MTL - The Evil Wife’s Wild Husband-Chapter 89 Brother??

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The reaction of the two traitors was quick, and I was afraid that these people were excited to kill the two of them. They could not help but say, "We are the Lord of the Kings! You are the ones who come to save our teachers?"

In other words, how do you make sure that people are coming to save your family leader?

Suspected that Jingyue Petrochemical was educated, and their family Wang Jun is the demon leader? I really don't know about this!

The Seventh Act was very careful. Even the cronies around her were brought to the valley when Yun Siyu was brought to the valley. Only then did she know her purpose. Therefore, although she was inserted by Yun Siyu three people, she failed to give him time. Reporting, and those who are going to catch small buns are not the confidants of the Seventh, but the dead soldiers she trained, except for the one who came back with the little steamed buns, and all others have been poisoned by the poison of silver ice.

Seeing that the leader was arrested, the three traitors naturally worked together to prepare for the rescue, but only the sacred leaves, that is, a traitor who was now carefully following the night star, got the opportunity to stay in the wooden building, but they were sent outside. It is.

So they were very honored to know the shocking facts of His Royal Highness, the Holy Palace, in the first place, and then followed the Jingyue into the valley.

Far from hearing the sound of fighting, Jing Yue is still not busy, she is very confident about the wind and the night star, the injured must be others.

As he walked in, Jingyue was once again petrified, not because he saw the wind and the people playing hard, but the night star actually holding a small doll? The most important thing is that she did not scare the children?

After seeing who the little doll is, Jingyue only wants to sigh, the little son is not the same, this bold color is not comparable to the average person.

Jing Yue’s fart turned and ran over, smiling and screaming. “Little son, do you hug Jing Jing?”

The little buns looked at her with squinting eyes and silently stretched out their small claws... hugged the neck of the night star.

Jing Yue’s smile on his face was stiff, only he felt that his liver was broken, why? Why is she so cute, and seeing flowers, she was dismissed by the younger son. The most awful thing is that he actually lost to the night star. !

The night star completely ignored the sight of Jing Yue resentment, holding a small buns and looking at the two men in a blank expression.

Yun Siyu still stood on the branch, squinting and reaching for the leaves, hehe... If he is pleading now, Master is expected to remember more hateful, swollen what to do?

The three traitors finally came together and stood under the tree respectfully, and the little fox and silver ice gathered under the tree.

The two men who have been silently fighting have finally opened up.

Wind Ling Xi said with some impatience, "the old man, do not give you a little on the bright sun, believe it or not I really hit you!"

An old man angered, "Dead hoe, you ruined my house!"

"Live it! Who will let you run around, and my family will be almost injured!" Your Royal Highness, you are angry! And are you sure that your home is almost hurt?

Hearing words, an old man suddenly stopped, and suddenly went to the front of Yun Siyu, looking up and down, "Baby apprentice, are you injured?"

Yun Siyu was still amazed at the familiar tone of Feng Ling and his master, and shook his head.

Feng Lingqi was also amazed by the old baby’s apprentice. Then he thought that he didn’t have to be surprised at all. Only a man like crazy old man could let Yun Siyu maintain his personality in such a world without being wiped out. .

Feng Lingyu directly squatted in front of Yun Siyu, and said to the three traitors below, "The Seventh is still in the pile of wood residue, get her out!"

The three traitors listened with great enthusiasm and dug people.

The crazy old man looked at the wind and the action, stunned, and then cried, "Well, I have educated you many times, and you are not allowed to harm the pure boy, you actually dare to harm my baby apprentice? I... ..." halfway through the road, suddenly reacted, and the sound instantly rose. "Your home is feather?"

When did his baby apprentice become someone else's home?

Feng Ling smiled very lightly, waved his hand and said, "First snow, called the teacher..."

The little buns still can't talk now, but he will yell, he is a good boy who is obedient, and the mother asks him to call him. As for others, if you can understand it, it will not be his business.

