MTL - The Evil Wife’s Wild Husband-Chapter 108 odious stinky buns

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No matter how dark the tide is, Yun Siyu does not care at all. He just pays attention to the safety of the little buns. Other people have any conspiracy. He is too lazy to think about it.

Feng Ling saw his appearance in the grass, some laughed and laughed, before it was purely an accident, blaming everyone for being too proud of it, now being shocked, Jinyun is already full of alert, Yin Shaoqian is also dead, silver ice hiding In the small buns sleeves, the snake eyes constantly scan the suspicious people. The little foxes may even brighten their claws at any time. Even the phoenix inks are wrapped around the little buns.

In this case, it is difficult to think of something.

I don’t want Yunsi’s play to be unpleasant. Feng Ling’s natural desire to let him relax as much as possible, so he took his hands and feet from time to time, wanted to divert his attention, and didn’t care that other people were made by her action. Red face red.

Yun Siyu blushes, glaring at her from time to time, but it doesn't work at all. Finally, she goes to the ground and sighs. "I can't walk."

I know that bullying him is too damn!

Yun Siyu does not like the intimate movements of the wind, but he knows that he has a few pounds and two, and he can’t help but he can’t help but he’s not enough to admit that he’s not enough. It’s just that he can’t help himself.

Therefore, he is not willing to be intimate and intimate in the public. To be precise, he is not willing to watch him and his intimacy. He is worried that he will be too embarrassed to be too embarrassed and will be embarrassed.

There is nothing to shame in front of a man in the wind, a shame in front of a group of people... um... not good!

Feng Ling bowed his head and smiled at him. "Is it really moving?"

Yun Siyu grinned, smiled and laughed, and wanted to hook people, don't even think about it.

I saw that I was very stunned by the singer Wang Jun, and the head twisted, ignoring the smile of the imperial court.

A group of people stopped and looked at the two people. Most of them had complicated eyes. Few people had the capital to be tempered by their wives as Yun Siyu.

Ouyang Lingge is even more gnashing his teeth. Huang Yuyan has his head down, and people can’t see the look. Yunyi’s face is very calm. It’s just that the hand unconsciously reaches out and touches the stomach. He reminds himself that some people can’t think again. .

The clouds saw Yun Yi’s movements, and there was a hint of haze in his eyes. He was held in the palm of his hand when he was young. Why did anyone dare to grab his things?

Su Wen will be his own, no one can grab him!

After yesterday's incident, the shallow cloud mentality seems to be more distorted. This is also normal. Yunguang has never suffered any serious serious harm, but now it is so tortured. The rotten body even wants to vomit when he looks at himself. I also know that Su Wen can't touch him anymore. Plus the spirit is not good, the idea is more likely to become extreme, but the psychology has not yet been distorted to the extent of fearlessness, and the bully is afraid to provoke a wave of people. Then his grievances naturally came back from other places.

Surrounded by so many eyes, Rao is Yun Siyu's ignorance of people's ability, and it is not uncomfortable. How can these people be so bored, enjoy the scenery, climb the mountain, and do things for others?

The little buns patted the little hand, and he laughed, "Hey shame..."

Yun Siyu yelled at him angrily, yelling, "Smelly buns, you are my birth, actually help your mother bully me!"

The little buns giggled and didn't know how happy he was.

Feng Ling said with a funny smile, "First snow is also my son, you can't live alone."

In fact, this statement is not explicit, but the implicit deep meaning still makes many men blush.

In fact, the biggest reason for people to be so shy is not the words of the wind, but the people who are tempted by the wind, to change the face of a woman who is not good-looking, to say that half of the people are indifferent, and half of them are secretly flowing.

Therefore, the appearance of temperament is very important!

The Highness of the King of Leisure is just a smile, it can make people feel shy, let alone such a reverie?

The purpose of these people is to accompany the guests of Feng Tianguo. Ouyang Lingge is not very old. The people accompanying the tourists are naturally young men. They are not so good at cultivation. They are not so good. They are hard to resist the idle king. The charm of His Royal Highness.

Yun Siyu also saw it, so he sighed with enthusiasm, and the wind smashed his hand and stroked his bulging cheeks. He smiled and said, "If you can't walk, how can I carry you?"

Yun Siyu's eyes turned and turned, obviously in the wrong idea, and then nodded heavily, the wind did not reveal him, carrying people on the back.

