MTL - The Fallen Merman-Chapter 206

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The towering mechanical arm is grasped in the air, and the seemingly huge gears are mechanically meshed very tightly. The body of the immortal undead that can pass through walls and debris can't pass through this mechanical hand, and is disturbed by it in the air, several times. Because he couldn't dodge, he was smashed heavily on the body by the manipulator.

The immortal undead watched the puppet master take away the stump of Eris, and the spooky hourglass escaped under his own eyes, so the face on the white cloth covered his head scribbled the original smiling face, the black marker scribbled his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth turned to the side. Bend down, into an angry face.

He stopped in the air, and there was a wave in his body, and the young man under the white cloth made a series of harsh laughter. This sound was like a tangible wave, and the core inside the mechanical arm began to resonate with his laughter.

The gear parts on the robotic arm made a humming sound, and the movements became dull, the resonance frequencies tended to be uniform, the gear parts made a cracking sound, and the cracks on the roulette became larger and larger.

The laughter of the immortal undead suddenly increased a step, and the sharp laughter caused the surrounding birds to fall immediately, small insects were planted in the water, the brightly colored bird feathers faded, the flowers and plants withered, and the leaves of the broad-leaved trees planted around the pharmaceutical factory withered. Turning grey, tree trunks burst and collapsed.

As the surrounding scenery gradually turned gray and white, the robotic arm also stopped swinging. After a brief silence, a gear exploded and the entire robotic arm collapsed.

"Come and play." The immortal undead smirked and flew towards the nearest hourglass.

Running is not as fast as flying, not to mention that the sprite is just an experimental body in the cultivation period that has just been promoted to the M2 level.

The immortal undead approached him, sending out a wave of soul fluctuations, the sprite's body froze, clutching his head in pain and falling to the ground, the glass hourglass rolled a few times on the ground, cracking a lot of lines. The glass hourglass is an extension of the sprite's glandular cells. When the hourglass is broken, it means that the sprite's gland has been traumatized.

The immortal undead floated in front of him, landed lightly, and asked him in an illusory voice, "Aren't you running yet?"

The sprite looked back at the puppet master who was leaving with Eris, gritted his teeth, grabbed the glass hourglass on the ground, and turned it over in front of the eternal undead.

"Attribute, exchange."

The white glass sand in the hourglass flowed backwards, and the cement floor under the feet of the immortal undead suddenly flowed. Almost instantly, the calf of the immortal undead fell into the ground that turned into water.

But another wave that made people's soul tremble poured out from the body of the undead, and the sprite screamed, and the glass hourglass burst, and his protein glass-like body was cracked with cobweb-like lines.

The immortal undead floated into the air, and the simple expressions painted on the white cloth became gloomy, and swooped down at the sprite who was struggling to hold up on the ground.

Sprite closed his eyes in fear, his body curled up into a small ball, and kept shaking.

A dark, slender stick that seemed to be flowing ran across them without warning. The undead nearly collided with the stick when it swooped down. As soon as the movement stopped, a puppet lift was wrapped around the sprite's waist. Line, the puppet master stood on the top of the tall building in the distance, and with a strong tug, dragged the sprite away.

The spear held the fragment of the hourglass, and was dragged away by the puppet's string. He turned his back to the direction the puppet master was pulling. In his sight, he saw the **** Bai Chunian.

The immortal undead floated in the air and slowly turned around, and the simple expression on the white cloth became surprised.

"Hey. It's so dark in hell, can't you come down and be my tour guide?" Bai Chunian climbed out of the cement floor that had just been softened into water after being reversed by the sprite's hourglass attribute. The skin was oozing blood under the opening, and the whole body was covered with bloodstains torn by ghost hands, and there were two more bloodstains on his cheeks. He stood up slowly, and the wound on his face slowly healed.

The black stick that was stuck on the ground to block the way of the immortal soul and save the life of the ghost melted, and the Dead Sea Heart Rock turned into pitch-black water and ran towards Bai Chunian, wrapping around his neck and returning to the shape of a collar. , tightly around Bai Chunian's neck.