The mad old man looked at his face with a big smile, and looked at his little paws with his claws. He looked back at the wind and Yun Siyu stiffly. He asked, "What the **** is going on?"

Yun Si Yu shrinks his neck, and the wind slaps his shoulders comfortably, still laughing at the incomparable. "As you can see, my son, cute?"

Crazy old man ran away, "Cute!"

Feng Ling squinted and smiled, said to the little buns, "First snow, this old man does not like you how to do?"

The little bun knows what it doesn't like. When the air is screaming, the drumsticks are smashed, the head is twisted, and the little **** is turned toward the crazy old man, and he no longer looks at him.

Saying, little buns, you really can't believe the words of the mother, will be sold...

Hey... The old man hurriedly rushed over and laughed. "The little grandson, the teacher has absolutely not liked you, it is your mother who is too wicked!"

I smiled and looked good, but I had to make a bite-toothing look, and I was distorted.

The night star is directly flashing, far away from the crazy old man, like that, it should be afraid of the mad old man's honor to scare the little buns.

The old man’s eyes blinked, and his eyes flashed through a fine light. He couldn’t help but see the night star, and he sighed in the heart, and he’s really dying around his head!

For no reason, he has offended the little grandson. The old man is very depressed. Of course, he will not be compared with the cute little grandson, but he will care about the little buns!

"You two have no conscience, why don't I have a drink?"

The wind is touching the nose. "Don't you let me not rush back?"

The old man turned to Yun Siyu again. "What about you?"

Yun Si Yu shrinks in the arms of the wind, and blinks innocently. "Master, I didn't marry seriously!"

In fact, the wind was not so serious at the beginning, so the crazy old man sadly reminded until now that his two baby apprentices actually became relatives, and even the children have!

Although there is no formal apprenticeship, the old man is determined to be the apprentice of the wind, and although the wind is not called Master, it is also recognized by the master.

It’s hard to feel a little bit guilty. Although she doesn’t have much time with the old man, she can’t deny that the old man is good to her, and the crazy old man is obviously really hurting Yunsi’s.

However, she did not care because the parents did not inform the old man. She was too aware of the madness of the old man. Even if he wanted to tell you, I am afraid he could not find him.

Yun Siyu is also the same idea. For his own master who likes to run around, Yun Siyu is clearer than anyone else. Every time he wants to come back, he has to inform him one or two months in advance, otherwise he will not be able to find it at that time. People, who say that they are seclusion, are actually secretly doing things like stealing chickens and dogs.

He was so anxious to be intimate with the wind, it was not easy to find him, and at that time the two did not really value this wedding.

What makes Feng Xiaoyu and Yun Siyu feel that the marriage has been so long, they are sweet, tangled, and finally forget this thing should tell the old man.

However, the wind rushed back quickly, and smiled very friendlyly. "Old man, can you tell me why you owe a human deity to be your apprentice?" Counting half of the rivers and lakes, there is some understanding of the demon religion, such as certain characteristics of the demon cult who are called small poisons, such as the poison of the demon cult.

Therefore, she has already determined that her little wild cat is a small poison that makes people in the rivers and lakes hate it, and the red flame mark that the old man let her remember is the symbol of the demon leader.

This sign seems to have nothing to do with the demon, so she has to suspect that the old man deliberately let him get a mark so that he does not know that his own person sees the mark and avoids hostility.

In fact, His Royal Highness is very depressed. At the beginning, she was kindly saved by Yun Xiyu because of the human condition that the old man said. However, the way she saved people was really not gentle. If she knew that it was his little wild cat, she It must not be so rude.

"Cough..." The arrogance of the old man suddenly disappeared, his eyes left and right, and he laughed. "I am not worried that you will be rushing to the Dragon King Temple and don't know a family!"

Sure enough!

