MTL - The Evil Wife’s Wild Husband-Chapter 58 Yun Yu Yang's mind

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Practice the battlefield, don't be thrown on the plum pile, swaying, it is possible to fall down at any time, tears in both eyes, not forgetting the screaming in the mouth, "Bastard, I want to go down..."

The helpless plum pile was too high, and the knife on the ground was shining. He could only scare his face and try to stabilize his body. He did not dare to jump down.

Looking at his rickety body, it’s much harder to say, “Do you know why Wang and Wang Jun go out with the clouds but don’t bring you? Because Jinyun will not be the burden of Wang Ye and Wang Jun.”

Do not look a bit whiter, bite the lip, for a while before the commission, and whispered, "I know that I am stupid..." The son always said he was stupid.

Bai Yan looked at him with cold eyes, and there was still no emotion in his voice. "Wang Ye is giving you a chance. Do you think that I really have nothing to do to torture you? If you still don't think about progress, then I don't have to waste time." When you say it, you have to turn and leave.


The earth-shattering cry suddenly sounded, don't be careful to lie on the pile, wow, crying, and snoring while wiping the tears. "Bastard, people didn't say no to learn..."

White 穹 turned and looked at the crying than the dead 爹 凄 凄 喧 喧 喧 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Don't lick your tears and stand up carefully, and begin to accept the witch's torture with willingness.

A few days later, Yu Yan and his son finally returned to the capital, and the faces of the ministers were all quite good, but there was still no clue about the murderer behind the assassination.

In the General of the War, Yunyi sat by the window and looked at the night outside the window, but he was absent-minded and looked a bit lonely.

After a while, I took back my eyes and said to the little waiter around me, "Prepare to have a meal!"

Qiu Jin was somewhat distressed, but there was no way. The weather was already late. The general did not appear. Obviously, he was not prepared to come to eat. He would definitely not come at night.

Although the general is wounded now, it is impossible for other people to get anything cheap, but when they want to ask for peace in the morning, the two servicemen are respectful and actually full of ostentation. Autumn is hateful, but it is a waiter. Jun, I really thought I could climb to the head of his family!

"Don't, let's go and see the general's injury?" The two waiters must not be allowed to be diligent around the generals. The son should also care more about the generals!

Yun Yi shook his head. "The wounds of the wife and the wife are much better..." After saying that he waved his hand, obviously he was not prepared to say more.

Although Qiu Jin is not reconciled, he can only prepare for the meal according to his instructions. However, he is very worried that his family’s character will not suffer.

Yun Yi sighed in his heart, and the wife and the host will stay in the two rooms for the rest of the time. After all, he went out with his wife and went alone for so long.

She has always been fair, isn't she?

Yun Yi smiled a bit bitterly, not that he didn't want to grab it, but he was too aware of Su Wen's thoughts. The fight would only make her disappointing. He didn't want to kill Su Wen's feelings early.

And his heart is not reconciled after all, such emotions can not be completely exhausted anyway, so he hopes that Su Wen can take the initiative to go to him instead of him to grab.

He always couldn't help but wonder why His Royal Highness will not let Si Yu face such a situation.

Si Yu is probably the happiest man in the world. There is no need to fight, no need to grab, no need to be sad, no sorrow, no need to be careful, no need to respect each other, she has always been with him, she is alone with him.

The woman who is so scared and bright, but his eyes stay for him alone, how can people not envy?

He is really worried about this, and one day he will start to groan.

Someone who was envied at this time arched like a caterpillar, and the claws were not honestly squeezed.

Feng Ling squinted slightly, lying on the bed, a pair of sleepless sleep, in the glory of the night pearl, full of enchanting charm.

Yun Er Gongzi hugged her, her eyes eagerly looked at her, screaming and shouting, "Hey, give me..."

The wind smashed the eyelids slightly, spread out the body, and a pair of arrogant appearances, hooked lips and smiled, "Come on!"

Yun Siyu's eyes narrowed, grinding the molars violently, fluttering directly onto her, holding her neck and starting to squat.

Feng Ling smacked his hair, his face full of smiles, but clearly with a bit of evil.

"Oh... give it to me... Give it to me..." Yun Siyu squats and swears, and does not swear by the end.

Feng Ling looked at the traces of his body, and finally decided to let him go, and reached out and took a picture of the head arched in the neck, and said softly, "Sleep."

Yun Siyu looked up at her in tears. "I want that blind man."