There were two scratches left on the glands on the back of Bai Chunian's neck. This was the heaviest wound on his entire body, and the Dead Sea Xinyan collar would hold him tightly and tighten his glands. The wound caused Bai Chunian to stumble a little in pain.

"How did you come out." The immortal undead tilted his head to look at him, slowly raised his hand, his hand stretched out from under the white cloth, and like those ghost hands stretched out from the ground, they were all blue-black, with very pointed nails. Long, "My J1 ability ship, the angel under the boat should pull you into the underground river."

"Then you have miscalculated. Who controls the water on the ground and underground? You don't know."

The undead tilted his head in surprise: "It's up to you?"

"That's not true." Bai Chunian scratched the tip of his nose, "It's up to my wife, and my wife's is mine."

The immortal undead spread his palm toward him: "My mission is to take you back, come with me."

"Return the pearl to me, and we'll talk about whether to follow you." Bai Chunian put his hands in his pockets and stared deeply at the immortal spirit, "I know you took it with you."

The undead laughed sharply: "Pearl? Did you say that crybaby, he is mine."

Bai Chunian's face turned pale. If it cries, does it mean it is still alive.

The expression of the undead became indifferent: "If you grab my things, I can only take your body back."

The plane on which the immortal undead was stepping suddenly unfolded a vast and boundless mirror. From the mirror, thousands of green and black ghost hands stretched out and grabbed desperately under his feet, not knowing what to grab.

The reflection of the immortal soul in the mirror is an angel with snow-white wings and a golden halo above his head. Thousands of human hands are stretched under the angel's feet, asking for gifts from the angel.

The undead spread his hands, and the angel in the mirror also spread his wings, and the two voices merged together and said softly: "Death summons."

Bai Chunian took two steps back, and the ground under his feet became a shimmering mirror again. This time, there were white stone pillars and satin inside the mirror, and angels sang in the temple.

Gradually, the mirror surface under the feet of the immortal undead rippled, and a tall alpha slowly climbed out of the center of the ripples, dragging a thick tail covered with scales behind him.

Bai Chunian's pupils shrank suddenly, this is not the raptor experimental body that died on the balcony of the factory building. However, his body has no color, the original golden dragon tail is also gray at this time, and the whole person looks like a three-dimensional black and white photo.

Another mirror around the undead rippled again, and a little girl climbed up from the center of the ripples.

Qimian stared at Bai Chunian with milky white eyes without pupils. Her body was just like a velociraptor, only black and white, with no other colors. She looked lifeless and showed no signs of "life".

Bai Chunian could only retreat, but the retreat behind him was blocked by Xia Shilu. Xia Shilu's four hooves stomped on the ground slowly, and under the silver mask, he threatened coldly, "Envoy, don't resist."

Immortal Undead M2 differentiation ability "Death Summon", awakening the soul of the dead to fight for itself, the soul of the dead inherits 70% of the strength of the dead before death, and can be assisted and enhanced.

Bai Chunian was surrounded by four A3-level experimental bodies, including an immortal undead in the deterioration stage.

Bai Chunian observed the position of each of them from the corner of his eye, Xia Shilu's antlers suddenly flashed silver light, and a thick fog erupted, quickly sweeping the entire pharmaceutical factory.

"Tsk, come again." Bai Chunian couldn't see anything in the thick fog, and his hearing, which was usually superhuman, was weakened to an ordinary level.

But the vigilance of being a feline subject remains.

There was a slight wind blowing from behind, Bai Chunian turned around immediately, the raptor's sharp claws fell from the sky, Bai Chunian raised his forearm, his J1 ability bones were steel, and the strengthened forearm took down the raptor's two punches and jumped. He got up and spun around in the air, swept out with a swift and stern leg, and attached his skeleton to his calf. This heavy leg swept across the rib of the raptor, no less powerful than being hit by the solid wheel of a road roller. The dragon burst half a rib on the spot and was swept out.

Bai Chunian turned around vigilantly, and was meeting the little girl who etched cotton head-on. The rain of asbestos needles had been strengthened, and even Eris' ceramic body could not withstand the destruction of asbestos fibers, let alone Bai Chunian's flesh and blood. He has resisted the pervasive asbestos needles. Once asbestos penetrates his heart and lungs, it will inevitably destroy his body organs from the inside.

