MTL - The Evil God Emperor is In the City-Chapter 140 sly boy

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After Ge Mu's meridian was healed, he was able to restore his foundation-building mid-stage cultivation during the Wushan discussion on Taoism, but he was not in a hurry. After returning for a few days, his mind and body were recuperated to the best state, and he recovered silently. realm.

After a torment and rebuilding, the strength is also two points stronger than before.

The next evening after the weather cleared up.

He stood by the lake and tried his moves. "Dayan Yin-Yang Jue" splits the two qi of Xuanyin and Xuanyang into his arms, and the blue light diffuses, forming a constellation roulette in mid-air, swaying three hundred and sixty stars straight to Qianqing Lake wave away.

Feng Tianhe, the heart of boating on the lake, saw that this technique was exquisite, and suddenly itchy, he put down his fishing rod, and waved his sleeves to the lake. In an instant, the lake was like a folded curtain, and sixteen horrifying white waves appeared.

However, the three hundred and sixty streams of light went straight through the waves, without the slightest fading, and immediately approached Feng Tianhe, slamming into his defensive qi wall like a dense rain, forcibly forcing the boat back twelve Husband.

On the other hand, the terrifying white waves were already rushing towards the shore.

Ge Mu stepped on his feet, and the shore of the lake rumbled and cracked open. He learned from Qiu Hua's "Earth Armor Technique" of the Taiyi School, and erected an earth wall more than 100 meters long and more than 30 feet high to block the sixteen huge waves. .

Only four steps back!

The big lake shook violently, but it calmed down after a long time.

Feng Tianhe abandoned the boat and went ashore, came over with the fish basket in his arms, looked up and down at Ge Mu, his eyes were no longer the praise of "the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves", but unbelievable amazement.

"Your brother has improved a lot, and I'm afraid you will surpass me in a few years. It makes me feel that it is useless to cultivate a beard. I am ashamed."

"It's all running on me and I'm speechless."

"Where is the run? The old brother is really convincing. I think I was a little stronger than Xingnan when I was your age. When I saw Pei Xuanji's kung fu in making the nine elephants clone, I felt that it was incredible, and Yan Zhaoqiu split the mountain with one finger. I can't reach it, I feel that Fellow Daoist Yan is already a arrogance; afterward, Immortal Master Yan was born, and when I saw him, I no longer had the slightest bit of arrogance, and your brother is better than them at that time."

Feng Tianhe's eyes showed a look of sigh, as if recalling his youthful vigour, he regained his senses after a while, "Your brother is indeed amazing."

Ge Mu rubbed his hands together and said, "It's possible that I was born to practice cultivation, but nothing else. In terms of fishing, I'm 108,000 miles away from Sect Master Feng."

"Cunning boy!" Feng Tianhe laughed loudly, this kid can change the subject.

To be honest, he admired Ge Mu's arrogant and impetuous personality, unlike other young cultivators who thought they were invincible just after learning a little bit of ability, and didn't take anyone seriously.

However, such a lazy, calm young man always makes people feel that the city is very deep. In Sanqingmen, Feng Tianhe also observed Ge Mu a lot, and he always felt that his palace was comparable to that of the famous old fox Pei Xuanji in the monastic world.

I don't know if it's an illusion?

He couldn't see Ge Mu clearly.

The two went to the south of the lake again, Feng Tianhe said again: "Although Fang Ying won the first place in the Wushan Lun Dao Renzi game, it was really your brother's strength, and the later life-and-death game with Qin Kang was even more eye-catching. , Now you have a big name in the cultivating world, so what are your plans in the future?"

Ge Mu stopped and said with a half-truth smile: "I said that I really planned to pick Pei Xuanji and Wang Mengfu, do you believe it?"

Sect Master Feng thought deeply.

Yan Xianshi dared to kidnap Su Bieyun back then and fought against the seven elders of the Huanchen Sect with the power of one person. This daring person has already overwhelmed the sky. Ge Mu is no weaker than in the past, and in the future...

His beard trembled violently, he turned to look at Ge Mu, and looked at each other for a long time.

Zhang Xugu's resignation as the master of Zhengyi Famen has been slightly turbulent in the cultivating world of the Southern Kingdom. If Ge Mu succeeds in his magic in the future, I am afraid that there will be a huge wave in this long-lasting cultivating world, right?

All the stormy waves are quietly germinating.

"Could it be that your brother really wants to have a life-and-death situation with Pei Xuanji in three years' time?"

Ge Mu smiled and said nothing.

He was thinking of more than just Pei Xuanji? In three years, it's almost time for Wu and Yue Huanchen Sect to unite with Zong Su!

Zhao Yiqing, who recites the "Sanqingjingjingjing" dozens of times every day, actually experienced fun during the period. When he encountered something he didn't understand, he would beg the stupid big Lou Xingnan to go to the Sanqingmen Bookstore to pick up other books for comparison. went.

The owner of the Book Collection Pavilion is a very kind old woman named Liang Suqiu. She is very talkative. Except for the key points of Sanqingmen's exercises, other miscellaneous books are not stingy. Every time Zhao Yiqing comes over, he will take Zhao Yiqing's hand and chat for a while. sentence.

Gradually, Zhao Yiqing also became half a disciple of Sanqingmen.

Spring equinox.

Zhao Yiqing brought a yellowed "Twelve Meridian Examinations" from the library and sat in the yard to read it. This book only talks about how the breath works in the meridians, which has little to do with the practice, but the meridians are also the foundation of the practice, and she must also understand it.

Ge Mu came back from the outside with half a blood leg of lamb and shouted.

"Little daughter-in-law, you are lucky! Today Lou Xingnan and the others went to the winery outside Sanqingmen, and UUkanshu got three sheep back. I squatted at the entrance of the cave and robbed them of half a leg of lamb, and roasted them at noon. mutton."

"Little daughter-in-law? How ugly." Zhao Yiqing flipped through the ancient book, turned around, and gave Ge Mu a dissatisfied look.

"The important thing is to have delicious food. My roast lamb is a must. In the past, whenever I roasted lamb in West Siberia, there would be a lot of hairy girls, and they were even willing to give birth to children because of my craftsmanship. ."

"Bah, bragging."

"Really!? If I had indulged a little at the time, I would be full of lovers over there now."

Zhao Yiqing closed the book with a snap, and gave Ge Mu a kick and said "Get out", she didn't like this guy to brag about his romantic history, making it look like she was not chased before she went to Sanqingshan, you must know that Wu and Yue were political at that time_ There are at least twenty-three young men in the business world who are interested in her.

"You big bastard, who are you, don't you have a point in your heart?"

Ge Mu laughed and said, "I know, of course I know, who made me ignorant and ignorant to sign that prostitution contract (marriage contract)."

"Hmph, then don't talk nonsense."


"Oh, yes, today I went to Grandma Liang to borrow a book. She took me and said sweet words for a long time. The implication was that she wanted to accept me as her apprentice. What do you think?"

Ge Muyi grinned: "No, I'm quite senior in the cultivating world, and I'm on the same level as her. If you were her apprentice, you'd be in a mess, so politely refuse."

"I think Granny Liang is very nice."

"No matter how good a person is, it has nothing to do with apprenticeship. You just need to think that she will talk to her a lot. I have seen her before, she..."

Ge Mu hesitated for a while, and didn't say any more.

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