Feng Ling兮 helplessly laughed. "That was originally for you."

Wen Yan, Yun Siyu finally happy to close her eyes, but the next moment, suddenly opened his eyes, because he finally reacted, he was played!

He had to wait for so long, but he didn’t say it, and he didn’t say it. It made him even the beauty plan, and he was tossed and weak. As a result, she now said that it was meant to be given to him.

Yun Si Yu turned and turned, facing away to the hateful person, and did not want to care.

Feng Ling smiled and hugged him from behind, kissed and kissed a red mark on his shoulder, and said, "The general of the town of the country came today, saying that you are free to go back."

Yun Siyu frowned and snorted. "There is no good thing. I will go back and see it tomorrow." He would like to see what it is, actually let Yun Yuyang think of him, it will not be too high-profile this time. Let Yun Yuyang want to pull her up?

"I will accompany you tomorrow."


Feng Lingyi successfully transferred the topic, Yun Siyu had forgotten that he was angry, and spontaneously turned back spontaneously, and soon began to slumber.

Feng Ling stroking his hair, his eyes are slightly stunned, and his eyes are a little bit cold. Yun Yuyang’s attitude towards Yun Siyu has already been seen. I hope this Yun Yu Yang is not trying to make Si Yu sacrifice. What, otherwise...

Yun Yuyang has been very embarrassed for a few days. This is something that the DPRK Minister knows. However, because of the poisoning incidents in the past few days, everyone only thought that the general was not willing to be counted, and he tried his best to find behind the scenes. murderer.

After all, the days of the military generals in the town have indeed changed a bit, like looking for people.

Only the people of the generals of the township know that these days are not only the generals of the cloud, but Liu Zhengjun is bedridden, and the entire town’s generals are shrouded in clouds, reflecting a few points of repression.

Yun Yu Yang made a death order, and some things were blocked in the scope of the main house. No one was allowed to pass it outside, otherwise I would probably lose a small life.

Today, just after returning to Beijing, Yun Dagong, the general of the Soviet general, did not stay in the war day generals to take care of the injured wife who was still in the recuperation, but returned to the town general army early, which is unreasonable. The move made people realize that the military general of the town may have happened something unknown.

At this time, in the study, Yun Yi’s eyes were a little red, apparently just crying soon.

Yun Yuyang’s eyes are also red, but it is because of the lack of rest in these few days and the reason for the fire.

"Yi, how is your wife's injury?"

Because I just cried, Yun Yi’s nephew was a little dumb. “It’s a lot better, but it’s still not able to exercise vigorously. It needs to be well rested.”

Wen Yan, Yun Yu sighed, "It seems that Su Wen can not help this thing." In fact, she did not want to involve Su Wen, she always has a lot of love for this daughter.

"What should I do? He is a child..." Yun Yi was worried. He thought that he didn't know if he had a brother who was suffering. The father who was sick in bed, his eyes became more and more red.

"The idle king seems to love Si Yu very much." Yun Yuyang suddenly said such a strange word.

Yun Yi immediately understood her intentions and hesitated. "His Royal Highness is really painful, but the relationship between Si Yu and Shallow is not very good."

Yun Yuyang frowned. "No matter how, always be a brother, can you still see death?" I don't feel relieved about this incident. The black spring stone is the thing of the idle king. If I didn't feel it out, it would prove that she didn't put the black spring stone on her heart, and gave her the black spring stone, and she was not afraid of her private consumption."

For Heiquan Stone, she loves and hates. The black spring stone that can be precious and unusual is certainly a beautiful thing, but it is also because of the black spring stone, so that the military army will never have a day, and there are people who are trying to break into the military thieves, now more It is because of the black spring stone, even the clouds are caught.

Yes, the reason why Yun Yuyang is so embarrassed is because the cloud is caught by people. On the day when the Queen was assassinated, the cloud was missing.

The ultimate goal of the other party is not the shallow cloud, but the black spring stone, just because Yun Yuyang has hidden the black spring stone so much that the other party can only think of such a way.

Although the black spring stone is a scourge, but to let Yun Yuyang send the black spring stone out, she is still like a heart-cutting heart, so these days she is looking at the other side's trace, want to find the cloud shallow, but helplessly hide the other too Ok, so she can't find a clue at all.

In desperation, she had to use the black spring stone to change people according to the requirements of the other party.

This is also a way of no way, can not ignore the shallow life and death of the cloud, after all, now the cloud is not only the nephew of her town general.

