MTL - The Evil God Emperor is In the City-Chapter 186 1st case in Northland

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At nine o'clock in the morning, Ge Mu, Zhao Yiqing, and Fang Ying went to the Shanxia Winery to pick up the CTR and drove to Wudang Zhenwu Daozong.

Fang Ying knew that there would be an inexplicable "sleepwalking" state, so he took the initiative to let Ge Mu seal his spiritual power for fear of an accident. On the way, she and Zhao Yiqing switched cars, and Ge Mu sat in the back row boredly browsing the web pages on his mobile phone, chatting with the two beauties from time to time.

Zhao Yiqing and Fang Ying had never driven long distances, and it wouldn't take long to get on the expressway. Every two or three service areas had to rest for a while. It took 15 hours to get to Wudang Mountain after an 11-hour drive.

It was already midnight, so it was inconvenient to disturb the True Martial Daoist Sect, so he first found a hotel at the foot of the mountain to rest.

The disciples of the True Martial Dao Sect were not allowed to use mobile phones and computers in the sect, and Ge Mu could not contact Han Xiao either.

Maybe the elders in the True Martial Dao Sect are usually too busy to dig their feet, and they have to swipe their mobile phones in the middle of the night for entertainment. After a short time, someone replied that someone would be sent to pick them up in the morning, and then they chatted with Ge Mu in the post. for a long time.

Early the next day.

As soon as Ge Mu came out of the hotel to buy breakfast, he saw Han Xiao standing at the entrance of the hotel with Zhuge Fanyun, a thief-eyed man. Brother Zhuge was holding an oil cake in his hand, his mouth was full of oil, and his face was full of satisfaction, like a beggar. There is not the slightest bit of atmosphere that a true martial arts disciple should have.

For this senior brother who has done strange things such as sneak attack while urinating, running away while fighting, hanging on Wuji Peak, etc., Han Xiao has already seen it, and doesn't think he is ashamed. standing.

"Sister Xiaoxiao? You come to meet me."

Han Xiao said with a hearty smile: "There are people in the sect who are in charge of reception, but we are buddies. When you are here, can I come and pick you up in person? Besides, I feel that it is too much to let others take you in. Hey Zhuge Fanyun, say hello. Ah, it's not polite to meet people at all!"

Zhuge Fanyun was startled: "Oh, oh, Ge Dao is friendly, would you like some oil cake?"


"Junior sister, will you sell me two more? I'm not full."

Your uncle's! Han Xiaochong rolled his eyes at Zhuge Fanyun, and threw him one hundred yuan to buy it himself.

Then he asked Ge Mu, "Dude, what's the matter with the True Martial Dao Sect when you come back?"

"It's a bit troublesome to talk about. I'll let Zhao Yiqing and the others check out of the room first. Let's talk while walking on the road. Eat first!"

After a simple breakfast, the five of them walked to Zhenwu Daozong, which is no different from other caves. The entrance of Zhenwu Daozong's cave is also in a sparsely populated corner, but after entering, it suddenly becomes clear, which is a different story.

Inside the cave.

The five majestic peaks that come into view are located in the shape of plum blossoms. The clouds between the peaks are churning and the sea is like a sea. The elegant ancient buildings are built on the mountains and stand on the cliffs, which are a bit more immortal and wild.

A bell rang, and the huge white crane took off like a sky.

Several sword-cultivation disciples of the Zhenwu Dao Sect walked with their swords, riding the wind and breaking the clouds, wearing cyan like a fairy's robe.

Such a picture scroll covered in smoke and fog, like a freehand brush, not only had a huge impact on Zhao Yiqing, who did not know much about the monastic world, but Fang Ying felt that this was a fairyland on earth.

The two browsed the style of the Northern Kingdom's largest sect, the True Martial Daoist Sect, and at the same time, Ge Mu told Han Xiao about his intentions.

After listening to this, Han Xiao, who had always been hearty, frowned and sighed: "Dude, you are causing a problem for my sister. I can move other people in the huge Zhenwu Dao sect, but the teacher in charge, Boyun. Shangren is not so difficult to find, but Master Yu (Chengfeng) is the most difficult to see."

After speaking, he immediately added: "Otherwise, let's take Fang Ying to find my master first. My master also has two brushes! If it doesn't work, let's find a way."

Ge Mu nodded, but in his heart he wondered what kind of character this Yu Chengfeng was, how could he be bigger than the real person on the cloud? You must know that the highest status of the righteous path of Xuanmen is Yunshang Zhenren and Zhang Xugu.

However, Han Xiao's master Yan Zhaoqiu is also a famous contemporary legend. It is rumored that he can split mountains with one finger. The "Seven Stars Sword Finger", the unique skill of the true martial arts sect, has been cultivated to the realm of transformation.

Therefore, the five people first arrived at Wangyun Peak, the third peak of Zhenwu Dao Sect.

Yan Zhaoqiu's cave is located in the north of the peak.

It's really rare to live in a stone cave, which is actually very rare in other sects. After all, it's already the age of technology, and cave dwellings sound like primitive people.

In front of the cave, a meandering creek passed around the cave, and there was a white deer drinking water in front of the creek.

Zhao Yiqing said excitedly: "Wow, it turned out to be white."

Zhuge Fanyun thief pinched his chin and looked at the white deer: "I have observed this deer for a long time, and it has grown for three years. I thought it was time to slaughter and eat it."

"you try!"

Han Xiao put his foot on Zhuge Fanyun's back. Don't look at Han Xiao as a woman, but he is also very loving, so this little deer is a friend.

Zhuge Fanyun snorted: "Beat me again..."

Han Xiao doesn't want to talk to him anymore, UU reading www. La Gemu entered the cave, followed by Zhao Yiqing and Fang Ying.

"Master? Lao Yan?"

Yan Zhaoqiu, who was sleepy on the stone bed, raised his head abruptly, saw Ge Mu and others, and was stunned for a strange time, then put on his shoes and got out of bed: "Xiaoxiao, these three are interesting! Don't say it, let me guess. Guess, this tallest girl cultivated Xuanyin Qi and learned the Sanqingmen technique. She must be the girl Fang Ying who won the first prize in the last Wushan Lun Dao Renzi round.

This girl, um, is really beautiful, but her cultivation base is extremely vain. She must have practiced halfway and got an adventure.

As for this little friend..."

Yan Zhaoqiu stroked his majestic beard and observed Ge Mu: "Chong Xiaoxiao is enthusiastic, I can infer that you are Ge Mu, the most popular young man in the world of cultivating today, but you can't guess it based on your cultivation, kid. , your method of concealing the spirit and restraining qi is almost comparable to my True Martial Daoist "Turtle and Snake Containing Qi"."

Ge Mu politely cupped his hands and said, "I'm Ge Mu, with a little bit of a name. Senior Yan can see the roots of Fang Ying and my fiancée at a glance, that's how smart you are."

Yan Zhaoqiu pointed to the seat, motioned a few people to sit down first, and said, "Don't flatter me, if I were really smart, I would have seen your Taoism at a glance, but I really didn't see it! Xiaoxiao, you go. Boil water to make tea."

"Okay, but... Master, can you help me find out what's wrong with Fang Ying?"

Yan Zhaoqiu frowned: "What's the problem?"

Ge Mu explained: "She recently appeared in a state similar to sleepwalking. At a certain moment, her body and mind were completely out of her control, and she only did one thing, kill me!"

Before Yan Zhaoqiu could answer, Zhuge Fanyun underestimated the first: "A curse against the heart?"