Therefore, it is impossible for the holy palace and the magical religion to fight. In the past, the magical religion had no ambition. The holy palace would not be an enemy of the magical religion because of the so-called human feelings. Naturally, it would not be hostile. Now, it will not even be. .

Yun Siyu could understand why it was going to be broken. "But Master, you didn't tell me that you owe the Holy Family, you are not afraid that I will take people to pick the old house of the Holy Palace?"

The old man smacked his mouth and yelled at him. "Are you the opponent of the dead girl?"

Yun Siyu instantly grievances, sorrowfully looked at the wind and the wind, the wind rushed to reach out and smashed his gangster, and he smiled very well. "The grace of life is good, it's not bad!" what!

Yun Siyu squatted for a while, then suddenly widened his eyes. "Is you saving me?"

At the beginning, Yun Siyu provoked those people in the rivers and lakes, but he lost half of his internal strength and lost all his strengths. So he could only escape from the cliff, but he had no arms and no legs. He knew that someone saved him but he never knew. Who is it, I didn’t expect it to be a wind.

It seems that it is really a life-saving grace.

Because this is the land of crazy old man, Jingyue had to be a little troublesome, with a group of people to clean up the bodies around the valley, and the seven were dug out by three internal traits, only one breath left, and the old man was only swept away. Eyes, attitude is completely indifferent, it seems that it is really not to see her, no matter what the wind is ready to deal with.

Hearing that Ning Qi actually dared to take his own baby apprentice, he did not personally torture her into a non-adult shape, completely because the means of knowing the wind is not lost to him.

Feng Lingqi brought people back to the Holy Palace and kept it for Yin Shaoqian. He said to the old man, "The old man, your vision is too bad, how can you accept such an apprentice?"

Speaking of this matter, the old man is angry, coldly said, "I didn't accept such an apprentice. The sisters are all called by this kid. Even if I really accept the seven, I will come first, then it should be the sister. The kid is not sensible, even the size is not divided."

Well, at that time, Yun Siyu was really too small. I only knew that the Seventh Heaven was bigger than him. It was called the Sister. It would be a matter of getting started. What's more, there is no entry at all.

The windy face suddenly became a bit strange, Yunsi Yu could not help but ask, "What?"

The old man suddenly thought of something, haha ​​laughed. "Boy, count, you are still the stinky brother!"

Yun Siyu stunned for a moment, then all kinds of sorrows, laughing with a pair of big eyes smashed up, revealing a pointed little tiger teeth, he is a brother wow!

Feng Ling was full of black lines, but see Yun Siyu smiled happily, she could not help but shook her head.

The old man squinted at the gentle look of the wind, screaming twice, and said to Yun Siyu, "The kid, you have conquered this evil is really meritless." Otherwise, I don't know how many men will harm the world.

Yun Siyu once again dismantled the road. "Master, you also said who collected me, who has the merits!"

The crazy old man said without blushing, "That is for the teacher has not yet understood the true meaning of a mountain and a mountain."

Looking at Yun Siyu to find his own destination, the crazy old man is not happy. When he met Ning Yu, he also appreciated the man, but in the end, Ning Yu could not escape a love word, although he and Ning Yu can only be regarded as general. The turn of the deal is also worthless for him.

However, he will accept Yun Si Yu as a disciple, but not because of Ning Yu, but to see the unyielding enthusiasm of Yun Si Yu when fighting, the momentum is really difficult to see in the boys, especially one A little doll that looks like a cute and harmless baby with a tender and tender flesh.

Even if you know that you can't beat it, you should try to add a few more injuries to the other side. This kind of temper is very suitable for his appetite, so he doesn't mind helping him. Who makes him look right?

He was not willing to let Feng Ling and Yun Siyu meet at the beginning. In fact, he was also afraid of the follow-up of Yunsi Yubu, and it was too ruthless.

I just didn't expect the two men to come together when he didn't know, and the chilly, cold-hearted hooked fox was actually conquered by his seemingly cute and harmless little apprentice. It was really unpredictable.

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