The smell of brandy pheromone spread from the back of Bai Chunian's neck. He put his left hand on his right arm and lowered his head to read his name silently.

Elimination could not act on objects who did not recognize his name, so Bai Chunian obliterated himself, a piece of glass rose up from his skin, covering all the pores, asbestos needles splashed down in the sky, but passed by Bai Chunian, Couldn't hurt him in the slightest.

Bai Chunian tore off the vitreous material from his body, and the vitreous material was ripped to the ground together with the flesh and blood, blood all over his body, flowing down his forearm, his thighs, and the sewage on the ground.

The blood loss caused Bai Chunian's face to quickly turn gray. He stumbled for several steps before barely standing up. The blood slowly stopped and began to heal inward from the edge of the wound.

"It's my turn..." Bai Chunian stretched out his left hand, and the Dead Sea Heart Rock collar was quickly melted by him, leaving a collar on his neck to continue to imprison, while a flowing spar was drawn in Bai Chunian's palm. It is long, cast into a long-handled sickle, and there seems to be flowing water inside the sickle.

Bai Chunian's eyes glowed with a dark blue light that was assimilated with Lan Bo, and his pupils expanded, almost filling the whites of his eyes.

The collar on his neck sensed that Bai Chunian's energy was overflowing, and it automatically locked tighter, and extended fine branches, forming a beast's mouth to lock Bai Chunian's sharp teeth and jaws.

Bai Chunian waved in the wind, and the thick fog was cut open by the Dead Sea Heart Scythe. The speed was comparable to that of beasts, making him unable to capture his shadow.

The closest to Bai Chunian, the raptor with the most obvious smell bears the brunt.

The velociraptor used the toughest dragon tail in its body to wrap around its body for resistance, and the scythe and the sharp blade that flew with the whistling wind swept across, the raptor suddenly fell into a dead silence, and the quiet waves were vaguely swept away in the ears. The sound of stagnant water flowing in the heart of the Dead Sea.

The Velociraptor's eyes widened, his upper body and lower body began to dislocate and were separated by smooth blood lines.

The sturdy dragon tail fell to the ground first, with a smooth cross-section, and it was cut with a knife, and then the broken upper body fell to the ground, making a limp fleshy sound.

The raptor fell into several pieces, fell to the ground, and the corpse turned into blue smoke and dissipated, and was recovered into the body of the immortal undead.

The summoned ghost is a one-time consumable, it disappears when killed, and cannot appear again.

Bai Chunian turned around and rushed towards Qimian. His speed was extremely fast, and he could only see a white lightning flash past. Qimian used his J1 ability to gently remove most of the power of the sickle, but his body was still cut out. A deep gap, the green smoke quickly scatters from the gap in the body, and merges into the body of the immortal undead.

Bai Chu Young fell to the ground, the cat walked silently, without making a single sound, while the Dead Sea Heart Scythe that he held tightly in his left hand fell heavily, the long handle fell to the ground, setting off a turbulent wind and waves, and the cement floor was centered on the sickle. It cracked, and the soil lifted several meters high, shattering the mirror under the feet of the immortal undead.

The immortal undead took a few steps back, and Bai Chunian suddenly rushed out of the white fog in front of him, the sickle swept across, and slashed in front of the immortal undead's throat.

The white cloth of the ghost was cut open by the sharp cold air, the white cloth fell to the ground, and the boy under the white cloth showed his true colors.

The Alpha boy was wearing a school uniform, and his forehead hair was long and scattered over his eyes, but he could vaguely see that his lower eyelids were bright red, in sharp contrast to his pale face, and a string of interlocking skeletons were tattooed on his throat and neck. The head doesn't match the school uniform on him.

Bai Chunian recognized him as the high school student in the photo of the missing person notice.

But this couldn't make Bai Chunian shake a bit, because he was holding a white and lustrous pearl in his hand, and the pearl exuded the smell of tea millet flowers similar to Rimbaud.

