MTL - The Evil God Emperor is In the City-Chapter 135 sharp

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In his two ancient careers, Zhang Xugu has seen many winds and waves, and his heart is still like water.

But when the one-hundred-and-fifty-year-old old man couldn't stand on his knees, unwrapped his burden, and picked up the five-gut copper coin that was pressed on the linen and cotton clothes, he was silent and his hands were still trembling.

He could smash away the dragons formed by the situation of three hundred miles of mountains and rivers in eight hundred ways, but he couldn't afford the five copper coins.

Yunshang Zhenren looked at him, Cao Jinzhi looked at him, and the five evil mother-in-law looked at him... When he stood up on his knees, his body was already a little stiff, he took a long breath, and said very slowly: "Zhang Xu Gu is ashamed of being a son of man, and today he self-destructed his eyes, thinking that the cultivators in the world are a warning to those who are disloyal and unfilial."

"Brother Zhang Dao..."

"Sect Master Zhang is impossible!"

Several people hurried to stop, but they were all pushed away by Zhang Xugu.

Zhang Xugu's other hand and **** have been directly pierced into his eyes, and the blood flowed non-stop, his body swayed like a mountain, and he said: "Since ancient times, the righteous and the evil have not been at the same time. The mother's kindness is also unacceptable, and it will be repaid with another broken arm."

After a few words, the stone fell to the ground, Zhang Xugu turned his qi into a sword, cut off his right arm, and threw it at the feet of the five evil mother-in-law.

"Take it back to Zuo Chaofeng."

After saying that, he picked up the bag of clothes, took the five-point copper coin, and staggered away. The Taishan Beidou, who was the leader of the monastic world in the southern kingdom, was already a little stooped when he disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

Sanqingmen learned of what happened to Zhang Xugu on the afternoon of the same day.

News soon.

The elder Pang Shiduo, who was busy with farm work on the field ridge, put down his hoe, sat on the field ridge, took off his shoes and poured out the dirt inside, and smoked a cigarette in his hand for a long time.

Pang Shiduo and Zhang Xugu are barely the same generation and know him very well.

This person…

He has been in charge of Zhengyi for more than 40 years, and has suppressed cultivators in the southern country for 60 years.

And with him there, the sects and cultivators of the southern country must all restrain themselves, and the people under the sect dare not do anything wrong.

For more than one hundred and forty years of practice for the right path.

The right way is not bad, and the rules are not bad.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the pillar of the Taoist world in the South.

Didn't expect something like this to happen to him...

When Pang Shiduo sighed, Ge Mu and Feng Tianhe walked to the side. Both of them had heard the news. Feng Tianhe regretted: "The old man Zhang Xu destroyed his eyes and broke his arm. I heard that he has to step down as the head of the sect. This is really unwise.”

Before waiting for Pang Shi Duo to answer, he sighed again.

"It may not have been out of good intentions for Zuo Chao to bury his mother back then, but this time, sending the five evil mother-in-law to Wushan to discuss Taoism seems to shake the Taoist heart of Zhang Xugu."

Pang Shiduo pointed at Tian Rong and motioned Feng Tianhe to sit down.

"Junior brother, you underestimate Zhang Xugu."


"Zhang Xugu has been practicing Dao for more than 140 years, and his mind is smooth and still like water. How can he be shaken by the five evil mother-in-law's few words? But Zhang Xugu is in charge of the right one and leads the Taoist world in the southern country. He is Moral ruler, with the word unfilial on me, it must be difficult to sit down as the head of the sect."

Pang Shiduo put on his shoes and took a sharp puff, "I know more about Zhang Xugu than you do."

Ge Mu said, "Is there a reason why Mr. Zhang Xugu didn't support his mother?"

"In those days of upright turmoil, the world's evil demons and outsiders came one after another, and he devoted himself to supporting the righteous way, subduing demons and eliminating demons, and striving for peace for the world... But no matter what the reason, it was wrong to not give his mother the care of her mother, and she had to bear it! In that position, he has to set an example for the cultivators in the world."

"Good people are hard to do."

Pang Shiduo looked at Ge Mu and grinned.

It is true that it is difficult for a good person to do things, but some people are destined to take responsibility for the right path and lead by example. Only in this way can other cultivators be qualified to abide by the rules.

The word righteousness is not only Taoism, but also morality.

This is something that has been passed down to the bone marrow of the Chinese civilization for five thousand years, and the cultivators who are far more capable than ordinary people must abide by it.

"Zhang Xugu hopes that all cultivators in the world are Zhang Xugu, then the world will be able to avoid a lot of troubles! Hey, without him, those evil sects will be born again in the future, and the cultivating world of the southern country will finally be stable. , the major powers may also begin to fight openly and secretly."

Feng Tianhe said, "I'm afraid this is Zuo Chaofeng's original intention, right?"

Ge Mu said: "Take a move to move the whole body?"

Pang Shiduo nodded: "Yes, those evil sects and crooked ways have caused swallowing for so many years, it is time to make waves, then they must first move Zhang Xugu, which is all being cleaned up."

Ge Mu pinched his chin and pondered.

I thought that if this was the case, Zuo Chaofeng, the sect master of Qisha Ghost Sect, was really good enough. This kind of scheming is really rare.

Others kill with poison and swordsmanship, but he kills with kindness. It's so clever, and it makes people convinced even after a crushing defeat. UU Reading even wants to thank him! ?


Pang Shiduo seemed to have seen through what Ge Mu was thinking, and sighed: "Isn't it! Zuo Chao regards this person as a demon, but his scheming is even more terrifying than his strength. He was a famous poisoner more than a hundred years ago. My teacher said before, that if this person becomes an official, he can move a dynasty by his calculations."

"Have you ever seen this old monster?"

"My old man doesn't have it either, but I'm afraid I'll have to peel off my skin if I see it."

Ge Mu rubbed the corners of his brows and said, "But even if the old man Zhang Xugu is unfortunate, the power of the righteous path is not weak now, and the real person on the cloud can be compared with him? There are also Cao Jinzhi, Wang Ju, Wang Mengfu, your old man, and Sun Gou. Zi, Yan Zhaoqiu, etc., the evil cultivator can’t make a big storm for a while, and at most play a little conspiracy.”

"Soldiers will block, water will cover! My old man's weight is not enough, but this old bone can't kill people!"

Pang Shiduo said lightly, with the color of smoke and clouds in his eyes. He was also the one who fought side by side with Zhang Xugu in the past when he suppressed the evil demons.

After that, he worked in agriculture and mulberry for dozens of miles, but his realm did not fall any further.

"By the way, I am a little worried about the witch, the five evil mother-in-law. This witch is Fang Ying's teacher. Of course, the main purpose is to use Fang Ying as a training pot. Now Fang Ying is worshipped in Sanqing. Door, the five evil mother-in-law is afraid that because of this, she will come to Sanqingmen to make trouble."

Feng Tianhe patted Ge Mu's shoulder: "You don't need to worry about this, brother. Even though Sanqingmen is small, it's not for anyone to bully. Brother, I still think that you will meet this temptress."

Ponstadt smoked silently.

Ge Mu smiled lightly.

The cultivating world has become windy, and since the occurrence of Zhang Xugu, it is doomed that it will not be peaceful in the future, but there are also more opportunities.