Of course, Yun Yuyang chose this candidate for substitution as the idle king, not just the reasons she said in her mouth.

Also because of this incident, she did not want Her Majesty to know, so her people can not leave Beijing at will, even the people of Su Wen are not willing to move, so that no one is available.

So after learning the mystery of the wind, she thought of the wind, although the relationship between Feng Ling and Her Majesty was too close, but it was because of the close relationship between Her Majesty and Her Majesty the Queen, Her Majesty the Emperor I don’t have too much suspicion, even if I’m aware of what I’m looking at, I’m looking at the face of the wind, and Her Majesty’s squatting will be confused. After all, Her Majesty’s sins of the Lord’s God are a lot of anger. What is impossible.

However, she apparently overestimated her importance, and underestimated the intimacy of Feng Ling and Her Majesty. Why did the wind rush to help her with the Queen?

However, this is also a temptation of Yun Yuyang. She has already foreseen that the wind is not simple, and she does not want to make the relationship too stiff. Therefore, I also want to test the possibility that there is no possibility of tying the wind. Really seeing death and not saving, regardless of the feelings of Si Yu, then things are a little troublesome.

I have to say that Yun Yuyang is also an old fox. Not only does he want to use the wind to save the clouds, but he also wants to take the opportunity to ease some rigid relationships and win over the big red people around Her Majesty.

Of course, all of this is done in the context of the wind and the wind, but Yun Yuyang is sure that the wind will not disagree. After all, Feng Lingyu attaches great importance to Yun Siyu, and Yun Siyu said how to do it again. It is impossible to ignore family feelings at all, so although it is a temptation, she has already predicted the result.

Just getting into the wind and Yun Siyu, will things really go so smoothly?

Yun Yi is hesitant, and this thing must be very dangerous. If the Highness of the King of the Kings goes, will there be anything, no one knows, but the children...

It’s so mysterious to think about the feelings of His Royal Highness, perhaps for her, it’s not that dangerous!

Yun Yuyang did not find the struggle of Yun Yi's eyes. When Yun Yi returned to the government, she had already sent people to the leisure palace, which shows that she made up her mind early in the morning.


Knocking on the door, Yun Yu raised the voice, "come in."

"General, Your Royal Highness and the King of Leisure are coming."

"What?" Yun Yuyang couldn't help but frown. She just wanted to let Yun Siyu come back. Let's discuss it with him first. I didn't expect His Royal Highness to come.

It seems that her son, who has always made her look less pleasing to the eye, has a bit of skill. She is so fascinated that she is not able to follow her back, but the more she pays attention to Si Yu, she and the town. The closer the military relations are, the better.

Yun Yuyang and Yun Yi appeared together in the hall, the attitude is not too hot, but compared to the past, it is quite polite.

The wind is so quiet, Yun Siyu is also a ignorant and ignorant look, and does not take the initiative to ask Yun Yuyang to let him return, so that Yun Yuyang can not find a good opportunity to open.

Yun Yuyang has been talking to the wind and the words, the words in the words reveal the meaning of appreciation, Feng Ling is only a faint smile, from time to time to return one or two sentences, but the oil and salt do not enter.

Yun Siyu originally thought that Yun Yuyang wanted to win over the wind, but looking at the appearance of Yun Yi, it was clear what happened, but he did not see Yun Yi’s crying look, sitting in the wind Hey, listening to her conversation with Yun Yuyang, I was laughing in my heart, no matter what the idea of ​​Yun Yuyang, I am not so good.

Although Yun Yuyang was in a hurry, he was too sullen, and he never said his purpose. However, Yunyi was anxious and said to Yun Siyu. "Si Yu, we haven't talked for a long time, go to the garden!"

Yun Siyu secretly grins, have they talked about each other?

The wind blew his eyes and suddenly said, "This king has not visited the generals!"

Yun Yu’s heart was a joy, and he quickly said, “The lower official will accompany the prince.”

Feng Ling swayed, "No, let the next person walk with the king, Si Yu left the generals for such a day, I think the cloud general is also very missing, this king will not bother you to talk."

This is a clear-cut statement, how understanding she is! Afraid of Yun Yi’s unclearness, he also gave Yun Yuyang the chance to play the old fox himself.

This is in Yun Yuyang's opinion, it is a good signal from the wind, her heart is full of joy, naturally no longer insist, a few politeness, let the butler go to the military office with the wind and the wind, He returned to the study with Yun Yi and Yun Siyu.

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