MTL - The Evil Wife’s Wild Husband-Chapter 79 Good intentions are not good

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Although Yun Siyu stood a little farther, he still heard Lu Yayin’s words.

Pregnant? Yun Siyu blinked and looked at his belly silently. The buns should be fun!

Therefore, the instant Wang Jun adults in the brain are all white and tender little buns, all kinds of hooks, all kinds of enchanting...

Cough... Because it’s all a small version of the wind, then the empty king Wang silently moved to Yin Shaoqian’s side, and then silently extended his claws, full of hope, “You give me Put the pulse."

Yin Shaoqian recovered and fell under the cliff but could only see the sight of the cloud. Looking at Yun Siyu, he frowned and worried. "Wang Jun, are you not feeling well?"

While talking, the finger has been separated by a layer of clothing to catch the pulse of Yun Siyu, Wang Jun is uncomfortable but a big event, if Wang Jun adults have a case, Wang Ye will live her!

Then Yin Shaoqian stunned, squinting, and spitting out two words, "Ximai?"

Then the magic doctor suddenly did not calm down, and began to walk around with anxiousness. What should I do? How to do? Oh... yes, the baby, um, she wants to be invincible, to ensure that the little girl is white and fat.

Although Yin Shaoqian’s two words were suspicious and said very quietly, Yun Siyu still heard it. He couldn’t help but smile and show his cute little tiger teeth. It turned out that he had a little buns in his stomach. I don’t know. Is it really the same as 兮?

The wonderful master of the magic doctor has not yet figured out, suddenly found Yun Siyu standing next to her, the moment is not calm, how can Wang Jun now stand in such a dangerous place?

Yin Shaoqian finally reacted. The first thing to do now is to go down the mountain! Then return to the palace! Then it is to raise a baby!

However, this mountain road is not flat, you should be careful and careful, Yin Shaoqian is planning to let Jinyun come over and help Wang Jun adults slowly move down the mountain, but see a group of people under the feet silent, rushing up very quickly, do not hide His own whereabouts.

When I saw them, the eyes were like hungry wolves, and I didn’t need to ask if I knew that I was not good.

The guards had not reacted, and they were cut down several times. For a while, Wang Jun was protected, and the shouts of protecting Zheng Jun sounded. The guards finally gathered together to protect Yun Yi and Lu Yayin behind them.

However, Yun Siyu has not been affected because it is close to the cliff, but Jin Yun and Yin Shaoqian have been sullenly guarded in front of him, and silver ice and little fox are also eager to move.

Yun Yi, because she just knew that she might be pregnant, was more cautious and almost retreated to the edge of the cliff, fearing that she would accidentally bump into it.

Those people do not know why they are extremely fierce. They are constantly fighting against the encirclement of the guards. They are finally rushed out of a **** road. Then they see the first person rushing straight toward the direction of Yunsi Yu. Grab him.

Ok, this person is too excited. How can I ignore the people in front of Yunsi Yu?

Yin Shaoqun stood in front of Yun Siyu, and only moved his fingers, and the man fell down stiffly.

Yin Shaoqian finally confirmed that these people are coming to Yunsi Yu. At the moment, they dare not care about it. The signal is shot in the hand and the mouth says, "Yunyun, protect Wang Jun!"

If the words fall, they have voluntarily rushed into those who do not know their identity, and they are killing them. These people are unclear. They can't be too passive. They must first be strong. Just know that Wang Jun is pregnant. At this time, these people must not be allowed to step closer.

Yunyi originally stood close to Yunsi Yu, perhaps because of the idea of ​​seeking protection. After all, Yun Siyu’s force is not low, and Feng Lingyu will definitely give him the best protection, but now I see these people. Looking at Yun Siyu, he turned his face, touched his stomach, and quickly went to the side, trying to stay away from Yunsi Yu.

But before he left, there were several people rushing over. Yin Shaoqian couldn’t help but curse. These guards were too low to stop these people, and the group was numerous and actually Some masters, she will not be easily defeated, but it is impossible to stop everyone from approaching Yun Siyu.

However, she is not worried, the power of Jinyun is not weak, and there are also Linghu and Silver Ice Snakes. These two are presented by one casually, no worse than her!

Ok, it’s not a glorious thing to be as good as two pets, but at this time, she really appreciates the unusualness of these two pets.

In fact, as Yin Shaoqian thought, there were clouds, and small foxes and silver ice sneaked from time to time. No one can touch Yun Siyu yet, but they are protecting Xinsi Yu, but they have no awareness of protecting others. So, in the future, Yunyi, who was far away from Yun Siyu, was unfortunately affected. He was hit by an assassin, and his foot slipped and slipped directly off the cliff.

"Ah..." A scream rang, and Lu Yayin, who stood behind the guard circle, looked back and saw the scene. He couldn’t help but scream, "Yunyi..."

Yun Siyu also stunned and turned to look down the cliff. It was faintly visible that there was a figure hanging under a few meters.

