MTL - The Evil God Emperor is In the City-Chapter 158 past spring and summer

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On the seventh day after entering meditation, Ge Mu woke up once.

The dantian is full, the sea of ​​qi is bulging, and it has reached a state where nothing can be added.

He poured a glass of water and drank it, his qi dissipated naturally, and the acupuncture points all over his body opened up when he was shattered, returning to his normal breathing rhythm, then raised his chin and looked left and right at Zhao Yiqing and Fang Ying.

Fang Ying's peach blossom eyes were tightly closed, her hands were clasped together, her chest was slightly ups and downs, and a layer of suspended small ice slugs lingered around her body.

Her aptitude is only above-average, and her ability to withstand spiritual energy is far less than that of Ge Mu. She woke up twice in the past seven days. Judging from her actions at this time, it seems that she is still conservatively uniting and transforming her energy into strength.

On the other hand, Zhao Yiqing, who had entered a fixed fetal rate for the first time, never woke up.

She doesn't have any qualifications at all, it's just the dragon bone fused into her body, which has been silent for thousands of years, like a dry riverbed, in urgent need of nourishment, and the more spiritual energy, the better.

Ge Mu stretched his fingers to his eyes, and observed the direction and changes of the spiritual energy in his body with the technique of illuminating the gods. The twelve meridians of the human body are like twelve blue galaxies, and the aura absorbed in the spine is like a hundred rivers returning to the sea.

The luck of this little fiancée is really unbelievable.

Before the age of 20, I didn't know what cultivation practice was at all, but once I integrated the dragon bone, the way of cultivation was like a divine help, and my spiritual power rose steadily. The cultivators on the eighth floor are no different.

When this retreat is over, it is very likely to reach the level of foundation building!

If it is said that the entry is fast, she is the first person among the cultivators.

Ge Mu grinned at her indifferently, gathered his mind, and ran "Dayan Yin-Yang Art" to turn his energy into power.

Such four cycles have passed for a month.

The spiritual liquid of the first porcelain urn had bottomed out, and the little remaining volatilized into a light blue spiritual energy, which filled the prison cell.

Ge Mu didn't rush to open the second urn of spiritual liquid, but took fifteen days to digest it, and turned to the "Dayan Yin-Yang Art" to refine spiritual power again and again.

The last time I jumped to the late stage of foundation building at Fuyun Mountain, the situation was urgent, and I didn't have time to condense and settle down. The foundation was extremely vain.

By day 47 of the retreat.

It stabilized the level of completion in the middle stage of foundation building, and was just a step away from the later stage of foundation building. At this time, Zhao Yiqing and Fang Ying had both left the prison because of their spiritual energy saturation, and Ge Mu left behind the three porcelain urn spirits. The liquid is left alone in it.

This time he wants to step into the late stage of foundation building in one fell swoop.

After Fang Ying left the customs, the first person he saw was Zhu Xixue, who had a very wrong personality.

Fang Ying is charming and full of spring, but Zhu Xixue is like a thousand snow-capped mountains, and her temperament is cold and arrogant. You can only look at it from a distance, and you can't see any common language between the two.

It is also a black person who is close to the ink. Fang Ying is infected with Ge Mu's habit of looking at women. At first glance, he likes to take a look at Zhu Xixue's chest and legs. Sure enough, the face of Zhu Damei's face is indeed extremely delicate, and her temperament is like Zhi Rulan. , but there is more than enough beauty but not enough plumpness, and the chest is very mediocre.

At this point, the shadow is quite proud.

She smiled and said, "Is Senior Sister Zhu's injury healed? He also said to see you."

"The injury is no longer in the way... I came here to ask why Ge Mu didn't come out with you?"

Zhu Xixue sees the mountains right at the door.

This makes Fang Ying feel strange, Zhu Xixue has always had eyes above the top, and her eyes are clear, why did she suddenly care about Ge Mu? Fang Ying didn't ask directly, just looked at Zhu Xixue with deep meaning, and didn't speak for a while.

Zhu Xixue didn't have much eyes, and she felt a little embarrassed when she saw it like this. She lowered her eyebrows and said, "Don't...don't get me wrong, I just want to know how Ge Mu's realm is now."

I see!

Fang Ying's face suddenly relaxed.

This level is easy to understand. A rising star like Zhu Xixue definitely doesn’t want to be crushed by others, and Ge Mu is the only one of her peers who is better than her. She cares about Ge Mu’s realm, that is, compares with him again. Just a thought.

She said, "It's also in the middle stage of foundation building, similar to Senior Sister Zhu."

"Fang Daoyou don't have to use such vague words to fool me! I saw with my own eyes that he killed more than 100 Yin Fuzong disciples in the Yinfuzong battle, and I knew that he was definitely not his opponent, but I still want to know me and him. How big is the gap? I, Zhu Xixue, don’t hold grudges because others are stronger than me, on the contrary, knowing that someone is stronger than me motivates me to go further.”

Zhu Xixue's eyes lit up, "I'm looking forward to having a fight with him."

Fang Ying still said with a smile on his face: "Then wait for him to go out."

"When will he come out?"

"How can I be sure about this? Cultivation matters are not accurate, but what I can tell Senior Sister Zhu is that when I came out, Ge Mu was already at the peak of the middle stage of Foundation Establishment."

The mid-term peak of foundation building!

Zhu Xixue bit her cherry lip violently, and there was a little blood oozing out.


You must know that there are very few people in the cultivating world who can get the middle stage of foundation building at the age of 20, and from entering this realm to the peak, it takes as little as ten as many as 20 or 30 years. Years, can Ge Mu cross this level in less than two months?

Even if there is a sufficient amount of pure spiritual liquid, it will never be so fast, and cultivating the Tao is not cramming.

She hesitated: "Are you sure?"


"Then why isn't he out yet?"

"do not know."

Zhu Xixue pursed her lips, knowing that she couldn't ask anything more from Fang Ying's mouth, but she had an unbelievable guess in her heart:

Ge Mu, that nasty guy, took so much spiritual liquid into the prison, if only one urn is enough to cultivate to the peak of the middle stage of foundation establishment, could it be that he is going to attack the later stage of foundation establishment? This is too shocking.

She simply didn't ask.

Later, for a period of time, he often deliberately wandered around the prison to observe the movement.

The season changed from spring to summer, and another month passed in a hurry. The lotus flowers along the big lake in Sanqingmen were already in full bloom, and the fragrance was overflowing, and Zhu Xixue's injury was completely healed.

Ge Mu still didn't leave the customs, and the prison demon cage was still very calm.

Another fifteen days passed.

A torrential rain knocked down the dying lotus flowers on the half lake.

By this time, Ge Mu had been in seclusion for three months, and this day Zhu Xixue once again walked to the dry well where the prisoner was holding an umbrella, stretched out his delicate hand and tapped the large stone slab at the wellhead, shaking his head and said, "It's been so long. Didn't get out of the gate, shouldn't you be suffocated inside?"

Of course, the chances of this happening are almost nil.

Zhu Xixue didn't believe it herself, she held her breath to look at the situation inside the dry well in her body, and could vaguely feel Ge Mu's vigorous and slow energy, obviously still in a state of tranquility.

"Do you really want to rush to the late stage of Foundation Establishment?"

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