Then the pedestrian continued on the road, but the wind and the wind fell intentionally or unintentionally. Although everyone couldn't help but want to look at the two, but no one was willing to turn around and look at it. This provided Yun Siyu with an opportunity.

Yun Siyu licked his teeth in a bad manner, and he was not honest at all on the back of the wind. He used all kinds of tempering and manual feet to treat his own body with his own way, and he was so sad that he was very happy. I want to put people on the spot and eat them.

However, such a mind has not been revealed at all.

Yun Siyu saw her face calm, the pace is steady, step by step is not chaotic, can not help but very frustrated, he has been so unattractive?

its not right! It was still very attractive last night.

His Royal Highness is now in the heart of the world, eating or not eating, this is a problem, how to eat, this is even more a problem!

I am thinking about how to eat, but also to consider whether to eat or not?

Yun Siyu did not know the idea of ​​the wind, and licked his lips without sorrow. The eyes turned and screamed, and the thief stretched his hand out of the wind and robes.

After discovering that Feng Ling’s breathing was a mess, she laughed slyly and deliberately blew her ear. Her lips were rubbed from time to time in her ear, and she swept her tongue out.

Feng Ling took a deep breath and smiled helplessly. He turned his head and kissed his lips, but he was quickly escaped by Yun Siyu. The wind did not care. He stepped forward and his face was still calm.

Yun Siyu was so frightened that he took it back and took it back. He also took care of the half-open clothes for the wind, so he was a little relieved on the wind, but he felt the crisis and couldn’t help but frown. Get away, he just wants to teach the wind, but did not want to send the sheep into the tiger's mouth.

It is a pity that he did not think anything clearly. The wind rushed from the end of the team to the front, and then said to Huang Yumo, "His Royal Highness, the hot spring of Jingshan is a must, let everyone try."

Hot spring? Yun Siyu finally understood the intent of the wind, and did not understand it! When Feng Lingyu said this, he covered his wide sleeves and rubbed his fingers on his thighs, causing Yunsi Yu to tighten his body and seemed to be frying at any time.

Stiffly moving and moving, trying to slip off her back, but was dragged by the wind and smashed her back in time, seemingly just holding him, but let him not move, Yunsi Yu blinked, martial arts than him Good people hate it the most!

Feeling his contempt, the wind and the lips slightly raised, his fingertips slid twice on his waist, in exchange for more scornful contempt.

Yun Si Yu squatted for a while, simply relaxed and squatted on her back, forget it, love what to do, he doesn't care!

But he is not afraid of her, he just feels that it is not very good-looking.

Huang Yumo is holding a piece of jujube cake to feed the small steamed buns, and the corners of his mouth are quickly reaching the root of the ear. To know that he has been wrapped up for so long, the little buns are so unwilling to open their mouths and eat her things.

When I heard the wind, I was stunned by the phoenix. The hot springs were indeed in their plan, but they didn’t plan to go to the hot springs in the first time, but since the wind rushed, the phoenix ink Just changed the arrangement, who let her now "squat" the baby son of others!

So a group of people have not had time to enjoy the beauty, they go to the legendary hot springs.

There are not a few people in this pedestrian who come to Jingshan to spend the hot springs. It is indeed a legend. Naturally, I am very interested, so no one has any opinions.

The group of people came to a large manor. The identity of the pedestrian was extraordinary. The person who received the reception was naturally not inferior, not humble, and there was a bit of temperament, so that Phoenix Yu Mo gave a few appreciations.

These men are distinguished, they all have accompanying little waiters, and they don't need the people in the manor to serve. They just need to take people to the empty room.

The manor is low-key and elegant, and people are delighted. Everyone has come to the interest. No one has noticed when Feng Lingyu and Yun Siyu disappeared.

Into the room, the wind and the wind did not look at the hot spring glance, directly put Yunsi Yu on the soft couch to do whatever he wants.

Yun Siyu was in a state of confusion, suddenly a flash of light flashed, slammed up and hurriedly, "What about the little buns?"

The wind was so arrogant that he was almost overwhelmed by him. He couldn’t help but have some sorrowful sorrows. He glared at him with a kiss, and the lips and tongues were vaguely overflowing. "Someone will take care of him..."

The little steamed buns can't make hot springs, but he also has a good time. The main thing of the manor is a middle-aged woman. The smile is very pleasing, and it won't make people feel false and sturdy. There will be no feeling of welcoming, and the eyes will be bright. It is a shrewd person.

After letting a group of people clearly lead into the room, they accompanied the little buns and found him a lot of fun things, but the little buns were not of particular interest.