Yun Yi learned some martial arts. Although he usually does not use a knife to move a gun, it is still useful at this time. At least he responded quickly. When he met a raised stone, he reached out and grabbed it.

However, he is afraid that he will not hold on for a while.

Yun Siyu looked at a group of people who still struggled to make it difficult. Yin Shaoqian and Jin Yun apparently had no choice but to care for them. They could not help but frown, hesitated for a moment, and finally took a dagger from his body and held it in his hand. Then I looked at the cliff and decided that there would be no big problems and jumped straight.

After all, Yun Yi will be hit down or suffer from his connection, and he has a small steamed buns. He just knows that there is a small steamed buns in his stomach. When the father is full of love, he can’t bear to look at the little buns. It was so **** and fuzzy that it was so rare that I was ready to save Yun Yi.

Of course, the father's love is flooding, and it is definitely more love for the one in his stomach, so he is sure that there will be no danger before he goes down. He does not want to go to the Yunyi to bury the fun, not self-sufficient. He has never done it.

But he did not know, he ignored a big danger, that is, unable to struggle, waiting for the rescue of Yun Yi.

Yun Yi is not a wicked person, but he is selfish.

Yun Siyu fell against the cliff. When approaching Yunyi, the dagger of the right hand was stabbed toward the cliff wall, and the left hand went to grasp the arm of Yunyi hanging on the side of the body. In terms of his internal force, only a few meters in height, There is absolutely no problem for him to take advantage of Yun Yi, and this is a conservative estimate that he has to protect his little buns at the same time.

However, Yun Yi did not know that he was so embarrassed. Although after the palace feast, he knew that Yun Siyu was very powerful, but he did not know how far he was, and he saw that Yun Siyu fell, he only thought Yun Siyu It was also pushed down by people. I did not expect Yun Siyu to save him.

So he didn't notice that Yun Siyu was going to pierce the dagger into the cliff. He only saw Yun Siyu reaching out to catch him. He only knew that he had no strength. If he was caught by Yun Siyu, the weight of two people. He can't bear it, he will definitely fall down, he will die, and the baby in his stomach will not survive.

So he didn't have time to think about it, and he stretched out the empty hand to play Yun Siyu to grab his hand. At this time, Yunyi was not sensible because he was afraid. He only knew that he was trying his best to keep moving toward the cloud. Si Yu waved his arm and only knew that he could not be caught by him.

Yun Siyu is still thinking about bringing such a strong and sharp dagger on his body. He did not expect Yun Yi to suddenly go crazy and shoot him.

Yun Yi first hit the hand that Yun Siyu stretched out. The back of his hand was red and a large piece, and it suddenly swollen. It can be seen that once the weak man who has learned Wu’s martial arts broke out, the power is still a little scary.

Of course, the red is not red, the swelling is not swollen, no one has the mind to see, Yun Siyu is only in the fight, instinctively retracted his hand, the heart was horrified, but the dagger still stabbed toward the cliff.

However, the dagger had just penetrated into a cutting edge, and Yun Yi’s second attack came again. It was even more powerful than the first time. He directly hit him on the shoulder and let Yun Siyu’s body become unbalanced, then he fell down and daggered. Still caught in the hand, but because it has not completely penetrated the stone wall, it can not withstand the weight of Yun Siyu's imbalance. After a stone is removed, the decisive and the cliff wall are separated.

Until the body fell, Yun Siyu reacted and his face was gloomy. He only wanted to refer to Tian Dawei. He rarely did a good job to save the individual, or a person who didn’t look very pleasing to the eye. It should be considered a good kindness. ? However, his rare goodness is to be beaten by the people. God, this is simply playing with him!

Yun Yi looked at Yun Siyu from his eyes, and this time he came back, his face was pale, his lips were bitten by blood, his arms were shaking, and the next moment he held the stone firmly, and his mouth was nervous. Muttered, "I didn't mean it... I can't save you... I have a baby in my stomach... The baby can't have anything..."

Fortunately, Yun Siyu did not hear these words, otherwise it would only be more depressing, save a fart! He will not save anyone anymore!

Yin Shaoqian and Jin Yun have blocked the assassin, while the little fox and silver ice are sneak attacking while paying attention to Yun Siyu. Naturally, they see Yun Siyu jumping, but they have no reaction. The beast’s instincts let them I know that Yun Siyu is very powerful, otherwise how can they easily admit his master?

But when they saw Yun Siyu being hit by a cliff by Yun Yi, they would not be stupid enough to think that Yun Si Yu would fly up next time.

The little fox yelled, and the voice was filled with anger and fear. It sounded a bit stern, and then he jumped with care, and silver ice followed, two small things only Thinking of saving the owner, but never thought about it, they can catch up with it, and it is impossible to fly up with Yunsi.

Yin Shaoqian heard the screams of the little fox. When he looked back, he saw the scene of two pets jumping off the cliff. He couldn’t help but be surprised. "Yunyun, Wang Jun?"

The cloud that is cooperating with the people has already returned to the head when he heard the scream of the little fox. At this time, it was also pale and dead in the place, Wang Jun... fell off? how is this possible?

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