MTL - The Evil God Emperor is In the City-Chapter 145 Out of Gannan into Bashu

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From Gannan to Bashu to span three provinces, the distance is really not close.

It's hard to imagine how Wu Suqiu measured the distance of thousands of miles with her feet one day and one night more than fifty years ago, and what kind of grief she felt in her heart?

And nine months later, when she heard that the sweetheart she had been searching for, Wen Ji, had married someone else, how did she feel so bitter?

Thinking of this, even though he was walking side by side with Zhu Xixue, Ge Mu didn't ridicule this stunning beauty whose face was slightly more delicate than Zhao Yiqing, but her **** were a little unsatisfactory.

We arrived at the Pu of Dongting and the south of Xiaoxiang.

Ge Mu looked down with his sleeves down, and muttered to himself, "The second concubine Gu Xiaoxiang died because of Emperor Shun, and tears spilled on the bamboo, causing tears to appear on the bamboo. If there is such a bitterness in this world, Wu Suqiu will be the first."

"Hey, Zhu Xixue! Speaking of this, you can't get rid of the relationship between the two of you. How did you train such a scumbag as Wen Ji?"

Zhu Xixue heard about this incident from his uncle and grandson Gouzi before, and he also said that it was a shame for the Zhengyi method, but this matter was still quite protective of the sect, saying: "There are thousands of Zhengyi method disciples, and it is also an accident that a shameless disciple appears. Hmph, it's funny to say, where is someone better than a scumbag like Wen Ji?"

"Who is someone who..."

"Eating in the bowl and looking at the pot, the one who clearly has a fiancée and flirts with others."

Ge Mu's mouth crooked and said, "Me? Am I flirting with you?"

bastard! Zhu Xixuejiao's face was sullen, she glared at Ge Mu and said, "Who are you! Stop talking nonsense there."

"Did you say Fang Ying? Fang Ying is not as good as you on the Tianyuan Rouge List, but her figure is really hard to pick. I not only flirt with her, but also often sleep with her, and I am proud of it. "


These remarks made Zhu Xixue feel that Ge Mu was a **** who had two feet on the boat, and Wen Ji was the same raccoon dog as the one who deserved to be struck by a thousand knives and thunder.

Looking at Mr. Ge's appearance, he even thought of giving him a "Shenqing Thunder Seal" first.

Ge Mu didn't realize it and said, "Are you jealous? After all, you are single, and you have that kind of hatred of the single dog for the world in your heart. When you see others being affectionate and loving, you want to stab them in the back twice."

"If you talk nonsense again, don't blame me for shooting you."

"Hey, hey, can't we talk a little bit about it? I started talking about Wen Ji, but you sneered at me, can't you say a few words? Think about what kind of thing Wen Ji is, a heartless man, a sect traitor, and a There's no difference in shit, would you be happy to compare you to him?"

Zhu Xixue's eyebrows were cold, her eyes were frosty, but Ge Mu just smiled at her twice, she thought for a moment, and gradually her cold expression subsided: "The battle is imminent, I don't want to talk nonsense about you."

three hours later.

Near the end of Bashu, on the border of Yunnan and Guizhou, there are thousands of miles of undulating Cangshan Mountains, and the clouds are like a sea.

Ge Mu and Zhu Xixue were unable to catch up with Feng Tianhe and the others from beginning to end, and neither of them knew the exact location of Yin Fuzong, so they stopped first.

"Do you know the place?"

Ge Mu stood silently, his **** turned into swords and covered his eyes. When his fingers were staggered, his eyes already showed the bright silver color of the technique of "illuminating the gods".

At this time, it has returned to the middle stage of foundation building, and the power of the art of illuminating the gods has also increased. Looking down from the sky, you can see the thin scales on the feet of a white bird a few kilometers away, and the situation of the mountains and rivers is even more delicate.

However, no human smoke or gun smoke was seen in the area of ​​nearly a hundred miles.

Feng Tianhe and others want to pacify Yin Fuzong, it is impossible for them to be silent, right?

He said, "Not around here."

More than 100 kilometers to the south, I once again observed the art of illuminating the gods, and saw a few fires in the sky seventy or eighty kilometers away to the northwest. Ge Mu furrowed his brows violently. From a distance of seventy or eighty miles, what time of fire was there? It must be a sea of ​​flames, and someone must have used magic there.

Ge Mu did not dare to go over immediately, but fell to the ground first.

"What do you mean?" Zhu Xixue fell to the ground after him and asked suspiciously.

"Beautiful Bamboo, she is also a disciple of a major sect, can we be professional? We have traveled thousands of miles, and our spiritual power has been severely depleted. Going to war now is not to give food to people, to recover first and then to fight, this is not a problem. Wushan talks about Taoism, no one will hold hands with you."

The world of cultivating Dao has been as still as water for decades. There are occasional turbulence and small disturbances. The truly tragic disputes between good and evil are only experienced by Feng Tianhe and the above generation, and the cultivation environment of the younger cultivators is like a greenhouse. .

Although Zhu Xixue is the leader of the younger generation, except Ge Mu and Qin Kang who died, almost no one can match her, but she has not experienced the battle of life and death, so she seems to be very immature when dealing with it.

After being said a few words by Ge Mu, he couldn't help blushing.


How can you not adjust your state before fighting? Especially this kind of shit.

Zhu Xixue pinched the corner of his clothes and looked at Ge Mu, who was sitting cross-legged, from the corner of his eye, and saw a calm like a mountain from this man younger than him.

"You have a very delicate heart..."

" just killed some people."

kill? Zhu Xixue's hand holding the corner of the clothes couldn't help but clenched tightly. This movement was very subtle, but it was still caught by Ge Mu.

He restrained his laziness before, tilted his head and said, "Have you never killed anyone?"

"No, not yet..."

"I'm going, Baiban'er! Yin Fuzong is estimated to be 80 miles away in the northwest. Master Feng and your uncle and grandson Gouzi have already started to attack the cave of Yin Fuzong. After a while, we will go to war directly. You haven't killed anyone, so I'm afraid you won't be able to adapt to such a scene."

Zhu Xixue raised her chest and said, "Why can't I get used to it?"

"People who haven't killed people are not so ruthless, they will hesitate, but Xie Xiu won't. You let it go, but he recruits you to death."

"I... won't let go..."

"It's not as simple as saying it, listen to me, and stand back when it's past."

After he said that, Ge Mu closed his eyes and adjusted his breath. He didn't have much interest in Zhu Xixue, who was a little barren, but this girl was very upright, and Ge Mu didn't want her to die.

Zhu Xixue blushed slightly, and sat down not far from him to adjust his breath.

The war has already begun.

A few minutes later, a thunder-like sound came down from the clouds in the distance, rolling endlessly, and there seemed to be shouts.

Ge Mu turned a deaf ear, and only used "Dayan Yin Yang Jue" to restore the depleted spiritual power. His breathing gradually became steady and slow, and the color on his face became more and more solemn.

After the conditioning was completed, he exhaled a breath of turbid air and stood up, his eyes were already bright and radiant.

Uh, does this guy still look like this?

After adjusting his breath first, Zhu Xixue glanced at his face, then quickly retracted his gaze.

Read The Duke's Passion