MTL - The Evil God Emperor is In the City-Chapter 163 shrink to size

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Zhu Xixue approached, Ge Mu said with a half-smile, "Who asked you to come to Sanqingmen to borrow the cathode well to practice?"

"Of course it's the Sect Master's suggestion."

"That's it! You just tell Zhuang Fengwu that this is what Mr. Zhang Xugu meant. Although he has stepped down as the sect master, Yu Wei is still there, and the surnamed Zhuang does not dare to disobey him in the open." 3 "Oh, I get it. You've got a lot of ghosts."

This time, Ge Mu didn't enter the living room again. Zhu Xixue had an upright temperament, but he was definitely not stupid, and he didn't need to explain anything.

Ten minutes later, Zhuang Fengwu threw his sleeves out of the living room with a look of anger, obviously being rejected by Zhu Xixue. Ge Mu glanced at this guy from a distance, then turned back to the disciple's residence.

But that day.

There was a sudden change in the Zhengyi method. Zhuang Shangren and two elders who were in sympathy wanted to eliminate dissidents and killed ninety-six people who opposed him, including one in the Jindan realm and six with different strengths. Late base!

On that day, Zhengyi Famen Dongtian was completely closed, and the two layers of "Heavenly Luo" mountain protection formations were opened at the same time.

This also shows the strength of Zhuang Shangren's skills.

Sanqingmen and Longhu Mountain are adjacent to each other.

But there is no wall in the world that does not leak the wind. At noon, Ge Mu was drinking tea in the disciple's house and enjoying the coolness. Suddenly, his heart shuddered. He opened his eyes and looked to the south sky. thread? It is simply a huge column of blood.

Judging from Ge Mu's past life experience of cultivating, this pillar of blood is definitely a vision of heaven and earth caused by the cultivation of whole body qi and blood before the death of a cultivator in the Jindan realm.

If a cultivator in the Jindan realm dies, can you still guess that something happened to the Zhengyi Dharma?

Ge Mu guessed that Pang Shiduo should also be able to observe the vision of the "pillar of blood reaching the sky", but he didn't go to talk to old man Pang.

He picked up the rough porcelain teacup and continued drinking tea.

Fang Ying saw that his face was different just now, and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

"There is a big movement in Zhengyi Dharma Gate, and the mountain protection formation has opened. Just now, a Jindan realm died. I am afraid that the situation is changing at this time."


"How come you have learned Zhao Yiqing's open-mouthed, wide-eyed, dumbfounded look? It's not unusual for the sect master to change positions, and the factions in the sect to kill each other to seize power." Ge Mu said indifferently. Can not look indifferent.

Zhao Yi, who was also holding a porcelain teacup, gave Ge Mu a clear look and didn't interrupt. She didn't know much about the Taoist world.

Fang Ying wondered: "Then how do you know that something happened in Zhengyi?"

"I can see a lot of things that ordinary people can't see by the technique of illuminating the gods. I can see the true nature of the gods. I just used the technique of illuminating the gods to observe Longhu Mountain and saw a blood column going up to the sky. I guessed it, it's close to ten. ."

"Why can't I see it?" Zhao Yiqing stood on tiptoe and looked towards Longhu Mountain.

The green hills are green, a blue sky and white clouds.

Ge Mu smiled and said: "What you fused is the dragon bone, not the eye of the candle dragon. If it is the eye of the candle dragon, you can see it... This time Zhu Xixue escaped."

Looking up, the huge blood column that went straight to the sky is slowly fading, and then disappears into nothingness. I am afraid that the overall situation has been settled.

In the afternoon, Ge Mu was going to go to the lake to practice the technique of shrinking the ground into an inch. He also remembered that he had not visited Feng Tianhe when he left the customs, so he went to Feng Tianhe first.

It is not a magnificent Tibetan scripture pavilion.

Feng Tianhe, who looked much older, was standing on the ladder stacking ancient books. Sometimes he didn't remember to put down the book he held in his hand for a long time. His eyes were dull, and his hands and feet seemed sluggish. It still looked like a sword pointing to a Yin talisman a few months ago. Master Feng of the sect?

The Sutra Pavilion is a stronghold of the sect, and Ge Mu couldn't do it well. He just saw his figure through the classical carved oak window panes.

The figure of this old man was extremely lonely, and he was still unsolved after thinking about it. As an outsider, Ge Mu naturally couldn't help much, he just stood under the loquat tree outside the pavilion and said, "Brother Feng, I will ask Yiqing to give it to you. Buy two cigarettes and send them over."

Feng Tianhe didn't seem to hear it.

Ge Mu turned to the lakeside of the Great Lake and started to practice the technique of "shrinking the ground into an inch".

Shrinking the ground into an inch is so low. It is not high to say that it is high. For example, it is absolutely impossible to say that myths and stories are so close to the end of the world, and it is only a thousand feet to the point of perfection. The repulsive force of space barriers determines the limit.

But at the level of foundation building and golden core, if you can make a leap, you will definitely take a lot of advantage when facing the enemy.

Otherwise, Ge Mu would not practice.

He spread out his spiritual power, and his body swayed. One step was already six feet away, leaving a faint afterimage on the spot, and then another step, which also left an afterimage.

And in the time period that is so small that it is almost equal to zero, one can deeply experience the squeezing and tearing of the body by the space repulsion. The moment measured in milliseconds, must be able to withstand this kind of force, otherwise The body will be crumpled in space.

The greater the distance of shrinking into an inch, the stronger this spatial repulsion.

The "Seven Steps of the Heavenly Gang" of Zhenwu Daozong has a clear record: "Anyone who has mastered this method, the one who builds the foundation in one step is thirty-six feet as the The first person who achieves Jindan is at most a hundred feet..."

This is when Master Yan visited the Zhenwu Dao Zong and drank a few pots with the real person Yunshang. The real person Yunshang confided it himself. Broken bones.

There are infinite magical powers in the Taoist world, but it is like a drop in the ocean in front of the power of the Dao space.

Ge Mu has the blessing of Ancestral Dragon and Dragon Yuan, and his physique is comparable to that of Jindan Chucheng. The challenge is to take a hundred feet, and the distance of each move is gradually increasing, six, ten, twenty, fifty feet.

When one step has crossed fifty feet, stand upright.

His body tilted suddenly, and he felt that the compressed internal organs suddenly swelled, and there was a burst of breath in his body.

Of course, it wasn't that Ge Mu's physique wasn't strong enough, it was just that he had to endure such a powerful space squeeze for the first time, so he couldn't adapt.

After bending over and retching for a long time, the symptoms of discomfort gradually subsided, and then I started to try again... After 100 steps and 50 feet for more than 40 times, I was exhausted, my spiritual power was exhausted, and I couldn't even breathe. Some difficulty.

When Ge Mu went back that evening, he vomited whatever he ate. He couldn't even drink water. After only one sip of water, he leaned on the fence and retched. Zhao Yiqing stood behind him in distress and patted him on the back.

"What's the matter? What's wrong?"

"It's alright, the after-effects of practicing shrinking into an inch, I practiced a little harder."

Zhao Yiqing pursed his lips and said, "Don't you know that you feel sorry for yourself? If you don't feel sorry for yourself, others still feel sorry for yourself. I follow you, I have never asked you how powerful you are, and I don't want you to be like you. Don't be **** yourself. Okay. Is it?"

Ge Mu turned his head and said, "I have no backer, I can only rely on myself."

Read The Duke's Passion