The eternal undead tilted his head to look at him, raised his lips and sneered: "Since you want to see him so much, I will let you see him."

The undead raised his hand, and the white cloth on the ground was summoned and flew back to his hand. He gently shook the dust on the white cloth and draped it on the pearl floating in front of him.

When Bai Chunian was able to grab the pearl with a finger's length away, the pearl under the white cloth vibrated and expanded and deformed under the white cloth.

Bai Chunian was stunned, and the immortal undead raised his jaw and looked at him with contempt: "My driving object, the undead cloak, how is it, surprise."

The pearl under the cloak of the undead lifted a corner of the white cloth, revealing a pure and innocent childish face. His eyes were dark blue, his pupils were slender, his hair and body were snow-white, crystal clear, and his legs were slender.

It's an albino stingray omega, a full mimic.

"How could it be..." Facing this young man who perfectly combined the characteristics of himself and Lan Bo, Bai Chunian didn't have the strength to hurt him at all. His lips were trembling, he couldn't say a word, and he kept backing away.

Omega stared at him strangely, rushed towards Bai Chunian, turned over lightly in the air, and swept towards Bai Chunian with a swift and powerful leg. Bai Chunian had nowhere to hide and could only carry it down.

But he never expected that this heavy kick could crack his bones from his forearm to his ribs, and the pain swept through his whole body.

Omega whispered softly with no expression on his face: "J1 ability, bone steel."

"No." Bai Chunian's eyelids were red, his eyes were bloodshot, his chest was constantly heaving, his breathing became extremely heavy, and his voice became choked up.

Omega raised his left hand, and the accumulated water after the rain quickly gathered in his palm, forming a transparent water-colored Tang knife, and stabbed Bai Chunian with the handles in both hands.

His M2 ability turned out to be hydrated steel.

Bai Chunian pressed the wound and quickly moved away, but the speed of the omega was one step faster than that of him who had consumed more than half of it. The hydrated steel blade sank deeply into Bai Chunian's abdomen, blood spurted out, and Bai Chunian was nailed by the tip of the knife. On the ground, a line of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

But he couldn't hold the Dead Sea Heart Scythe, couldn't shoot at him, he wanted to grit his teeth several times, but he couldn't do it. Blood seeped from Bai Chunian's pierced back to the ground, Bai Chunian felt extremely tired, closed his eyes several times, and then opened them helplessly.

Bai Chunian was too weak to control the mimicry. The lion's tail emerged from behind and fell to the ground feebly. The spar bell at the tip of the tail rang.

The omega was shocked, and the cold blue eyes became clear at a certain moment, and suddenly stood still, lowered his head in a daze, and stretched out his hand.

The collar on Bai Chunian's neck melted, and he was led by the omega into his hands. He held the small piece of Dead Sea Heart Rock and fell into deep thought.

Bai Chunian's state was already at the critical point of rampage, he suddenly lost the restraint of his mouth and collar, his pupils suddenly lost focus, the lion's ears stood up, his fangs stretched out, he suddenly turned over and stood up from the ground , the whites of his eyes are all covered in blue, and he looks like a beast out of control.

I only heard the loud sound of artillery fire and thunder in the distance, and the transparent quadruple rockets flew from a distance one after another. One hit the chest of the white devil fish, and the powerful hydrated steel cannonball pushed his body and flew dozens of meters away. Far.

The turbulent electromagnetic buzzing sounded, and Rimbaud landed suddenly, a wave of electromagnetic waves spread around him, and the trees were shaken by the middle.

Lan Bo nervously hugged Bai Chunian with lost eyes, put his palm on the wound on his lower abdomen to stop the bleeding, and kept kissing the side of his ear: "randi, I'm here, wake up."

Bai Chunian couldn't regain his sanity immediately, but under Lanbo's comfort, the energy in his body was still stable.

"Wake up, it'll be alright." Lan Bo caressed the hair of his darling, and glanced back at the omega boy whose aura was very similar to his own. The last warmth in his eyes gradually disappeared and was replaced by Rujue.

Today is also long, five thousand words

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