MTL - The Evil God Emperor is In the City-Chapter 119 Taiyi Qiuhua

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For a long time in Chinese history, the reputation of Zhongnan Mountain has surpassed that of Wudang Mountain, known as Taiyue Mountain in ancient times, and Longhu Mountain, known as the ancestral court of magic.

In ancient times, the writers lived in seclusion, and the sages visited the immortals. The first choice was Zhongnan Mountain.

Poetry Buddha Wang Wei is a poem "Taiyi is close to the capital of heaven", which has raised the status of Zhongnan Mountain infinitely high, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the first blessed land.

The Taiyi sect located in Zhongnan Mountain is a sect that does not show off the mountains and waters. In the north of China, apart from the Zhenwu Dao School, there are only the Taiyi sects, but the low-key behavior is almost amazing. Nothing major happened.

Outsiders' impression of Taiyi School is nothing more than rigid rules, mature and prudent, and well-trained disciples.

Qiu Hua is also in this image. He is almost carved out of the same mold as the other disciples of the Taiyi faction.

Very mediocre.


The Taiyi Sect also has a distinctive feature. This sect has a sincere foundation in its practice and pays attention to the dual cultivation of life and life. The younger disciples seem to be a little worse than their sect disciples, but the more they go on, the more extraordinary they are, like Jiang Gui, who is old and hot.

Twenty-year-old disciples of the Taiyi School may be far inferior to the disciples of other sects; but when they reach the age of forty, they can catch up with other outstanding disciples, and they can even compete with the leaders in the future!

This is especially scary.

If it weren't for the fact that the Taiyi faction was not strong enough, it would even be able to overwhelm the two "Northern Zhenwu Nanzhengyi".

This information was told to Ge Mu by Immortal Master Yan before. He thought about it in his heart, and then quickly looked at Qiu Hua. He was at the peak of his cultivation in the early stage of foundation building, and his spiritual power was extremely strong. It shouldn't be difficult to get into the top ten this time.

Ge Mu smiled lazily and said, "You are not my opponent now, so find someone else to fight."

Putting these words on other people, they must feel that Ge Mu is really provocative and clamoring, and he will kill him with a trick without saying a word, but Qiu Hua has no intention of getting angry at all, he is calm like a pool of water.

"Since Daoyou Ge said that, it should be the case, but the master warned before participating in the Wushan Taoism, this time you don't need to pay attention to the victory or defeat, as long as you can compete with the talents of various sects, it will be a gain, so I still I want to have a fight with fellow Daoist Ge."

"If you don't fight me, you will definitely be able to go further, and it's very shameful to be eliminated as soon as you come in, isn't it?"

Qiu Hua shook his head and said, "The path of cultivation is aimed at being pragmatic, and a false name is no different from a human being."

I go…

Ge Mu grinned, this Qiu Hua is indeed a man from Qinchuan, 800 miles away, he is very down-to-earth, and now he is a straight man with cancer, knowing that he is no match for him, but he will fight hard.

"Are you really going to fight?"


"Don't think about it anymore?"

"Make a move!"

Ge Mu reluctantly nodded and said, "That's it. I see that what Qiu Daoyou attacked me should be the ground armor technique. It's a very interesting technique. I learned it."


As soon as the word came out, Qiu Qiu had already performed the magic technique, and between the fingers curled, the spiritual power turned into a khaki talisman and fell on the ground, bursting with dazzling light.

Immediately, the ground trembled, and a hole of more than ten meters was split open.

The rocks and clods congealed and transformed.

Actually formed the solemn Qinglong holy beast.

The dragon's tail swayed, and the "Angry" Chong Ge Mu approached. Wherever he passed, the sturdy tree was directly smashed into two by the dragon's body.

This made Ge Mu quite admired. Qiu Hua's skills in the mere ground level were so amazing. As expected, it was spread in the world of monasticism. .

It's just that the power of the basic-shaped spells is always lacking, and the spiritual methods they cultivate are too different from Ge Mu's "Dayan Yin Yang Jue", so they are far from rivals in the same realm.

After only four or five back and forth with the Qinglong Sacred Beast, Ge Mu changed his hands to besiege.


Draw out with one finger.

Like a silver radiance sprinkled from the ten thousand zhang galaxy.

Come at your fingertips, without leaving a trace.

This technique is called "The Galaxy Falls to the Nine Heavens", and it is Ge Mu's third technique.

The spiritual force caused the stream to rewind, flying three thousand trickles, transformed into three thousand water swords, and swept through the sky and turned sharply down, instantly causing the Qinglong holy beast to disintegrate, and then attacked Qiu Hua.

Qiu Hua's face was extremely wonderful.

What a graceful spell!

It is also an extremely domineering technique!

This is completely different from the well-established monasticism taught by the Taiyi Sect. The hanging horns of the dwarf antelope made him suddenly feel his eyes widened.

But he also knew that this move was not easy to resist. Ji Zhongshengzhi imitated Ge Mu's way and threw his palms to the ground to raise an earth wall. Dao, until the third Dao was down.

The water sword dissipated, and the earth wall burst.

Qiu Hua, who was splashed with mud, looked embarrassed and couldn't stop breathing.

The attack of the transformed Qinglong holy beast and the building of three earth walls to resist the "Nine Heavens of the Galaxy" had already consumed most of his spiritual power and completely fell into the disadvantage.

"I admire, the power of Daoyou Ge's sword moves is terrifying. It is worthy of being passed down by Master Yan! The harvest I have spent sitting in Zhongnan Mountain for a year may not be as much as the battle with Daoyou Ge today. Take advantage of it."

Qiu Hua bowed and bowed.


"Originally, I was actually a little dissatisfied with what Daoyou Ge said just now. Before UU read, I thought that it might be better than Daoyou Ge, but now it seems really fantastic."

This person's etiquette is really good, Ge Mu can't bear to eliminate him, and said: "It's just a temporary success or failure, don't be discouraged."

Qiu Hua waved his hand and sat down, calmly said: "My spiritual power is almost exhausted, I want to recover at least a day's effort, and it is impossible not to be discovered by others during this time, rather than let others be eliminated, then It might be better to lose in the hands of fellow Daoist Ge."

"You're at a loss for being eliminated so early."

"It's not as good as people, it's nothing."

"Brother, you...why doesn't this person have any temper? It's like a pinch of mud." Ge Mu sat opposite Qiu Hua, giving each other a helpless glance.

"Could it be that Fellow Daoist Ge cares about winning or losing?"

"I don't care, that's because I know that I'm pretty cool, and I don't need to use the five mountains to make a name for myself, so it doesn't matter."

Qiu Hua laughed loudly: "I don't care because I know I'm not that good yet, and it's impossible for me to be famous in the Five Mountains, so it doesn't matter. I have competed with Song Xu from the Song family in Qingzhou before, and it's not at all. opponent."

After saying that, he picked up the jade pendant and threw it to Ge Mu, and the figure disappeared immediately.

"If I have the opportunity to be a guest at Zhongnan Mountain, I invite fellow Daoist Ge to taste the authentic oil-splashed noodles..."

It is a free and easy gentleman.

Zhang Xugu's voice came from the sky again: "Qiu Hua of Quanzhen Sect is eliminated, and the winner is Ge Mu, the successor of Immortal Master Sanxiu Yan!"

Ge Mu rubbed the corners of his brows, trimmed it a little, and left the place immediately, his mind was still on abusing the disciples of the Huanchen Sect and hitting Wang Mengfu's old face.