MTL - The Evil God Emperor is In the City-Chapter 171 cabbage surnamed Zhao

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The stupid big Lou Xingnan had a rope around his shoulders and pulled the scooter like a cow, but Ge Mu sat on the scooter, his body swaying with the amplitude of the scooter, leisurely.

At the front of the courtyard, Lou Xingnan put down the scooter, rubbed his shoulders, and complained to Zhao Yiqing at the same time: "Beautiful sister-in-law, Brother Mu bullied me all the way, and forced me to pull this cart of watermelons down from the bottom of the mountain to Zongmen, a **** of 45°. Ah, he doesn't even push, he's still in the car."

Zhao Yiqing deliberately raised his face, ready to preside over justice.

Ge Mu took the lead and said, "How can I push your car, old man? What a shame."

With a pun, the most dirty Fang Ying burst into laughter, pointed at Ge Mu and said, "The answer is very good, very good", and then the branches of laughter trembled.

Influenced by Ge Mu and Fang Ying, Zhao Yiqing also understood the ambiguity in these words, and glared at Ge Mu with a blushing face.

Humph, asshole.

Lou Xingnan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This stupid big guy is actually very measured. He knows that Ge Mu can tease these two beauties, but he must be solemn, as the saying goes, friends and wives are not allowed to play.

"Beautiful sister-in-law, look."

"You will bully honest people!" Zhao Yiqing pulled Ge Mu off the scooter and kicked him in the leg.

Ge Mu grinned and said, "Good boy, I've learned to sue, okay, I have a way to deal with you. And you, Zhao Yiqing, didn't I come back with a watermelon just to relieve the heat for you, are you embarrassed to bite Lu Dongbin?"

"You are the dog."

Ge Mu glared back, picked a nine-ripe watermelon from the trolley and hugged it. After washing it, put it in a bucket and put it in a well to chill.

Lou Xingnan was so hot and sweaty that he wiped his face with the water from washing the watermelon. Just in time, Zhu Xixue came back from his practice at the cathode well, and greeted shyly, "Senior Sister Zhu, come and eat melon, Brother Mu met you at the foot of the mountain. A melon farmer, he packed a car, and he treated guests."

"Come on, be a melon eater!"

"no need."

"So shameless? I still have to ask for it today. If you dare not come, I will strip Lou Xingnan's clothes off and throw him into your room." Ge Mu looked at Zhu Xixue with a rogue face.

"What does this have to do with me, Brother Mu?"

"There are still hard invitations for treats, rascal!"

"Yes! You asked me for a discussion a few days ago, didn't you say it dozens of times? Come here quickly, or I will really do it."

Zhu Xixue glanced coldly at Ge Mu, the latter's face was black, and he would never give up if he didn't achieve his goal. Zhu Xixue thought to himself that this **** was so daring, maybe he could do such a thing, but he had no choice but to go. Entering the courtyard, I sat at the same table with Zhao Yiqing and Fang Ying.

Zhao Yiqing somewhat admired Zhu Xixue, and felt that this beautiful woman with a style like a thousand snow-capped mountains was a fairy, and he was quite fond of it.

However, Ge Mu can always pull this fairy to the mortal world, pointing at her and saying: "Daughter-in-law, although we live opposite the beautiful bamboo lady, if a red apricot grows in her yard, it can definitely reach our yard, But you two haven't officially met, tell her how rich you are and scare her."

"Is the beautiful sister-in-law rich?" Lou Xingnan interjected.

"Your one-year sect's subsidy is not more than 10,000 yuan. I told you that you have no idea. Let's make an analogy with you. One of her watches is enough for you to eat and drink for half a lifetime."

"So rich!?"

Ge Mu fiercely clapped his hands and was about to continue to show off his father-in-law's family background, but was stopped by Zhao Yiqing: "Not bad, talk about these things in the Taoist sect, Xingnan, Miss Zhu, don't listen to his nonsense."

Zhu Xixue sneered: "Then if fellow Daoist Ge doesn't practice Taoism, he will be able to make a living by eating soft rice in the future."

"That's not it. There's no way, he looks handsome."

"Ha ha."

"Taunt? I'm not handsome, with bright eyes and sword eyebrows, and a heroic spirit. With my appearance, I can definitely eat soft rice, and I can still eat enough."

Zhao Yiqing dismantled the platform and said, "Don't think too much about it, my family has enough pigs."

These words immediately caused a string of silver bells to laugh, and someone finally restrained Ge Mu, who had already ridiculed him a while ago.

Ge Muxuan said with a smile: "She is just boasting that she is a good cabbage. In fact? After 20 years, she has been thinking about waiting for me to come over, hoping that I will eat his Zhao family's soft rice."

"Brother Mu, don't be so embarrassing, okay? In my heart, you are just like the old immortal master Yan who doesn't look down on superiors." Lou Xingnan is ashamed of Ge Mu. It is also a skill to understand that being able to eat soft rice in modern society.

Ge Mu was too lazy to explain to the big fool, and chuckled: "What's so shameful about this? Also, don't confuse me with Immortal Master Yan, I'm not as **** as him. Fang Ying, you also say something, it's hard to sit together. talk nonsense."

"I was listening to you."

"Sister Ying, don't pay attention to him, he likes to talk nonsense when he is okay."

Fang Ying got up and poured five cups of brewed and cool green tea and gave them to them. Holding the cups, he smiled lightly: "I like to listen to his nonsense."

Ge Mu pushed Zhao Yiqing, and whispered in the ear of his little fiancée: "Have you seen it, this is the duty of being a Xiao cabbage surnamed Zhao, you should learn more, otherwise you will come I may have to go to Zhao's house to return the goods."

"What is the cabbage surnamed Zhao, go to hell—" Zhao Yiqing twisted Ge Mu.

"Zhao cabbage, it sounds pretty good too."


A few young people talked and joked for a while, but Zhu Xixue always had a cold expression on her face. As long as it had nothing to do with her, she would never intervene. Even if Ge Mu occasionally teased, she didn't want to pay any attention to her, and she was more cold-hearted. .

Three beauties, each with their own colors!

Zhao Yiqing is beautiful and beautiful, Fang Ying is enchanting and charming, Zhu Xixue is tall and glamorous, and sitting at the same table is full of scenery.

Feng Tianhe, who came from the Enlightenment Academy, also found it pleasing to the eyes when he saw the curtain. He sighed in his heart that he was young, and when he walked to the courtyard, he laughed first: "Brother Ge is very lively here."

"Sect Master Feng, is this a knot in your heart? You look good."

Except for Ge Mu, everyone else stood up consciously. Feng Tianhe motioned them to sit down and said, "You're welcome. I have nothing else to do. I just heard from other disciples that I came here to get a free watermelon from Brother Ge, and come here to take advantage."

Ge Mu stretched out his hand: "Just move."

Among them, Fang Ying was the most likely to come here, and said, "Sect Master, sit down first, I was going to send it to you."

"I'll just pick one."

Feng Tianhe picked one by himself, "You guys continue to talk, I'm going to honor senior brother. By the way, brother Ge, senior brother Pang said that your realm has risen a thousand miles recently, and you have time to play with your brother."

Um? Ge Mu was stunned for a moment: "Feng Sect Master was seriously injured in the battle of Yin Fuzong, and his mood also fluctuated later, so he should cultivate more days."

"You still look down on your brother?"

"No no no."

Read The Duke's Passion