MTL - The Evil Wife’s Wild Husband-Chapter 96 Murong Qin

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The little buns snorted and ignored her, and he was still licking his face with anger!

Yun Siyu reached out and took the windy face back. He asked with a serious face, "What is your relationship with him?"

His Royal Highness has a good attitude and said very simply, "It doesn't matter." She and Ouyang Lingge really have nothing to do with it.

Looking at Ouyang Lingge’s sorrowful and heart-wrenching appearance, Yun Siyu felt that the enemy had blown almost, and snorted, picked up the small buns and stuffed them into the wind, and then held an arm in the wind. , ang ang chin, watching Ouyang Ling sang, "This son, is there anything else?"

That's too obvious. Our family is happy here, and people who have troubles are not going away!

Ouyang Lingge does not believe that Feng Ling will watch him being bullied, his eyes are always staring at her, but how can he not find even a little pity on her face, thinking that Feng Lingxi is good to him in the past, he can’t Accept her current indifference.

She even refused to recognize him and admit the wrong person. How can he admit the wrong person?

She actually let the man bully him, and what he did, she would be tolerant, just like he was to him.

Ouyang Ling song did not hold back the tears in his eyes.

Yun Siyu licked his mouth, so he said that he hated the people who were crying at all. It was obvious that he wanted to grab his wife and wife. Now it seems that he bullied him.

The idle Wang Jun adults also grievances, squinting at the wind and screaming, Feng Lingqi quickly hugged him to appease, "I really have nothing to do with him, he really admits the wrong person."

She is telling the truth, Ouyang Lingge is indeed the wrong person, she is not Feng Lingxi.

Ouyang Lingge was originally the person who knows the most about Feng Lingxi. Actually, she did not find any difference between her and Feng Lingxi. Even the old man had only seen Fengling, who was dying. After she woke up, she had doubted herself. How can I see the wrong person?

This body is the same as her original appearance. Even the whole body can't find a place that can be clearly distinguished. She thinks that even if she is the original one, Ouyang Lingge can't recognize her as Feng Lingxi. !

Although she and Feng Lingxi are similar in appearance, the temper is Nanxun North, and the people who are really close do not need to be rationally analyzed, and they should be able to detect differences based on their feelings.

However, Ouyang Lingge still had no doubt after she reminded him to admit the wrong person.

Feng Lingzhen really felt that Feng Lingxi was very sad. Ouyang Lingge’s understanding of her actually stayed on the surface of the pair of skins.

Ouyang Ling song looked at the wind with tears, "Do you really refuse to recognize me?"

Feng Lingqi is also somewhat impatient with his entanglement. He laughed and laughed. "Isn't Ouyang Gongzi not coming to marry? If even Majesty the Queen has not seen it, there will be rumors that hinder the man's reputation. I don't know. Will it affect the relationship between the two countries."

Wen Yan, Yun Si Yu is speechless, this is the beauty that he wants to see and see. Sure enough, the beauty is not in line with his character.

As early as Yun Siyu’s grievances, the anger in the little buns was soaring. When I felt that my mother was very unhappy, my anger finally reached the critical point, but because of the wind, the anger seemed to be poked. The broken balloon disappeared instantly. The little buns said that the mother’s words were very simple to listen to. The understanding was very difficult and too profound. He did not understand.

If you don’t understand nature, you have to ask, "Goat and sheep..."

Feng Lingyu has become accustomed to the eagerness of the little buns. He does not need him to say more. He knows what he wants to do. He touches his head now and whispers in his ear, from the calm of the two countries to the intrigue in the dark. And then to the man's reputation issues have said a pass.

However, His Royal Highness will let the little buns understand the status of the world man, but will not let him follow certain rules. She told him this only to let him clearly predict the consequences before doing something. You can think about the value is not worth doing.

Feng Lingqi said very quietly, except for the little buns and Yun Siyu around her, no one could hear what she was saying, even the Ouyang Lingge, which was only a few steps away, only heard the sly words. Sound, but can't hear the content.

Yun Siyu looked at the wind and the buns, and couldn’t help but smile. It’s true that the little steamed buns are a very clever child, but he can understand some truths at such a small time, but he can teach with the wind and the wind. She can't take it off, she doesn't think it's too esoteric. It's not easy to explain to a child who doesn't understand anything.

But whenever the little buns want to know, she will patiently explain to him, even if he can't fully understand.

Children's curiosity is very heavy, and learning under strong curiosity is much better than tough infusion.

The little buns were full of seriousness, and they listened very seriously. The wind was very patient and patience. When he saw doubts in his eyes, he would conduct a deep analysis of what he had just said.

In general, the exchange is not bad.

