan who stole Su Bieyun back then.

If not so...

After marrying Su Bieyun, with her Xuanyin female body complementary double _ cultivation, Pei Xuanjiz can break the bottleneck and enter the Golden Core in the past ten years, becoming a Taoist cultivator who entered the Golden Core realm earlier than Yan Zhaoqiu, the real martial artist.

"Old thief Yan..." Pei Xuanji's eyes became colder.

Not being able to kill Immortal Master Yan personally was Pei Xuanji's greatest regret in his life, and now that Ge Mu has entered the WTO, whether it is the old ruthlessness of the year or the new enemy of Wang Zhuo now, he is the descendant of Immortal Master Yan, so he will definitely kill him!

never stay-

This time, taking advantage of the opportunity of five mountains to discuss Taoism, Ge Mu must be slaughtered.

However, Pei Xuanji didn't think that Bai Leng was the best person to kill Ge Mu. He still had a card, so he left the courtyard alone and walked to the underground prison of Huanchen Sect.

The iron prison was built with an underground cave, and the iron bars were made of fine steel as thick as a wrist, and there were talismans to suppress it.

Dim light.

A few clanging sounds of iron shackles colliding with each other could be vaguely heard.

Pei Xuanji walked to the iron fence and looked inside.

In the innermost part of the cave was a young man with disheveled hair. He was thin and disheveled, and his limbs were bound by thick and heavy iron shackles. Hearing the movement, he suddenly struggled, pulling the chains violently, causing the entire cave to vibrate.

"I'm going out! I'm going out!"

His voice was like a wild animal roaring, making people shudder.

Pei Xuanji shook his head and said, "In a few days, I will let you out and find an opponent for you."

"Who? I tore him!"