Looking at the director's somewhat depressed look, Xiaoyun smiled. "Hey, don't you know a lot of stories? And Xiao Gongzi said that he would like it."

The main character stared at the little buns for a while, and the suspicion looked at Xiaoyun. Is his story suitable for the little boy? If the child was accidentally led to the road, the palace owner did not kill her!

The little buns looked at the main thing, frowned, thought for a while, then asked, "Are you despising me?" The tone is somewhat uncertain, this person seems to be nice to him, but why not give it He tells a story?

The main agent looked at the appearance of the little buns and asked questions. He took a slap in the mouth. Xiaogongzi actually knew to despise such profound words. Sure enough, she should not expect the children of the palace to be normal.

Therefore, the main event did not have any worries. The eyebrows and the little buns talked about the wonders of the rivers and lakes. They were quite a bit of a storytelling, and she was really a storyteller because she was fancy by the wind. And the sleek social wrist, was dug to be the main event of this hot spring estate.

The little bun was wide-eyed, sitting in danger, listening with a serious face, and the sparkling eyes could see that he was very excited.

After the wind smashed the people and wiped them off, they still wanted to hold them warm for a while. As a result, Yun Siyu pushed her and said, "Go and see the little buns!"

The wind is helpless, "The main event will take care of him."

When Yun Siyu was not fascinated by the beauty of His Royal Highness, the brain responded very quickly. Naturally, she heard some unknown things from her words, but he insisted on letting the wind go to see. Look.

The wind was too low for him, he took him into the hot spring, kissed him on his forehead and said, "You are soaking." This left.

When Feng Lingyu walked into the hall, he saw the little steamed buns sitting on the legs of the clouds, and looked at the main things without looking at the eyes. The small faces showed various expressions with the development of the story.

At this time, the lord is talking about the two children in the rivers and lakes, but because they found the hatred many years ago, they can only face the sword. The little buns are full of sadness and sorrow. The expression is too distressing and detrimental. The sound is getting smaller and smaller, and I can't say it anymore.

When the main agent shut up, the little buns finally found the wind and could not help but reach out to her, "Nissin..."

The main official quickly got up and bent down slightly. "The palace owner..."

Originally, he was a small principal who had a hard time to get to know the great palace palace, but because she was dig in the wind, she had the honor to know the legendary monarch and become the envy of other small masters. Hate the object.

Feng Ling nodded and picked up the little buns and smiled. "What's wrong? Really sad?"

The little buns hugged her neck and said, "I’m sure I won’t let the orangutan hurt you and hehe...”

Feng Ling picked up his eyebrows, although the night star seems to have no reason to deal with her and Yun Siyu, but the maintenance of the small buns still makes her very satisfied, and it is still important.

Who knows that the little buns went on and said, "I don't want to kill the orangutans..."

Feng Ling's face was a stiff face, then directly put the little buns into the arms of Yunyun, and turned and left.

No conscience stinky buns!

The thought of the little buns is still known. After listening to such stories, I realized the helplessness of the two children in the rivers and lakes. He naturally thought that the other party had killed his parents, and he had to kill the other person for revenge. He did not want to kill the night. Star, so don't let the night star kill the 爹爹 and the mother, so, for a long time, the little buns are actually worried about his house orangutan!

It is no wonder that His Royal Highness will be angry.

The little buns squint innocently, and the girl is angry when she is swollen? Does she want the orangutan to kill her?

The wind and the air rushed to the room where Yun Siyu was located. Because he was too angry, he did not notice the person who rushed out of the oblique direction. He almost got hit, but the idle king’s body was able to escape. The man almost slammed into the ground, and after standing in a wolf, he continued to move forward with eagerness.

But after two steps, I suddenly stopped, turned to look at the wind, my eyes lit up, and then eagerly said, "His Royal Highness, our house suddenly fainted, you go see it!" People are not others, it is the little waiter around Huang Yuyan, Ming Xuan.

Feng Ling squinted slightly, and she announced that she was not happy. She quickly grabbed her, and said in her mouth, "His Royal Highness, Her Majesty the Queen said that you will be medical, and you will be asked to see your Highness!" Already brought a crying sound.

"Okay." Feng Ling frowned and opened his hand and said, "Go!"

Although she is not willing to contact with Huang Yuyan, if she really can't help but die, she can't help Huang Yuxuan.

------Off topic ------

o(╯□╰)o, actually only squeezed a thousand words, it is really 惭愧~

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