The little buns listened for a long time, and I don’t know how much I understood. But he obviously forgot the things that were pinched before. The watery eyes looked at the wind and the eyes were full of worship. The sheep and goats were so powerful!

Feng Ling兮 reached out and rubbed his head. In a blink of an eye, he saw a pair of equally fascinating eyes. The wind and the wind could not help but hook the lips, and the tiny phoenixes were full of confusion.

Yun Siyu was forgotten to forget the southeast and northwest, squeezing the little buns to one side, holding the windy neck and licking her lips.

The little bun looked at the big eyes and looked straight, oh... the sheep and the butterflies were kissed again, and the little buns unhappyly whispered their mouths and turned to look in a certain direction.

The night star he watched was looking at him and flashed in the other direction.

The little buns have a higher mouth and he is taller. When he grows up, he must smash the bad silver that wants to catch the orangutan.

The little waiter around Ouyang Lingge noticed the sight of the little buns, but he couldn’t see it in the direction of the little buns, but he found nothing but blushes his head.

Ouyang Ying is a very honest person. Even if he is in the prime position, he still has strict requirements for himself, even in the government. Therefore, there is absolutely no difference between men and women in the broad daylight. He really hasn't. I have seen such a hot scene.

The little buns were quietly held by the wind, and there was no sound. He already had experience. If he talked at this time and scared the butterfly, the sheep would stink.

It’s just a matter of patience and guidance, so the little buns know that Entu’s newspapers don’t do things that make her unhappy.

However, the little buns are getting more and more serious. The wind and the wind can't ignore the hot sight. They have to helplessly let go of Yun Siyu and put the stunned little wild cat in his arms and wait for him to return.

Ouyang Lingge didn’t know whether it was hit by this scene, or was hit by the words before the wind, and it’s been awkward. At this time, it’s like a sudden return to the gods. Going forward, Xiaoke frowns at him and moves. Move your mouth and want to persuade Ouyang Lingge, but in the end there is no opening.

If the son would listen to his advice, he would not give away the three emperors.

I couldn't help but looked at Yun Siyu and smiled at some evil spirits. He felt that the three emperors were not right. Would it really be the wrong person? How can the three emperors be so evil?

Ouyang Lingge looked at the wind and looked at the wind, tears in his eyes, and intentionally explained, "The marriage is my mother's meaning, I..."

His words have not been finished, and suddenly a clear and unpleasant voice came from behind.

"No matter who you mean, since you have come, you have to fulfill your responsibility. Ouyang Gongzi, can you go to the palace now?"

The coming person is the Murongqin who came out to find someone. Mu Rongqin has already reached the extreme point of Ouyang Lingge. Since Ouyang Lingge has entered the phoenix capital city, it is very abnormal and arrogant. He has not considered his responsibility and has not considered it. Over the face of Feng Tianguo.

Ouyang Ying agreed to the marriage, but Ouyang Lingge also nodded, no matter whether he was willing or not, since he nodded, then he should do what he should do, and it is related to the relationship between the two countries. Can you play it?

Even if she still has other purposes, but since she has found such a legitimate reason to come to Phoenix, it is naturally unwilling to rip her face with Huang Yuguo.

Ouyang Lingge only looked at the wind with sorrow, as if she hadn’t heard her, Murongqin frowned and frowned, and then he followed his eyes and saw the wind and the wind. Mu Rongqin first felt that she was familiar with her, and then she seemed to recognize her, and she could not help but widen her eyes.

Murong Qin is a young general with the name of Su Wen. It is very imposing. It is really difficult to see such a surprised expression on her face.

However, Murong Qin quickly suppressed his surprise, seriously looked at the wind, and gave birth to a doubt.

Today, His Royal Highness is a far cry from the three gloomy women who are always gloomy. It is not sure if she is Feng Lingxi. After all, there are similar people in this world.

So Mu Rongqin took the initiative to open the door. "In the next Murong Qin, what is your?"

When her voice just fell, there was a palace rusher who came over and respected several people and said to the wind, "His Royal Highness, the Queen Mother called the first snowy son."

Murong Qin was shocked again at the bottom of his heart, His Royal Highness? This person is actually the idle king who makes them headache? Then is she the three emperors? If she is really Feng Ling Xi, then Huang Yuxuan certainly does not know her identity, so that can be used.

If it is Feng Lingxi, she is right and Feng Tianguo to fight against it. Pulling out the dark pile of Feng Tianguo is also true. After all, the three emperors’ favorite thing to do is to fight against Her Majesty.

Murong Qin’s thoughts are overturned, but the wind is only as if he does not know. This palace is indeed the person around the Queen Mother. With the protection of the night star, the wind is not worried, and he directly puts the little steamed buns on him. Go and play with Grandpa."

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